Update September 11th: Beginning a new unit!

Hello Everyone!


As mentioned in my beginning of year information, we will approach the curriculum with larger, trans-disciplinary, conceptual-based units that allow us to not only touch upon all requirements for grade 4/5, but also allow us to pursue depth and complexity in the subject areas.


Each unit has a unit focus statement to organize the BIG IDEAS we are learning. Our first unit is called BODY WORKS, and the statement is: 

Our personal choices play a role in the interconnected system of the human body.

During the unit, we will talk about these areas which will touch upon areas of the curriculum in Science, Socials, PE/Health, Math, Career Education, Language Arts, and French:

  • The systems of the body and how they work together
  • Diseases and how they impact our community
  • How the body defends itself against disease
  • The factors and strategies that contribute to healthy immunity and well-being
  • Crunching Data: How we gather and analyze data to tell us information we need to stay healthy
  • How art and mindfulness practices are related to mental and physical well being
  • Beginning French & French words for the human body


Today we introduced the unit and how it will work. Students did a pre-assessment activity to see what they already know about the human body by drawing life-size posters of classmates and seeing what parts of the body systems they could identify without looking at books or the web. We have some entertaining posters in the classroom! 🙂

We also began working with our composition notebooks, which will serve throughout the year as a place to reflect, to put down notes about the unit, to do brainstorms, and to record our thinking. These notebooks will go home every night, but should be brought back with you every day. Everyone had to create a cover page, and for tonight, finish a HUMAN BODY brainstorm. Please fill page 2 with all words you can think of related to the human body!

Tomorrow, we will continue our talk about the body systems!


As part of their Language Arts Reading marks, students are required to do 20 minutes of reading a night. If they choose, they can participate in the Reading Around the World program. They were given a green duotang today with the information about the program, including a letter explaining how it works. Here are some highlights:

  • There is a book listed in your packet for each country of the world, organized into six continent groups.
  • Sometimes there is a specific book to read, but many times it will say “any book” — it really is any book! Not necessarily anything to do with the country name next to the prompt.
  • As you finish books, you can write them on the list or record them on a piece of notebook paper. Parents can initial to say it was completed.
  • If you are not allowed to read a certain book or have absolutely NO interest in reading the book suggested, tell me another book you would like to use to replace it. I am flexible.
  • Finish a continent, receive a prize, recognition on the blog, and a post-it on the wall calendar in my room.
  • Finish all the continents, then get a free lunch with Ms. D in late June.


  • Do the brainstorm in your composition book for tonight. If you don’t have a composition book, please get one soon.
  • Thank you to everyone for turning in the parent questionnaires! They are all in!
  • Thank you to everyone who brought supplies! We really appreciate it!
  • First gym class tomorrow, so be sure to bring runners you can move in AND a water bottle so we don’t have to stop and keep going out for water in the hallway.
  • Parent Conferences Sept. 20/21: Save the date! Notice to come soon!
  • Field Trip on September 28th: Save the date! We are going all day with Ms. Geddes class (the other MACC 4/5 class in North Burnaby) to Science World to study the human body. Notice to come soon!

Have a great night!

Ms. D

Reminder: Independent Project Presentation Tomorrow 12-2 PM

Hello Everyone!

Reminder that the Independent Project Presentation is tomorrow, June 23rd, Friday, from 12-2 PM in our classroom.

Please note that the emphasis for the projects is the research process, not necessarily the final product, so it will help to ask students about how they found their information.

Students need to have a printed bibliography. If you haven’t printed one, please do it in the morning.

If anyone has a handout still, then I can try to do last-minute copying at recess.

Lunch will be at 11:20 so we will be ready to go at Noon.

On Monday, we will be doing a sharing of projects with the 6/7 MACC class, as they are away tomorrow, and many students from our class missed seeing the science fair today as they finished up last-minute details on their projects. We will do this on Monday afternoon. Please leave all projects at school on Friday.

Blue and red binders have been sent home. If anyone is going to be absent next week, please send an email to Ms. D. Thank you!

