March 7 update, start of week!

Hi everyone, I’m Peter and I am doing the blog entry today. Ms. DeTerra was not here today because she was sick. Thanks to Mr. Lucarello for subbing in for her.

Here’s our day:

We started of our day by reading until the music from the speaker was over, remember, when you come in everyday, read the instructions on the board and take out a book to read.

Then we did MATH, which is our scale drawings. NOTE: Scale drawings are due on Wednesday. We worked on them until recess, if you need help doing them, check here, and go to the math section of our Articles of Interest.

It was inside recess because of rain. After that we had SILENT reading.

Later, we had our Lit Circle Meeting. When meeting, make sure everyone is participating and doing the right role. Make sure everyone contributes something to the discussion that shows they have read the book, and try to ask one another deeper questions that keep the conversation going. When we finished we started working on our activity for our next meeting, which is on Wednesday.

After that we had lunch, this time it was outside. After lunch, we had buddies, when we did math flashcards to help them with basic math facts. Our buddies were at Primary Days of Music until lunch.

Right after that we had P.E. where Vlad and Daniel did a lesson for the class on soccer. Thanks a lot for that fun lesson! Next lesson on Wednesday will be presented by Me(Peter) and Michael. What are we doing? Well, that’s a mystery.

At the end of the day we worked on drafting our narratives on an immigrant or explorer experience. They should be finished by the end of this week.

Try to answer these questions! If you can try do it for the whole week on the blog (responding to each update blog entry) that would be good:

  • Write your favorite part of the class
  • Write something you learned in the class
  • (optional) Share an article you saw that you liked
  • When will you do your P.E. lesson (Mondays and Wednesdays)? Pick a next date that has not been taken yet!

Have a good day, but bad news, it will probably rain tomorrow:(.


Social Media and Discussions TIP

Here’s some advice we have been discussing in class, and it applies to both social media conversation AND contributing to discussions or asking questions in class.

When you make a contribution to a discussion, ask yourself:

  1. Is it useful?
  2. Is it helpful?
  3. Is it interesting?
  4. Is it kind?

If you can’t say “yes” to all of those questions, then put yourself on “pause” and take a moment to reflect.

  1. Can you change the wording of what you are saying so it will be better received?
  2. Is there a better time or opportunity for what you want to say?
  3. Is this the right audience?
  4. Why am I saying this? To get attention, or to really contribute to the discussion?


March 1st Update

Hello Everyone!

Class Meeting:

We had some great discussion today as a whole class about the following:

  • Safety and appropriate behaviour when using google hangouts (Ms. D does not monitor any of those conversations, as this is not something we use as a classroom tool; however, please do come to me if you have any concerns.)
  • Zones of Regulation — Learning how to monitor our emotions as they change from Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green, and adding words to our vocabulary to describe our emotions to others
  • Field Trips — Please get parents to respond to the field trip survey
  • Easter Plans — Everyone is interested in doing some egg dying, crafts, and a pizza day for the class

Language Arts:

We finished Lemoncello!! There is a book two called Mr. Lemoncello’s Library Olympics, and we voted to check this one out from the library and do a read aloud during term three. Our new books to read for Literature Circles have been passed out, groups have been formed, and assignments have been given for our first Lit Circle Meeting on Thursday, March 3rd. Please take good care of your books, as you are responsible for replacement, just as with any library book.

Unit Work:

We continued our work on making a personal narrative related to immigration and/or explorers. Today, students brainstormed details for their story under Character and Setting. They had to answer these questions:

  • Who is your character based on? (historical fiction)
  • What is his/her name (if renamed)? (remember YOU are the character)
  • Where did he/she live?
  • Where did they go or where will they go?
  • What are the push/pull factors involved?
  • What is their description? (appearance, age, occupation, likes/dislikes, personality, etc.)
  • What was their homeland like? (Biome? City/Village? City vs rural? Water nearby? Farms?)
  • What is it about their homeland they will miss (on their journey or by leaving)?
  • What is it about their homeland they want to leave?
  • What is the place like where they will go?
  • What is their home (living place — house, town home, shack, etc.) like?
  • What is their transportation to the new place like? (airport, ship, train, etc.)
  • What is the first place they go when they arrive in the new place? (airport, Pier 21, a new city, border checkpoint, etc.)


Everyone received their white scroll paper to begin working on the floorplan/rendering of the building they have designed. Each group needs to use one side of the paper and fit both a footprint and a rendering on that one side. The footprint is the outline of the base of the building, and it marks entryways, elevator shafts, stairs, outside outline, etc. The rendering is a picture of the actual building in colour. The drawings need to be to scale. Typically, imperial is used, but you can also use metric if it is easier to do the conversions. Start with the size of the building in real life and then look for how you will represent that distance with a smaller measurement amount on the paper, just like we did for the classroom. For example, how much distance will 1cm equal on paper? There are example boards to view in class and articles about scale models under Math in Articles of Interest.

