Weekend Reminders September 9th!

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for a first great week!

On Thursday, we had our musical, community assembly with Ms. Hetrick, and many of our MACC students joined with their Suncrest community to provide the music for our whole-school dance. Thank you for volunteering, and you did a great job!

Ms. D also introduced this year’s Journals. We read the book An Interesting Thing Happened on the Way to School and everyone wrote an entry about a fantastical excuse they would have for being late to school. We also went over journal guidelines and Ms. D’s system of marking quick assignments (check plus, check, check minus). Journals should generally stay in the classroom, or if you take it home overnight, they should be returned to the box in the classroom. Next Friday, I will take a look at your entry and also assign a new topic, so it is important you have your journal in the box for me to find!

On Friday, we finished up our door decorations for the school-wide door decorating contest. We made an outside, shared book library, like the ones you can find in Vancouver and Burnaby. On our door is a bookcase, made by the students, as well as one book for each student designed with images of what they did over the summer. We toured the other doors throughout the school. Everyone did a great job!

We also had opportunities to meet with our buddies, playing pictionary races, and played a large, intermediate grades capture the flag game. We reviewed our essential agreements, which are to be finalized next week. And finally, we had our first “free choice” session, which happen every Friday depending on the schedule. These free choice times offer students down time to do a project, game, or activity of their choice. It is a great opportunity to form community in our class and to take some time to come down from all the activity in the week.

For MONDAY: Please make sure you bring any remaining supplies, your personal letter, and the signed copies of the parent questionnaire and social media form.

Also, we will be having our Terry Fox run on Friday, September 23rd, at 2PM. Starting Monday, September 12th, student reps will  be coming around to collect a loonie for Terry. We try to encourage each person in the school to bring at least a loonie so we can make a donation toward cancer research. Thank you for your support!

Reading Around the World will be handed out on Monday if you have brought a green duotang for me to put the papers in for the year. We will go over how the program is a bit different from last year when we have our class meeting together on Monday.

Our first PE class will be on Tuesday. We do not have a permanent gym schedule yet, but for Tuesday this week please have a gym strip shirt to change into.

Have a great weekend!

Ms. D

Welcome Back! Beginning of the 2016-17 School Year

Hello Everyone!

For those of you who are checking the blog, I thought I would put out a quick message to say hello and welcome back to all students! I hope you all had a relaxing summer and are ready to begin the new year.

Our first day is Tuesday, September 6th, and we have a short time together. We will start at 8:50 AM and then dismiss at 10:00 AM. Right at 10:00 AM I am going to teacher meetings, so if you need to meet with me, please email me or see me during my office hours, which begin on September 13th and will be every Tuesday from 3-4:30 PM.

The rest of the first week is the regular schedule, 8:50 AM – 3:00 PM.

The first day, no supplies are needed, although you can bring them in if you wish.

On Wednesday, please be on time, as we will have a school assembly right at 9 AM!

On Tuesday, I will be handing out more information and notices for all students and posting details of these on the blog under Notices and Forms.

See you all soon!

Ms. D

Last Blog Post — Happy Summer!!!

Dear Students and Parents:

Thank you for a great year – our first year of MACC at Suncrest Elementary!

Thank you for all of your support parents, including visits to the classroom, volunteering for field trips, and helping with projects at home. Without all of you, our MACC community of students would not have had the awesome year we did! So, thank you!

Thank you students for all of the great conversations, the splashing fun during dragon boating (yay Sea Tacos and Taco Cats!), and the excitement of taking DNA out of a strawberry at the Genome Science Centre. Thank you for your creativity during MACC Mall constructing products, while patiently creating Rube Goldberg devices, and when acting in our short readers’ theatre skits. Thank you for your enthusiasm during free choice activities, while working on our independent projects, and when participating in experiments and games.

It was amazing to watch you grow and learn this year. I hope you all take time to reflect on the year, to think about your goals for next year, and to recognize your strengths as a learner. I also hope you relax and spend time with family during the summer. Make sure you take time to recharge and refresh before another great year of MACC!

To those in grade four this year, I look forward to seeing you in my class next year! And to those in grade five, I know you are going to have a great time with Mr. Gaitens in grade six. As we are just next door, and as many of you will participate in Gaming Club next year or drama, and because we share computers almost every day, I am sure we will see one another frequently. I look forward to hearing about your learning next year.