Have a great evening and all the best for tomorrow! 🙂


Independent Projects and Other Work

Hello all,

Thank you to those of you who submitted your work by the deadline. Well done! Kaloo Kalay!  ðŸ™‚

Please check your g-drive to see if your work went through. Some of you did not give permission to view your files, so I sent you a message asking for permission. I will let you know which projects I was able to see tomorrow.

I know you had a band interruption today, but everyone should still be able to complete what they need to by Wednesday. I will give you as much time as possible tomorrow, with iPads in the morning and laptops in the afternoon.

There are many of you who haven’t submitted your independent project items. I am not going to hunt you down, so it is up to you. You have had enough time to get the beginning parts done of bibliography, notes, Q&A, and primary research. If you don’t have it done by Wednesday, this affects your science, socials, and LA marks.

Same goes for Disasters and French presentations, which we hope to finish tomorrow.

Thank you everyone!

Ms. D


Monday, June 12th Update – Submit Independent Project Stuff!

Hello Everyone,

Priorities for tomorrow:

  1. Submit independent project bibliography, notes, primary research, and Q&A. Use this link to provide a copy to Ms. D  It is due end of day Monday, June 12th.
  2. Finish Math Units — I have photocopied more tests for you. If you were working from the marking booklets before, please use a photocopy now. If your booklet or test is not there, then do not do those units. Units counted for report card are due June 14th, Wednesday.
  3. Finish and edit your report card reflection on the e-port. Must be done by Wednesday June 14th.
  4. Begin Mask Poem — Instructions to come tomorrow on how to do this and a rough, rough draft should be done for Wednesday EOD. But, priorities 1-3 are more important if you haven’t finished them yet.
  5. Work on Independent Project Presentation. Make a list, at least, of what supplies you may need from me to help you finish. Post information about your primary research or what you have learned in your Q&A on your e-port for Mom and Dad to see.

Thank you and have a good Monday!

Ms. D

End of Year Projects Q&A — June 8th

Hello everyone! Sports Day tomorrow, with 1:30 PM dismissal! Don’t forget to wear your colours, sunscreen, hat, etc. and bring water and snacks! The school also has a new phone number posted on the school’s website!

Here is a Q&A to help as we get down to the last-minute details of the final weeks!

When is the self-reflection for report cards that we put on the E-Portfolio due?

Please finish self-reflections, edit, and add detail before Wednesday June 14th.

When will we do the BOB Competition?

Originally it was for June 12th, but we are going to re-schedule to give you more time to work, as many of you will need it given how you say you are doing to present. So, we will have the BOB competition on Friday, June 16th. Please make sure you have read a minimum four books by Wednesday, though, so I can document your reading.

Where do I submit my Independent Project stuff?

Your typed bibliography, questions and answers, primary research notes, and any research that you have in digital format should be submitted to this link. Please put your name on the files. Make sure you give Ms. D permission to view. Let me know you have posted it. 

What HAS to be typed up for the independent project?

Your bibliography, questions and answers, and primary research interviews/labs/observations need to be typed. If you don’t have your notes typed, that is okay, but make sure they go in the INBOX.

When is the independent project due?

Independent project bibliography, questions and answers, primary research, and notes are due by end of day Monday, June 12th. Presentation due Friday, June 23rd.

Can I start working on my presentation for the independent project?

You bet! As soon as you have submitted the items due June 12th, then go for it! Make sure you tell Ms. D what your presentation format will be. If you need supplies, please let me know. 

When is the independent project presentation?

June 23rd, Friday, 12:00 – 2:00 PM. Parents and family, members of our community, and some administrators will attend at some point during that time.

Will I get more class time?

Yes! We will focus on independent project presentation prep, finishing math, and our masks project over the next two weeks. You will have time Mon-Fri the week of June 12th, and then Monday, Wednesday, Thursday the week of June 19th. Some time may have to be spent at home if you don’t use class time well, though.

What if I have a handout or brochure I want to pass out to people at the presentation?

Fantastic! Can you make sure to get it to Ms. D by Thursday morning June 22nd so I can photocopy it for you? Otherwise it may not be ready for the Friday presentation.

Can I have more than one type of presentation format?

You can do it any way you want, but be realistic. You only have so much time. For example, if you are planning a comic, keep it simple as that is a lot of drawing. If you are planning a website, keep it simple as it takes a lot of time. Please make good decisions.