Have a good evening!!! 

For Parents — Google Hangouts

Dear Parents:

I hope this finds you well!

just wanted to take a quick moment to advise all of you that many students from our class are using Google Hangouts (a chat room through Google if you have gmail.) This is not something recommended or encouraged by me through our District tools, and it is unmonitored conversation occurring between students. Students are using their private gmail accounts for this and they are doing it after hours, while not at school.

I would recommend that you please check in with your child to ensure they are using this appropriately. While most conversation is no doubt friendly and positive, I think it would be a good idea to check in with them. Please also refer to my previous post on the blog about technology and safe social media practice.

I will also be addressing in class again the appropriate things that can be discussed online. While it is great to talk with people and have a chat online, it is not appropriate, for example, to talk about other people from class who are not part of the chat at the time.

Thank you for your help and support as we teach them to use their tech tools in appropriate and safe ways.

Kind Regards,

Ms. D

February 29th Update

Hi everyone! It’s Vlad here.

Writing Workshop: Today we talked about words that we could use instead of “said”, that could be more specific, as we practiced using quotations. We also did some work on the narrative about the immigrant we chose. We need to use dialogue with quotations in our writing. We also went over the elements of a good story and the story arch.

LA Reading: After recess, we read a lot of chapters in the Lemoncello book. We are almost done! We talked about our last reading power of TRANSFORM. Tomorrow we will finish and then start our lit circle books in small groups.

ART and PE:  After lunch, we drew some buildings from a certain perspective for art, and for PE, we did some physical exercise outside and played some trust games with partners.

ASSEMBLY:  We ended the day by going to a celebration of learning and see some presentations done by Division 1.

For homework:
1.Respond to the question coming up at the end of my blog entry
2.Do some work on the narrative, thinking about the story arch

1.Bring your library books tomorrow for library day!
2.Hot lunch forms due tomorrow

We also received a yellow newsletter today about what’s happening in March

The question: What are the 6 simple machines (the gear is not one of them)?

Have a good night everyone!

Reifel Bird Sanctuary and End of Term Two!

Hello Everyone!

Thank you to everyone for a great field trip today!

It was nice weather, the air was fresh, there were birds everywhere, and we had a great guide, Dan the resident biologist at the sanctuary. Many thanks to Candace, Fernando, Pin and Gary, our parents who accompanied us today. Thank you to all the students for great behaviour, as well. I really enjoyed being outside with you all today, and I was glad for the opportunity to share a special place with you, as it is one of my favourite places for relaxing outdoors in the Lower Mainland.


I have finished marking all the work for term 2 report cards. Many of you were responsible about keeping up with your assignments, but some of you are still working on turning things in and putting a name on papers without help from me. Next term, Ms. D will not go through assignment by assignment with you, so you will need to be more independent in order to receive marks and to check in with me yourself if you are wondering whether or not all work has been turned in.


There isn’t any homework for the weekend; however, you need to respond to this blog post using your Burnaby ID and answer these questions:

  1. What did you enjoy most from the field trip today? (full sentences, please)
  2. Name at least three birds you saw today (impress me if you saw and remember more than that!)
  3. Name three interesting facts about the bird sanctuary.
  4. Name something you learned related to animal migration.

Have a great, relaxing weekend!!!

Reifel Bird Sanctuary Trip Tomorrow!

IMPORTANT: Tomorrow we are going to Reifel Bird Sanctuary! Please be here at 8:50 AM on time for school so we can get organized and load on to the bus. You will need to bring:

  • Rain Jacket
  • Warm clothes in layers, in case it is cold or gets warm while you walk.
  • Waterproof shoes (boots, hikers, etc.)
  • Disposable snack and lunch. (no eating of snacks on the bus or on the trails, so we will snack when we get there)
  • A small pack (not your regular backpack, though, and nothing too heavy) to carry anything you bring.
  • Camera or binoculars

When we arrive, we will have snack and then go in for a 20 minute session inside the museum area they have there, so they can talk about migration of birds and the sanctuary. Afterwards, we will be walking around with a guide. Before we leave, we will have lunch. We should be back by 1PM for music and the rest of our day.

Remember, the birds and animals are in the sanctuary because it is a protected place.  You need to keep your voices down, not run around, and be quiet in order to fully enjoy the space. We talked about exploration and observation. Please use your listening and visual skills to get the most out of our walk together. Take some photos, but also spend time feeding the birds and just enjoying the walk. And listen to our guide, because he or she works at the sanctuary, and they are usually very good at spotting wildlife for you!