Tomorrow, please join me for one last hour from 9-10 AM. We will hand out report cards, have some breakfast items together (everyone has signed up to bring a small thing to share), and say our goodbyes. A few of you still have certificates and canvases from our last project to pick up. Also, anyone who did not get to show me their poetry journal, I would like to see it before you go! See you tomorrow!

BTW, congratulations on all the great work you did for our independent project! It was amazing to read your notes, bibliographies, and primary research. And it was even more amazing to hear you talk confidently with our visitors about your area of passion. I have received some great feedback, and everyone did a fabulous job presenting!

All the best for a great summer!

From your teacher, Ms. D

Important Dates: The last stretch until end of school!

Good evening everyone!

Today we did some great work on our unit and projects. We did comparisons of different myths and stories about the moon, calling attention to the figurative language and literary elements used to describe the moon. Why are all cultures drawn to the moon in some way? What are the common ways we use to describe the moon? What are similes, metaphors, and personification – the tools we use to describe the moon? We created a T-chart of facts versus myths regarding the moon, as well. Finally, we watched National Geographic’s Moon Mysteries Revealed. See the link to the movie if you would like to watch the rest, as it is a long movie. We will be learning more moon, sun, and Earth information to participate in a class jeopardy game next week.

We also went over some important dates as we head into the end of school!

May 30    –Primary Research on Independent Project Identified and Started
-Talk together about how to present what you have learned
-MACC Mall Reflection, Rubric, Budget Should be submitted on paper or Google
-Explaining the Lava Lamp Bottle Experiment + Mini-myth should be done

May 31    Literature Circle Group Skits Presented (only for groups who had skits)

June 1     Dragon Boating Session #2, Leave at 9:45 AM

June 2     French Dialogue Presented (memorized, with expression, practiced)

June 3     No school, Pro-D Day at Suncrest

June 6     Research Completed on Independent Project (Notes and Bibliography due
no later than June 10)

June 7     Volunteer Tea in Afternoon (for everyone in our class who has volunteered to
drive, speak, accompany us on trips, dragon boat, etc.!)

June 8     Dragon Boating Session #3, Leave at 9:45 AM

June 9     Special Workshop with UBC’s Geering Up on Phenomenal Forces!
Quiz on Unit and Math Concepts

June 11/12   Maker Faire on Weekend 

June 16   Independent Project Due (Evaluate then whether we want to share them!)

June 17   Sports Day

June 20   Rocky Point Park in Port Moody — MACC 4/5 Summer Celebration!

June 21   MACC Orientation Night for new MACC students/parents only

June 27   Recognition Award Assembly at School

June 29   Report Cards Home; Last Day of School

Wow, only 22 days left of school!

Have a good weekend!

Ms. D

Awesome Job at Dragon Boating! Update for May 25th

Good afternoon everyone!

Great job today dragon boating! I hope everyone had fun and enjoyed our exercise in the beautiful outdoors of Burnaby Lake. Thank you to all of our parent drivers and participants. It was very fun listening to us chant, row, and work together to speed down the lake! If anyone took pictures, please feel free to share them with me in google drive, so I can include some on our blog.

When we returned, we had some time to work on independent projects. Some things to remember about your project:

  • You will need to turn in your project worksheet with the questions
  • You will need to document ALL resources used. We will format our bibliography at the end, but you know what you need to collect from resources. Please collect that information AS YOU GO.
  • You will need to show your notes, either in EverNote, Google Docs, or on paper.
  • Answer your questions on a separate sheet as you are researching.
  • You can change your questions as you go. Just make sure you have one in each category of question.
  • You need to have used an encyclopedia, a book, and internet sites (these are secondary resources.)
  • You need a primary resource (survey, interview, experiment, observations, etc.) that should be documented in notes or a lab report.
  • We will be doing a project to show what you have learned. Time to start thinking about what that might be!