What needs to be on my E-Portfolio?

You should be putting some notes, thoughts, reflections, and/or pictures about your independent project on the e-port. Thank you to everyone who has already! You also need to document your mask process, so make sure to take pictures and describe what we are doing!

When we will continue working on masks?

Tuesday: Finish sanding and paint base coat. Wednesday-Friday: some time to do painting. Tuesday June 21st fit masks on and begin to wrap it up! 

When are all math tests due?

Whatever you finish by Wed. June 14th is what I will use for report cards; however, you are welcome to continue if you like. 

When will we finish presentations for Disasters and French?

No problem. We are almost done with Disasters and will do four more presentations on Tuesday June 13th. Then we will do French and hopefully finish by EOD Wednesday.

What are we doing for our end of year party?

On June 28th, we will have ice cream sundaes and playing games. Everyone has volunteered to bring things. We have also decided to work on MACCadia and other free-choice activities the last week. Please have a swimsuit/towel handy in case we need a water park break.

When do we get certificates?

At the Recognition Assembly on Tuesday, June 27th, 9:15 AM. Parents can attend. 
Grade 7 Leaving Assembly is Wednesday, June 28th, 9:15 AM.

When do we get report cards?

June 29th on the last day of school. Please only come 9-10 AM.

And if I have more questions?

Put them in the comments and I will answer!

🙂  Ms. D


Getting Beyond the Poster and Trifold….

Hello Everyone!

Tonight’s tasks: Finish your report card reflection, work on Math if you need to, remember to bring any library books you still have, and dress in red for tomorrow’s Sports Day Spirit Colour. Get any French quizzes and Math Tests completed signed by Mom and Dad.

Independent Project — Time to Think About Presentations:  

Many of you are starting to finish up your research. Reminder that your questions, answers to the questions, bibliography, notes, and primary research are all due on June 12th, Monday.

Start thinking about how you will present, as the key thing we will work on for the next two weeks is your presentation! Remember our student-led conferences? We talked about what made that interesting, and the key word is: INTERACTIVE. When guests are walking around and talking to you and your classmates, they will probably not read an entire essay or watch a whole PowerPoint. They want to hear from you!

So, think of all the interactive ways you could display your information! I know we all feel comfortable doing posters, trifolds, and PowerPoints, but there are other options to consider. Remember that the best learning happens when you step outside of your comfort zone a bit and do something different!

Here are some ideas you talked about in class, and each of these can be used to display the awesome information you found and serve as a talking point for you!:

  • Diagrams, Charts, and Graphs
  • Website
  • Comic
  • Puppet Show
  • Song (recorded and then have earphones for people to listen to it)
  • Drama Skit or Dance (videotaped or in person)
  • Diorama or a Model (in a box, on a cardboard platform, with clay, out of paper, using toys, etc.)
  • Doing an Experiment, live, so people can see it!
  • Making a game people can play (like a marble maze that can be played, but involves learning about your topic OR a handout that has a game people can play to find out more information.)
  • Having things people can touch and/or sample
  • Brochures and Handouts (Ms. D can photocopy, you just have to make one and then fold the photocopies!)
  • Stop Motion Video using iPad
  • Book Creator Brochure on iPad
  • Puppet Pals Presentation on iPad
  • Having something people can build or do at your station
  • iMovie
  • Art (Painting, Drawings, Sculptures, Poetry)
  • Business Cards to hand out (with the address for your website, or some key facts you learned)
  • Decorative items for your station related to your topic (a sign, brochures you found while you did research, a plant, toys from home)

Along with your presentation, your station will have a white cardboard label with your name and topic, and you will need a printed copy of your bibliography where people can see it. It can be a good idea to print it out then glue it to a colourful piece of paper.

June 9th SPORTS DAY! Don’t forget to wear sunscreen and bring lots of water for Sports Day on Friday!

Thank you,

Ms. D

Update Monday June 5th!

Hello Everyone!

Well, I hope you had a lovely weekend! Mine was full of dance shows, preparing for end of year, and looking at my calendar with all of its colourful dates like rainbow freckles all over the month of June! We still have quite a few things to do…..

