Three Weeks Until Break?? Wow, Time Has Flown! November 28th

Hello Everyone!

Fourteen more days until holiday break! Wow, the time has truly flown!

  • Tonight, please look for bottle caps for our projects. I look forward to our many art and building mini projects that will fill our classroom tree!
  • Please finish your structures research. Your Power Point presentation is due end of day Friday. Power Points should be done in class only.
  • We will continue French Dialogues tomorrow. 
  • Thank you for your work on chemistry science stations related to solutions, density, and states of matter today!
  • The unit is ending before the break, so our quiz will be at the end of next week.
  • Ms. D has been busy preparing marks for first-term report cards, which will be given out Dec. 14th.

As we come up to report cards, there are some things we should remember:

It is important all marked work has been shown to Mom and Dad, so there are no surprises when the report card comes! Thank you to parents for signing the work and going over it at home. Make sure all work returns to your portfolio binder.

Remember marked work is summative. I don’t give out marks on every piece of work, because the marks come from end-of-unit work, when the student is showing what they know after the learning is over. The remainder of our work is formative, meaning it is about checking in with the student during the units. These daily assignments are also important, but they are marked with checks, as they are more about completion and receiving feedback than getting everything “right.” 

Report card marks come from more than one place. The marks in each subject are the result of marked work, completion and submission of daily assignments, the student’s participation in learning activities that don’t have a “markable” worksheet to go with them, as well as use of the learner profile (being a good communicator, risk-taker, principled, etc.). When thinking about marks, please go back to the Overall Participation Rubric 2016

Try to focus less on marks and more on growth! Some students get very nervous about marks. It is one of the reasons I try to have less, daily emphasis on them. We also have some perfectionists in our group who, even though they do well, focus only on the one question they missed, rather than celebrating what they do know. Please try to have conversations around reports that involve reading the comments as opposed to looking at the letter marks, because I think that is more helpful. Look for ways to grow, such as making sure work is organized, adding more detail to assignments, reading criteria, and ensuring everything gets turned in. Instead of saying, “I’m no good at that,” try to say, “I have room to grow in that area, and here is how I will try to grow.”

Letter Marks: Remember in grade three, you didn’t have letter marks, you had words. It can help to translate this way: exceeding expectations (A level), fully meeting (B level), meeting (C+ level) and not yet meeting (C/C-). Ask yourself, if you looked at your grade three report cards, would you have had straight A’s if you did this translation? A “C+” is still meeting expectations, and it is not a bad mark. When you see your marks, you may want to make goals to do better, and that is okay, but it is not okay to beat yourself up, because getting an “A” or a “B” is not meant to always be easy. Remember also that these marks are only for grade four and five — they are practice marks for the future!

We will talk about this in class again, and I hope these notes help for having some conversations at home, too. I will be talking to each student one-on-one about what will be coming on reports, so they feel more comfortable when the actual document goes home, too.

Have a great evening!

Ms. D

Update November 22nd, Tuesday

Hello Everyone,

I will keep this short, as I am working on report cards this week!

Soon I hope to post some great photos of our structure destruction which began today. We have a few more to go, as some groups still need some more time to build. I hope everyone found it fun to see how much weight their towers could hold!

Everyone is working well on their structure research, using a variety of resources. I helped many people today find additional websites and/or books in the classroom about their topics. If you need help, please ask. We are hoping that by Thursday, some people will have enough research to begin their Power Points.

French Dialogues are coming along, and we will present them on Thursday (change in day.) We went over the criteria for the dialogue together, and tomorrow I will give you a copy of the rubric. Thank you for your creativity today while working in these! Also, remember to avoid Google Translate.

Math Packet # 3 Quiz is Thursday. I am handing back #2 quiz tomorrow along with your packets. Let me know if you have questions as we prepare for the quiz.

Looking for X-Mas Ornament Ideas! If you have any fun, easy ideas of things we can make, let Ms. D know. Also, I am looking for bottle caps and corks. If you have any at home, please bring them in!

Thank you again to the parents who helped us with the Science World field trip!

Have a great night! Stay dry!

Ms. D

Reminders for Thursday, November 17th – Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hi Everyone!

