Activities and Assignments Week of May 11th – 15th

Activities Update for Week of May 11 – May 15

  • This list is also available on MS Teams in the General Channel.
  • Turn in assignments in MS Teams. Deadlines are flexible.
  • Choose one activity from each category each day of the week.
  • Do the NEED to DO items first, then do optional choices.
  • Need help, please ask!


MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)
Do something creative! 

Need to Do:

  • Art and Critical Thinking – Elements and Principles of Photography:  Finish. Post photographs to MS Teams to share with classmates. Due May 15th
  • ADST Skills – Soundtrap:  Make sure you are signed up. Overdue.
  • ADST Skills – How to Make a Podcast: Read NPR article on making a Podcast. Then, watch new video on making SoundTrap podcast. Only watch minutes 2:55 – 6:10, as the video has extra things for teachers you don’t need. Make a recording of your voice and using sound features. Due May 15th.
  • MACC Mall: You will need to create a prototype of a product you could sell, to present to our MACC Shark Tank in the future. First step? Make sketches and brainstorm ideas. Connect with classmates you may want to work with.  Details of assignment in MS Teams. Brainstorm Due May 15th, Prototype due May 31st.

Optional Choices:


Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

Need to Do:

  • Physical Health – Heart Workout: Pick one fitness activity each day, either of your own or from the optional choices list, that gets your heart rate up!
  • Personal Awareness – Be calm: Use the APP CALM.  Find a quiet space, put on nice music, look at a pleasant image, and do deep breathing to calm yourself.
  • Gratitude: Add to our ongoing Gratitude List on MS Teams under Just Connect.

Optional Choices:

  • NEW:  See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks!
  • Walking Curriculum: Do something outside if possible, using one of these walking prompts to practice observation, perspective, and critical-thinking.
    • What is looking down on you as you walk?
    • What evidence do you see of weather on your walk (e.g. sun exposed, cracking, moss, ivy creeping, wetness, etc.)
    • What is growing on your walk? How do you know? What are the different ways in which growth appears to you?
    • What do you notice on your walk that is lovely or pleasing?

INDIE READING (30 minutes) 

Read something fun and avoid news/current events.

Need to Do:

  • LA:  Read 30 minutes for fun, relaxation, or learning each day!
  • Join Daily Read Aloud: Ms. D will read Orphan Island each day 2:30-3:00 PM. Drop in, listen to the story! Look for the button to join in the General Channel of MS Teams. Afterwards ask questions or speak one-on-one with Ms. D if needed.

Optional Choices:

SERVICE and CONNECTION (30 minutes) 

Clean and help others! Connect with classmates and family. Play! Be kind! 

Need to Do:

  • ZOOM Group Meeting Wednesday 10:00 AM:  Unit discussion, science experiment, and open questions. See how your suggestions melted the PEEPS!
  • Contribute to our MS Teams channels.  Do the math and writing challenges, or participate in word games and riddles. Be part of your class community!
  • Connect with others!  Connect with a friend! Make sure you have contact with your class community and friends, which is important for your mental health!

Optional Choices:

  • NEW  See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks
  • Do the class OPTIONAL BEST IN SHOW CHALLENGE! See MS Teams for a Best in Show Pet, Stuffie, or Toy challenge that is just for fun and social-emotional connection as a class. We hope you will participate. Due on May 15th.
  • Escape Rooms: Here are some escape rooms you could do with friends online.
  • Random Acts of Kindness could be a great way to help improve someone’s day during our isolation at home. Here are 19 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Kids, and maybe just find ways to send random positive messages to family, friends, and adults in your lives. We all need some positive words right now!

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) 

Learn something new and document your learning in some way.

Need to Do:

  • IP:  Read Ms. D’s feedback on primary research. Do primary research and make sure to document it with a lab report, pictures, notes, observations, or reflections. Due May 22nd, Friday.
  • IP: Tell Ms. D your idea for your IP presentation. Will you use Book Creator? Will you do a PowerPoint? Create a model at home and document it with pictures? Idea is due May 15th, Friday.
  • IP Bibliography: Create a bibliography for IP. Due June 1st.
  • Typing: Do typing practice when other assignments are done. Due June 10th.