So, here are some updates and reminders for you to stay on track, okay?

Environmental Disasters Presentation: Did you submit your presentation, notes, and bibliography to me via the link? Thank you! Now, be ready to present at some point during the week.

French Weather Report and Quiz: Did you submit your presentation via the link? Thank you! Now, be ready to present it at some point this week. We will have our French Quiz tomorrow.

Masks:  They are looking great! Monday: Continued Construction, Tuesday: Spackle, Wednesday: Sanding and base coat, Thursday: Begin Painting. We will also be writing a poem that allows our mask character to come to life, and we started this thinking in class last week. Think about what you want your character to say!

Microscopes: We have the microscopes all this coming week, so if you want to investigate with them, they are still available and will be out to use.

Sports Day: On June 9th. Blue Team wear blue tomorrow!!! Other colour teams will be each day this week, so find out your day!

Fake News: You received a handout which was a checklist to follow when reading the news. Is it fake news or not? Your task for the weekend was to find an article and try the checklist on it. 

Independent Project: I am giving more time for you to finish your notes, research, and bibliography. Have everything done by June 12th. If you are already done, then you can begin working on how you will present your information. We will talk together in class again about the best ways to present, but start to think now about what format you think would be best for you. Presentations are June 23rd, Friday, 12-2 PM.

Math: We will be doing Pickle Math during the week, and you need to finish up at least two units of math by June 12th. (I extended the date.) BTW, if anyone participated in the Gauss or Abel and had high scores for the District, I reported these to you and they are posted on the math website for the District. Congrats to Kane, Jay, Matthew, Michael, and James who all had mentions on the website for top scores District-wide. At our Recognition Assembly the last week of June, we will give out participation certificates and special recognition to those in the top 25% at our school!

BOB: Did you get your recent BOB questions in to me? Also, make sure you have read a minimum of four books for our competition on June 12th or 13th. I will be asking you to write a quick synopsis/review of your favourite book using Book Creator.

Ultimate!: Ari is coming on Tuesday June 6th for gym to do some ultimate with you! So, be prepared for running that day. Good running shoes are required, and a snack at recess!

End of Year Party: Our student committee will need to report on their ideas Tuesday June 6th so we know what we are doing on the 28th of June for our end of year party.

Reading Around the World: Last call to submit your folder for inclusion in the free lunch! Congrats to the two students who have completed it, Patricia and Anisha. Please get it in by Friday, June 9th.

MACC Awards: Yes, we will be doing MACC awards for grade 4/5 again. More info on this to come!

Maker Faire: I am going to Vancouver Mini Maker Faire  Saturday June 10th at 10:00 AM. If you want to be there when I am, feel free to come! I am not there to supervise, so you will need to come with parent supervision. But, if you go, you can point out to me some cool things I should notice! Get your tickets online and get 20% off.


Deep Cove Kayaking: Please remember we are at Deep Cove all day on June 20th. Reminders to parent drivers will be sent out soon. We will go over in class what to wear and what to bring.

Files on Google Drive and on Ipads Disappear End of Year: While your e-portfolios will continue to exist and you don’t have to worry about them, Google Drive accounts and iPads are cleaned out over the summer. If you have any files on there you care about, make sure you download/upload a copy to personal USBs or Google Drive accounts. 

Last Week’s Fun: Please have a swimsuit/towel available in case we decide to go to the water park. Also, we will likely have some open Free Choice activities, time to work on MACCadia, and other fun things to do that last week.

18 days and one hour left…………

Thanks,  Ms. D



Monday May 29th – New Unit, Update, Reminders!!

Hello Everyone!

Our last unit of the year will be called Communication is KEY! We have already been working on some of the items covered by the unit. The last unit of the year is a little smaller in terms of introducing new material, as I want to leave time for independent projects and end-of-year events.

Unit Focus Statement: Being an effective communicator requires reflection and critical thinking.

Areas if Inquiry:

  • Choosing legitimate resources for research 
  • Fake news and social media safety
  • Presentation skills (independent project and masks character monologue)
  • Effective group communication (Battle of the Books team and more!)
  • Communication in team sports (dragon boating, kayaking, ultimate)
  • Reflection on our performance for the year (B.C.’s Core Competencies and the Learner Profile)

Projects & Reminders!