Reminders for tonight:

  • Field Trip Tomorrow: You might want to read some of the nano articles found under the articles of interest under Structures, such as the Nanooze Magazine from Cornell University. Please do not bring valuables. Bring a lunch, water, and a snack. Bring a light jacket and very little else! No, sorry, there won’t be time to get White Spot, so please bring a lunch. We leave promptly at 9AM. Thank you to Michael’s Mom, Vaughn’s Mom, and Patricia’s Dad for accompanying us this time.
  • French for French Immersion Students: Continue to brainstorm your dialogue, in which you are pretending to arrive at a country that is not France for a two week vacation, and you meet a friend on the plane. You may need to do some research on your country and city so you have real things to talk about! Thank you for your great work today in partner groups. Due Wednesday for presentation. 
  • French for Beginners: Review Je French 3. Next Wednesday you will get a quick quiz with the nouns from that lesson listed, and you have to fill in the articles “a” or “the” — so you need to know the difference between the masculine (m) and the feminine (f) forms. You do not need to memorize the nouns. On Monday, you will get more time to work with your partner on your very brief dialogue that reviews what we have done so far. You can find additional words to say at BBC Primary Languages. Pronunciation is key, so practice phrases aloud.
  • Research: We will be getting class time for research, but you may want to look for book and internet resources on your own. The project description is found here. We will be working on this most of next week. If you want to use World Book Online at home, remember you just need the password. If you missed writing it down today, make sure you do that tomorrow.
  • Math Packet 2 Quiz Monday
  • Holiday Party: The student holiday party committee made a notice to send out to everyone today. Please return as soon as you can. When they are talking about donations, they mean only $2, which we talked about in class. Don’t donate if you are bringing something else to the party from the list. Thank you to the students for independently organizing this notice and the party, which is great leadership!

Thank you, everyone!

Great job today on speeches! October 26th

Great job today on speeches! Just a reminder about a few things.

Lost your rubric for Stop Motion?   Here it is: Human Rights Stop Motion. Fill it out with a highlighter and tell me what mark you think you should receive before I mark them and give my comments.

Not done with your Stop Motion?   You will have one block of time tomorrow to finish up. If anyone is doing audio, please think about whether you have a script to work from, as that is something you can do at home, too.

Do I have to turn in notes for Stop Motion?  Yes.

Last day for the BOOK FAIR?  Tomorrow

What do I do with work that has a letter mark on it? Take it home; get it signed.

Have a great night!!!

Ms. D


Update for Monday, October 24th

Hello Everyone!

Some notes from today!

  • Everyone is working very well on their stop motion projects! So much so that our new deadline is end of day Wednesday, October 26th.
  • Book Fair is all this week until Thursday! Come by after school from 3-4 PM.
  • Math Genius Forms (for those who chose to participate — it is an optional school activity) are due Friday for prize draw.
  • We talked about our speech jar today and wrote a funny paragraph together about Mondays. See the blog entry on this topic. Your first speech is on Wednesday, October 26th. You will have time in class to work on your paragraph tomorrow.
  • Applied Math (the Fly A Jet Fighter series) through page 13 should be worked on at home if you haven’t yet finished.
  • French quizzes were today! Please get them signed.

Have a great afternoon!

Ms.  D

Update Monday October 18th – Important Notes

Hello Everyone,

  1. Use the “French Time” blog entry to practice French at home and to do the French questions, which can be completed during French time tomorrow. You don’t have to do the questions at home.
  2. We are done with the instructional stop motion videos. If yours is not done, please talk to me tomorrow about your plan to finish.
  3. When we do projects, keeping track of your rubric is important and is part of your mark. If you lost the rubric for our first stop motion project, please see Instructional Video Rubric. Please print and fill out. They were due at end of day today. Here is the example we did together in class, with highlighting and notes Ms. D did on the board: Rubric Example
  4. Do research tonight for your human rights project. Remember you are turning in your notes. Use the previous entry on Innovation, Invention and Campaigns for help on both human rights and stop motion.

Thank you,

Ms. D

Update October 11th!

Hello Everyone,

–Read about human rights (like you were this afternoon for research).
–No photo day on Thursday (postponed until October 20th.)
–If you make comments on the blog, use your new username/email given today!

Today we read more about human rights and action. Many of us shared the articles we brought in using the blog. Please see our comments and articles on this page. I encourage you all to read some of the articles your peers brought in.

Several of you found articles about inventions, talking about inventing things that have helped people improve their quality of life. By improving quality of life, we also help improve overall human rights.

This afternoon, you had a chance to begin doing some research. Choose a country and begin to see what kinds of human rights problems are out there on the Amnesty International web page, or at Human Rights Watch World Report. Or, if you like, choose a particular issue, such as child labour, and research it further. Tomorrow, I will give more time in class. This is your opportunity to choose an area of further research that is of interest to YOU.