Go read some of the articles on The Reifel Bird Sanctuary Site

Also, if you have not turned in your PE lesson or Game Instructions, please finish them and bring to school tomorrow. Any work sent home, please bring it back signed as soon as possible.

Thank you and see you tomorrow morning!!

Wednesday February 24th Update

Hi Daniel here I will be writing the blog entry today.

Board Game-This morning we had some time to add the final touches to our board games and designed our rubrics in order to evaluate other people’s board games as we will play them in the near future.

Discussion on Bullying- We had a great discussion about the difference between being rude,mean and bullying e.g. rude:ignoring someone,sometimes not intentional; mean:hitting someone,intentionally; and bullying:mean but repetitive to one person or a group. It was “Pink Day” at school so we discussed this to better understand the word “bullying.”

Puppet Pals Presentations-We watched some people’s Puppet Pals presentations today and they were all wonderful! There were some great sound effects!

French Work:-We had some time today to finish up some French work (packets 1-4)These are due tomorrow and there will be some time tomorrow to finish.

Math Test-There was a math test today on angles,coordinates,finding area,circumference and perimeter on a circle and area and perimeter of rectangles. There were also some challenge problems for people who were advanced in math and had finished early on surface area and pythagorean theorem.

PE Lessons-Near the end of the day we had some time to finish up the plan for our PE lessons where we will demonstrate and teach skills to one another in groups.

Reminders-A reminder for the Reifel Bird Sanctuary field trip on Friday: Bring a camera (if you have one,not required), a rain jacket, snack, lunch (with a disposable bag), and some rain boots. The weather says cloudy, but no rain; however, it will be cold in the morning. Dress warmly!

Movie Night Tickets / Hot Lunch: Ticket orders are due Thursday; Hot Lunch orders are due Tuesday.

Have a good night!




Tuesday February 23rd Update

Hello guys! Today, I (Brian) am doing the blog post. Sorry about the confusion about who is doing what. Everyone who volenteered to do the post will be bumped forward one day. Thanks for understanding!

Exploration – This morning, we did Exploration #4 and #27. We did #4 in the morning, which was all about documenting the sounds we heard in our classroom. Later on in the afternoon, we went out to take a walk and found 10 different abstract art peices that weren’t meant to be there. Both involved observation and thinking skills practice!

Lemoncello Game – We had two periods of project time to work on our board game. The board game was due today. If for any reason you have not finished your game, you need to do it at home, and it should be turned in tomorrow. We also read three more chapters of the Lemoncello book and hope to finish soon!

Puppet Pals – Today, we finished their puppet pals and recorded them on our iPads. We also had a rubric we had to fill out. If you do not have this rubric, get it from Ms.D tomorrow. Your notes need to be turned in with it. Thank you!

Math – We will have a math assesment tomorrow, so please study! The quiz will have:

  • Angles
  • Coordinates and Mapping
  • Circles:
    • Finding Area
    • Finding Circumfrence
    • Findind Radius
  • Rectangles:
    • Perimeter
    • Area

You will be allowed to use a calculator for this test. You are all set if you can remember all the formulas and review your Skyscrapers Homework.

Also, unit quizzes were passed back today (unless you were absent and still finishing) and need to be signed.

Have a good day and this is the Tuesday Update!

Monday, February 22nd Update

Hello Everyone!

Tonight I will do the blog entry, and then we will get some volunteers to write for the next few nights, okay?

Today we had a great brass quintet concert as part of the Young People’s Concert Series, which took up most of our morning. We then had project, math and gym time throughout the day.

Puppet Pals: It really saves time when you are recording if you have practiced your script or storyboard out loud before doing it. Please do this at home. Reminder that you will need to turn in your notes, with sources, along with the rubric (I have copies on my desk) once you finish recording.

Game for Lemoncello: Hoping these are finished by end of day Tuesday. We had YPC today, so more time was given. Everyone had a bit of homework tonight for this, whether it was making some game pieces, cards, typing rules, etc.

Math Review: I gave a packet that was part review and part challenge. The first pages on circumference and area of circles, coordinates, and perimeter, were part of reviewing for the math quiz Wednesday. The latter portion on surface area, concentric circles, and finding out angles without a protractor are challenge pages. Please complete some review and two pages of practice.

Auditions Tomorrow! Be sure to bring your form and hopefully you signed up outside of Ms. H’s room

Pink Day Wednesday: Wear a pink shirt Wed!

Green Notice/Movie Night: Tickets must be purchased by Thursday, Feb. 25th.

Field Trip Friday: Look for that camera, rain clothes, warm stuff to wear in prep for our field trip on Friday. Please get here on time at 8:50 AM so we can be ready to go.

Have a good night!

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