We also continued our work on myths. These things should be done because time was given in class, but if not, please finish:

  • Venn Diagram comparing Pele vs Vulcan/Hephaestus
  • 2 paragraphs around why myths between cultures are very similar
  • Reading the cultural myth around the moon

We also did a science experiment! You were given the lava lamp bottle and an extra Alka Seltzer tablet to take home. Your assignment for Friday (and you will have time tomorrow to work on this):

  • Share the bottle with mom and dad. Explain and show how it works. If you don’t know why it works, then look it up!
  • And…..if someone didn’t know the science behind this experiment, then write a short myth that would explain it.

The final reflection and budget for MACC MALL are due on Friday. More time tomorrow in class if you need it.

Have a good night!

Ms. D

Update May 15th!

Hello Everyone,

As the musical is approaching quickly, please know that this week we have a bit of a changed schedule to do extra rehearsals!

All people who are in the cast, please bring costumes tomorrow morning. In the morning from 9-10:30 AM, we will be having a run-through with cast, Greek Chorus, and the instrument group for the first time.

Then, from 10:45 – 12:00, we will be running through the whole show with all of our class, along with all the other classes who are performing on Wednesday night, the 18th.

I will be giving you some independent work to do while you are waiting for your turn to go up on the stage; however, it is also a good idea to bring a book you would like to read for that time, as you will need to be quiet while waiting.

Thank you for your help in advance for tomorrow! It is going to be a busy, but fun, week as we head into the musical, finish our last unit, and begin a new one!

See you tomorrow,

Ms. D

May 9th Update!

Hello Everyone!

Just some quick reminders!

  • Musical Costumes:  Please make sure you have a costume ready for next week. Also, remember you need to be here from 6:30 – 8:30 on May 18, Wednesday.
  • Musical Tickets:  A green notice went home regarding tickets. Please get in orders by May 11.
  • Literature Circle Project: We are currently working on a project showing our understandings from the recent novel we read with a group. It is due May 12th end of day. A Lit Circle Project Rubric 2016 that applies to all forms of projects was passed out today.
  • Product for MACC Mall: We are working on our products for MACC Mall, which will be held on May 24th. A Selling My Product Rubric 2016 was passed out to everyone today.
  • Independent Project: Work on this is ongoing. Each student has their own topic. We are currently doing secondary research in class when we get time. Students are welcome to do research whenever they like. Please make sure you take notes from and record the source of any research you do!
  • Math:  In addition to students working with a budget for MACC Mall, we will continue to work with decimals percentages, interest, discounts, etc. On Wednesday, please bring an ad from a newspaper or magazine that uses percentages or discounts. Thank you!
  • End of Year Event?? — We have been asked by the MACC program at Capitol Hill, grades 4/5, if we would like to meet up on June 24th, Friday. We have two options. One is to just walk to Rumble Park next door to us, and then their class comes to us. Two is to go to Confederation Park water park and playground, which is a better place to enjoy for a larger group. We would need parent drivers. Please let me know asap if you are interested in helping for that day. I currently only have two volunteers.

Have a good night!!

Thank You for Student Leds & Weekend Reminders – April 29

Hello Everyone!

I told the students today I was very proud of how articulate they all were while describing their work to their parents during our student led conferences. You all did a great job!! Thank you to parents for coming to see our student work. Our Wonderings Board is now full of so many great questions!

We are now moving forward working on our product to sell for MACC Mall. As a reminder to students, this project does not involve buying new stuff from the store. You may use recyclables or nature items that do not involve hurting nature (sticks, rocks from the beach, etc.) Any other item you use outside of recyclables will cost you for your budget. The budget is $100, and today we talked about general costs that will apply to supplies you use in the classroom. You need to remember to budget funds for renting mall space, advertising, patent fees, a business license, and a fee to the MACC Safety Committee that will determine your product is safe for use by children. Please work on your idea over the weekend.

We are also moving forward with our Literature Circle Final Project. I provided students with a list of project ideas. They can work individually or with their whole group. Ideally, you are working with a group only if you chose the skit/drama option. Please have your idea in mind for Monday so we can get started.

Dragon Boating forms and money were due today. Most people have paid, but a few still need to get in their forms. Thank you to Gary, Sylvia’s Dad, and Candace, Michael’s Mom, who will be our steerers for the two boats we will be using. We are traveling in parent vehicles and my own — all parent drivers need to have an insurance waiver form from Suncrest on file. Please bring these in as soon as possible.