  • Disasters Presentation: Due now. Present during the week as we have time.
  • Animal Research OVERDUE!!!: Some of you have not turned in your research for this even though you did finish the art. Others have not posted the art on their e-portfolios as instructed. Some of you may find you have lower marks because you have not turned things in, and you can talk to me about it.
  • Dragon Boating/Nature Quiz Marks: These were passed out. Please get them signed and return.
  • French Weather Report & Quiz: Quiz on Wednesday for weather vocabulary, days of week, and months. Weather Report presentations due Thursday June 1.
  • Masks: Create a character, design a mask, give it a voice through a poetic monologue, and present! We have only two more people to do the base plaster mask tomorrow and then we move forward with the next part! Please make an e-portfolio entry about your mask as we go from stage to stage of construction.
  • Battle of the Books: Try to read four books by June 12th when we have our competition! We will be doing a mini book report on your favourite.
  • Independent Project: Primary research, notes, & formal bibliography are due June 7th. Presentation on June 23rd 12-2 PM. HAVE YOU GONE TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY? HOW GOES THE PRIMARY RESEARCH?
  • Independent Math: At least two more units by June 7th.
  • SUNSCREEN!  Wear sunscreen daily. Bring a plastic bag with swimsuit/towel daily, as when time permits, using our walking field trip permission form, we will go cool down in late afternoons at the Rumble Water Park next door.
  • Sex Education: Grade 4s on Tuesday, Grade 5s on Wednesday
  • LIBRARY BOOKS: All books due next week by June 9th unless being used for a project. Please look for any missing books.

See you tomorrow! Only 22 days to go!

Ms. D


Disaster/Human Impact to Environment Project — Update/FAQ Help

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend!

Just some quick info as I have received some questions about the Disasters Project. Here’s your FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to help!

Do I need to answer all of the questions you gave to us?

Yes, answer all of the questions. But, those questions can be answered ANYWHERE in your presentation. You can choose to organize your slides and presentation any way you want. Remember, you must 1. answer the questions I gave you somewhere in the project, and 2. convince us that as people living in Vancouver WE need to be aware of this disaster and take it seriously, because something like it could happen to us!

BTW, please check project description again here for those questions.

How many slides do I need?

There is not a minimum or maximum number of slides. Please keep your presentation to under 5 minutes, though, so we can hear everyone’s presentation. You can organize the presentation any way you want as long as you complete the purpose of the project (see above.)

When is the project due? Will we get more time to work on it?

It is due EOD on Friday May 26th. You can work on it Tuesday afternoon 1:30-2:45, Wednesday all morning 9-10:30/10:45-12:00, Thursday 9-10:30, and Friday 1-2:45. If you know you are going to be away, plan accordingly and work on it at home, as I will not be able to give more time after Friday so we can move on to other things. 

How do we include the chart of data? What kind of data do we use?

You need to have a chart/graph/diagram in your presentation. One way is to make it on the computer. Or, you can make it on paper and take a picture of it to include in your presentation. The data should help us better understand your environmental disaster and/or show us how this disaster is related to us. 

Do we have to turn in notes? And a bibliography?

Yes. On Google Drive/Doc or paper. Yes, a bibliography is required. Please see Easy Bib or use Ms. Ho’s suggested site for Making a Bibliography. We have talked about how to do this in class. As you will see from the examples, a proper bibliography is alphabetized by the first letter of the entry. The first line of each entry is aligned to the left margin, and then the second line is done with an indent. Easy Bib will help make it for you! Use the MLA format.

Does the bibliography need to be in the PowerPoint?

No. Just turn it in with your notes on a separate piece of paper. Please type it up so I can read it clearly. Thank you!

What kind of resources do I need?

An encyclopaedia, legitimate science websites (e.g. NASA, Smithsonian, Scientific American, NOAA, National Geographic, etc.), books, and reputable newspapers or media (CBC, PBS, Globe and Mail, The National, Washington Post, NY Times, Vancouver Sun, Washington Journal, BBC, etc.). Remember, Ms. D provided some books on climate change in the classroom. If your topic has to do with one of those books, I would expect you are using them for research, since we took time to go over them as resources. Please avoid using blogs with opinions vs facts and wikispaces/wikipedia. These are not “bad sites” but not really the legitimate resources when you want to do quality research.