Thank you for your great work on our Banyan Tree art! We discussed colour theory, including complementary and analogous colours. If you didn’t finish, that is okay, we will have more time again. Quality art is more important than rushing things, and I think the art will make a beautiful addition to our room.

We will have two more sessions of karate focusing on self defence, just like today, as part of our PE program this week. Thank you for your participation in this program!

I hope you have a great evening. Come ready to work tomorrow, as we have lots to do!

Ms. D

October 5th Update, Wednesday

Hello Everyone,

MOA Field Trip Tomorrow, please arrive at 8:50 AM on time, bagged lunch/snack
WOW Letter D Words due on Friday
No LIBRARY due to field trip
Balloon Car Race Friday
Have you turned in your green karate form?

Today we had a great mini-debate about the pros and cons of the Site C Dam, and I was very impressed with the way students were thinking and debating the issues! We also discussed how human rights are affected by quality of life and made a list together of what affects quality of life in different countries, such as wealth, access to clean water, pollution, transportation, education, and more. We read stories of children from around the world and evaluated their quality of life. Most everyone finished these two evaluations in class and turned them in to the INBOX. If you did not get them done, you will have some time on Friday morning.

We also experimented with Stop Motion Video today! We will be using this tool on our project for the unit. Here are the steps we will follow for doing our unit end project. We are not quite done with the unit and still have more learning to do about solar energy, inventions, and action, but we will be working up to our end project slowly, and I hope it will be fun!:

  • Experiment with Stop Motion (done today)
  • Make a mini Stop Motion instructional video on something we feel we are an expert at (such as “I am an expert at how to make origami”) Criteria and a rubric will be provided for this, as it will be marked.
  • Do research on a human rights issue of choice and ways people are taking action to address it with ideas or inventions
  • Present the research in a creative stop motion video

I hope everyone enjoys the field trip tomorrow as we learn more about potlatch, given we have been talking about First Nations and their rights in the context of human rights throughout the world.

Have a great night!

Ms. D

Happy Friday! Update Sept. 29

Hello Everyone,

We had a great day today with our opening Celebration of Learning, music, library time, and science, which consisted of balloon and marble racing to learn about energy transfer and the forces involved in flight.

No school tomorrow. Agenda for today:

  • WOW for the Letter C due on Monday
  • Tuning In articles due on Tuesday
  • For MONDAY, please gather materials for your balloon racer. You don’t need to actually make it. I will supply the balloons for Monday and we will assemble the cars then. This weekend just begin to make a plan and gather cardboard or materials for wheels to bring to school. Please do not use toys of any kind. Recyclables are best!
  • For MONDAY also please finish reading the Flight article and highlight. Remember, some of the reading is tough, so the main thing is to get the key ideas. Use the figures to help you understand concepts related to forces, energy and flight.

Also, if you have not returned the YPC or Field Trip Payments, please get them in as soon as possible.

If anyone has any questions, please let me know!

Have a good weekend,

Ms. D

Applied and Independent Math Time

Hello Everyone!

Today, we began some concrete math work, so I thought I would explain what we are doing!

Independent Math: We will spend approximately 1-2, 30 minute class periods per week, depending on our schedule, on independent math. Independent math means every person is working at different levels, although there are also opportunities to work together with individuals who are learning from similar material. We will work with Math Makes Sense. The textbooks are not quite available for all levels yet, so we have not started. Sometimes Math Makes Sense may not have what we need to review a concept, so students may also work from math websites listed on Articles of Interest or other challenge problems I give them.

Applied Math: I believe math does not just involve computational skills. It also involves critical thinking, problem solving, math language/vocabulary, the use of tools, and collaboration. During Applied Math, students will work on the same material, and we will do our best to connect it with concepts covered in our large unit. We will do projects and work with You Do the Math books that allow us to connect math with real life. Students received their first packet today from the FLIGHT book, as we can discuss a myriad of math topics related to being a pilot, which is related to our unit conversations about force and energy. They do their work and write answers on lined paper. Most of this can be done in class, but they may sometimes have some to take home. The “What About This” questions are more challenging and may require looking up things on an iPad or doing advanced thinking. The questions are designed to be a stretch. Students should always just do their best and bring any questions to our discussions together.

Whether doing independent or applied math, make sure you keep all your papers in the red math binder.

Thank you,

Ms. D

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