Optional Choices:


Specific learning opportunities at grade level or connected to our unit.

Need to Do:

  • Unit Discussion, Small-Group Meeting: Check email for invite. We will discuss MACC Mall Ideas, Economics, Simple/Compound Interest.
  • Unit Group Inquiry: Choose unit topic to research further. You will work in a small group on MS Teams to make a mini presentation during a video conference to another group through a shared PowerPoint. Topic due May 13th on MS Teams Unit Discussions Channel.
  • Socials – Resources in BC/Mining: Watch Port of Vancouver video on key economic activity in BC, Mining, and one about mining all over the world, Ground Rules. Since we couldn’t go to Britannia Mines, watch their video on mining history in BC Groundbreaking. Take a few notes for later discussions. Due May 15th.
  • Science: Rock Guess! Fun activity, see if you can figure out the different names of common minerals, matching pictures to their names. See MS Teams. Due May 15th.
  • LA – Podcast: Decide on a PODCAST theme/topic. What kind of Podcast do you want to have? Brainstorm ideas and then make a draft script of what you might talk about. See the MS Teams Assignment for steps. Due May 19th.
  • Unit Socials/Science – Resources and Geology: Watch videos on TED Education’s Earth School program, review websites on blog about geology and resources, and contribute to discussions in MS Teams. Due May 15th.
  • Math – Personal Budget: Finish personal budget. Due May 13th.
  • Math – IXL Financial Literacy and Decimals: Use IXL to do math related to decimals and financial literacy. Ongoing through May, so do at your own pace.

Optional Choices:

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D

Activities & Assignments List Week of May 4 – May 8

Activities Update for Week of May 4 – May 8

  • This list is also available on MS Teams in the General Channel.
  • Turn in assignments in MS Teams. Deadlines are flexible.
  • Choose one activity from each category each day of the week.
  • Do the NEED to DO items first, then do optional choices.
  • Need help, please ask!


MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)
Do something creative! 

Need to Do:

  • Art and Critical Thinking – Elements and Principles of Photography:   Learn about the history, as well as the elements and principles of photography. Create a photo collage of letters you find in your every day environment. Instructions are included in the MS Teams Assignment. Due May 15th
  • ADST Skills – Soundtrap:  Stay tuned for information this week about how to join Soundtrap using our class account. This is the tool we will use for a Podcast.
  • Music: Go see Chrome Music Lab. Also visit Ms. Fletcher’s Music Blog for ideas about making music.

Optional Choices:


Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

Need to Do:

  • Physical Health – Heart Workout: Pick one fitness activity each day, either of your own or from the optional choices list, that gets your heart rate up!
  • Personal Awareness – Be calm: Use the APP CALM.  Find a quiet space, put on nice music, look at a pleasant image, and do deep breathing to calm yourself.
  • Gratitude: Make a gratitude list of the things you are grateful for! When Ms. D asks you about it on MS Teams, add to our ongoing list of things that bring us joy.

Optional Choices:

INDIE READING (30 minutes) 
Read something fun and avoid news/current events.

Need to Do:

  • LA:  Read 30 minutes for fun, relaxation, or learning each day!
  • Join Daily Read Aloud: Ms. D will read Orphan Island each day 2:30-3:00 PM. Drop in, listen to the story! Look for the button to join in the General Channel of MS Teams. Afterwards ask questions or speak one-on-one with Ms. D if needed.

Optional Choices:

SERVICE and CONNECTION (30 minutes) 

Clean and help others! Connect with classmates and family. Play! Be kind! 