How will the project be marked?

I have provided a Disasters Project Rubric 2017 for you. It tells you how the different parts of the project will be used for evaluating different subject areas.

Please let me know if you have any other questions! 🙂

Happy Long Weekend! Update May 19th and Important Dates List

Hello Everyone!

We have had a busy week working on projects, having great discussions, and doing some awesome outdoor activity through dragon boating!

Projects We Are Working On:

  • Disasters Project is due May 26th EOD. Don’t forget to have a variety of sources including an encyclopaedia, legitimate science websites, and newspapers. Remember to make a bibliography.Project description can be found here.  And the rubric: Disasters Project Rubric 2017
  • ART: Your animal art should be done. They look great! Remember to take a picture of the art, post it to your E-Port, and then write two paragraphs for assessment (art and language arts). Paragraph 1: Talk about your animal (8-10 sentences), Paragraph 2: Tell us about the images you used on the drawing — how do they relate to information you discovered about your endangered animal?
  • Weather Report: Due June 1st. French Rubric Weather Report. You have the project description in your binders.
  • MASKS: Keep working on your masks designs, adding any details before next week to your nature character. Bring your bag of supplies to make plaster mess no later than Thursday next week.
  • POETRY: Today we went over different kinds of literary devices used in poetry. Then we talked about Blues and Spoken Word Poetry, which are two forms of poetry used to express emotional ideas. Remember, you will need to think about what your nature character and you would like to say – something that is important to you both. You will be writing a poem, which could be free verse or any other style, to express the character’s ideas. 

Math Update:

  • Remember, for independent math, you need to complete two more units by June 7th. Most of you are doing a great job with this!
  • Thank you to everyone who took the Gauss and Abel exams. Results announced at the end of year Recognition Assembly on June 27th.
  • We have been doing group math challenges using Pickle Math online. So far, we did the Venn Diagrams challenge as part of our focus on graphs/charts/data and nature, and we also looked at the Hexagonal Trampolines probability challenge. We will keep doing these until the end of the year. The problems are tough, but I hope you enjoy them! I expect everyone to at the minimum participate and turn in their work as they go through the problem-solving process. (NOTE: Please do not use Pickle Math online, as this will ruin the work we do together.)

Independent Project:

  • Ms. D has been working to make connections in our community so everyone can get some primary research done, but “it does take a village!” Make sure you talk with Mom and Dad to see if they know anyone that could help. Thank you to all parents who have been helping with this.
  • Go to the public library!!!! I would love to start seeing students bringing in any books they have found on their topics there! Please go!
  • Make sure you are keeping a running bibliography and taking notes as you research.
  • If you are doing an experiment, make sure you write up a proper lab.
  • If you do an interview, make sure you type up questions and answers.
  • Research, notes, bibliography, and primary research are due June 7th.

All Upcoming Events and Dates (six weeks left!!!):

  • Dragon Boating May 23rd. Leaving at 9:45 AM
  • Plaster Mess May 25th Thursday afternoon, bring supplies
  • Dragon Boating May 26th. Leaving at 9:45 AM
  • Disasters Project Due May 26th EOD
  • Sexual Education with Saleema Noon Educators (more info to come) May 29th-May 31st
  • French Weather Report Due June 1st EOD
  • PRO D, NO SCHOOL June 2nd, Friday
  • Ultimate Workshop for PE June 6th, Tuesday
  • Independent Research Notes/Bib/Primary Research Due June 7th, EOD
  • Sports Day June 9th
  • Vancouver Maker Faire at the PNE (Ms. D there on Saturday) June 10-11
  • Battle of the Books Competition in Class June 12
  • Kayaking Deep Cove June 20th, Tuesday
  • Independent Project Presentations/Viewing — Parents Welcome, 12-2 June 23rd, Friday
  • Recognition Assembly Awards/Certificates, June 27th
  • MACC 4/5 Awards and Party, CLEAN UP OF ROOM June 28th
  • LAST DAY June 29th 9-10 AM, Reports Go Home
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