Math — Compound Interest: Please finish this worksheet so we can go over it and continue our talk about bank accounts and how they work on Monday.


  • Caribou Test:  Next week on May 4 and 5
  • Abel/Gauss Testing at School:  May 11
  • Dragon Boating:  May 25, June 1, June 8
  • School Musical: Our night is May 18, Wednesday (cast, crew, Greek Chorus are both nights on May 18 and 19)
  • No School on May 13 for Curriculum Day

Have a good weekend!

Genetics Lab Tomorrow! & Other News April 21st

Hello Everyone!

Tomorrow please be here at 8:45 AM on time to leave for the BC Cancer Agency Genetics Lab via bus. Sophia’s and Naomi’s parents will be joining us, thank you! We will be done at 12:00 – 12:15 PM, then return to school, have a quick lunch, and go to music class at 1PM. Please bring a snack, water bottle, and lunch. You also need closed-toe shoes as we will be in a lab setting.

Our DRAGON BOATING TRIP was approved by the School Board May 25th 9:45-11:45, June 1 9:45-11:45, and June 8 9:45-12:15. Cost is $25, due on April 29th along with the forms. A hard copy of the notice goes home tomorrow, but here is the Dragon Boating Parent Notice MACC and Required Insurance Form Dragon Boating. All students must pay $25 to participate, even if they already plan to not be here for one session, as the payment is based on overall numbers for staffing at the Burnaby Canoe and Kayak Club.

Dragon Boat DRIVERS who told me they could drive need to reconfirm the dates, let me know how many students in the back seats you can take, and then fill out a driver’s form from the office.

Student Led Conferences times on April 28th have been confirmed via your child’s agenda. When you show up, please understand it is an open house setting with multiple people participating. There will be stations, snacks, and a community feeling as your child leads you in some activities and shows a bit of their work. At this time, only students with their parents will be allowed to be in the main classroom space due to the number of people that signed up.

Geology!: If anyone wants to see the PowerPoint we discussed today about BC Geology, you can view it here.

Other Items!

  • ROCKS: Look up the rocks on the list for our rock ID lab, which will be on Wed. Also, read the Rock Cycle handout and see if you have questions.
  • GOVT LEADERS: Please fill in the names of your government leaders! Due Wed.
  • SCALE MODEL: We will have time for painting tomorrow, but if any more work needs to be done, make arrangements with your partner so it is done for Thursday.
  • NO SCHOOL on April 25th and 26th
  • EARLY DISMISSAL on April 28th and 29th at 2PM
  • NO SCHOOL on May 13th
  • MUSICAL on May 18th/19th (our night is the 18th)

April 14th Update

Hello Everyone,

Today we talked about rocks and minerals, looking at more local, BC rock samples from Eastern Vancouver Island and Pender Island, Gowland Point, and deciding if they were sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous rock. On Monday, we will talk about our lab to test the characteristics of rocks.

We worked on our household budgets using Excel and almost everyone has finished. On Monday, everyone can google drive the documents to me. We also had our last Lit Circle meeting! Our next step with our books is a mini project —  more details to come!

Last thing we did was finish our maps on resources of the world, and we also discussed Fair Trade, watching a quick animation from The Economist called Fair Trade (scroll down to see the video link in the middle of the web page.) 

Tonight’s agenda:

  • Student Led Conferences will be an open house going from 2-4 PM and 5-7 PM on April 28th. A notice will be coming soon with details for you about this, but it will be student led, and the MACC students are planning out a list of things they will show you during your time here. You may show up at any time, and there will be multiple groups here at a time, with Ms. D here for any guidance needed.
  • Dragon Boating has been approved by the Board! Now I need to get a lot of logistics sorted out. Please mark May 25th, June 1, and June 8 as our dates. More information to come later.
  • Article: Please post a link to an article on trade or economy that you find on the web in response to this blog entry. Or, you can cut an article out of the newspaper and bring it on Monday.
  • Lit Circle: Our meetings are finished, so make sure you have turned in all lit circle assignments. Some of you have items overdue. I will be passing these back to you either today or on Monday.


Thank you and have a good evening!

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