Need to Do:

  • ZOOM Group Meeting Wednesday 10:00 AM:  Watch a science experiment, get ideas for Mother’s Day, and join in discussion!
  • Contribute to our MS Teams channels.  Do the math and writing challenges, or participate in word games and riddles. Be part of your class community!
  • Connect with others!  Connect with a friend! Make sure you have contact with your class community and friends, which is important for your mental health!
  • Do the class OPTIONAL BEST IN SHOW CHALLENGE! See MS Teams for a Best in Show Pet, Stuffie, or Toy challenge that is just for fun and social-emotional connection as a class. We hope you will participate. Due on May 15th.

Optional Choices:

  • NEW  See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks
  • Escape Rooms: Here are some escape rooms you could do with friends online.
  • Random Acts of Kindness could be a great way to help improve someone’s day during our isolation at home. Here are 19 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Kids, and maybe just find ways to send random positive messages to family, friends, and adults in your lives. We all need some positive words right now!

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) 
Learn something new and document your learning in some way.

Need to Do:

  • IP:  Read Ms. DeTerra’s feedback on last week’s IP research when you receive it. Think of new questions. Decide on your primary research method and begin working on it. If you are doing an interview, please run questions by Ms. D. Turn in new questions, added research, and primary research idea by May 8th, Friday.
  • TYPING: Do All the Right Type when you have time after other assignments are all done. Ongoing assignment. We will finish all practice sections by June 10th.

Optional Choices:


Specific learning opportunities at grade level or connected to our unit.

Need to Do:

  • Unit Discussion, Small-Group Meeting: Check email for invite. We will discuss your job budget, rocks and minerals, economics, and MACC MALL ideas.
  • LA – Quick Write: Practice brainstorming a story structure, careful editing aloud, and the use of proper spacing and punctuation in dialogue. Read the feedback from Ms. D from last week on your writing. Watch videos and choose to Create a Superhero Lair or Talk about How You Were Shrunk. Due May 11th.
  • Unit Socials/Science – Resources and Geology: Watch videos so far on TED Education’s Earth School program, review websites on the blog about geology and resources, and contribute to discussions in MS Teams under the Unit Discussions Channel. Due May 8th.
  • Math – Financial Literacy: In EPIC, read Getting Your Money’s Worth: Making Smart Financial Decisions and take the attached quiz in MS Teams. Due May 8th.
  • Unit Project – Living On Your Own, Personal Budget: Create a budget with the information we discussed in last week’s small-group meeting. Due May 13th.
  • Math – IXL Financial Literacy and Decimals: Use IXL to do math lessons and practice related to decimals and financial literacy. Ongoing through May, so do at your own pace and level.

Optional Choices:

  • NEW  See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks
  • LEARN EXCEL!  To help with making budgets, learn how to use Microsoft EXCEL. Here are tutorials on all the features. Or, a basic lesson on how to make a simple chart. Here is another one on basic math in Excel. And, finally, one more that has a basic introductory tutorial.
  • READ About Unit Topics: Go to EPIC and read any other non-fiction books about money. Read the rest of the Secret Life of Money from last week.
  • I will be posting less optional activities under this category. Take time to participate in MS Teams and do assignments so we can have great discussions.

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D

Geology and Resources Websites for Research

Please use these websites during our ongoing unit discussions about Geology and Resources:

BBC Rocks

BBC Rock Cycle

Geography for Kids Earth Structure

EarthHow Inside Earth: The Crust, Mantle, and Core

EarthHow A Guide to the Geologic Timeline of the Earth

EarthHow What is Earth’s Geologic Time Scale?

EarthHow Plate Tectonics

EarthHow 3 Types of Faults

EarthHow 7 Major Tectonic Plates

EarthHow Pacific Plate

EarthHow How Mountains Are Made

EarthHow Pangea Ultima

How Gemstones Are Formed

How Minerals are Formed

How Minerals are Identified

TED Ed  Four Ways to Understand the Age of the Earth – video

OneGeology  What is Geology? Reading and Activities

Kids National Geographic Geology 101

DK Find Out Types of Rocks

DK Find Out Structure of the Earth

DK Find Out Tectonic Plates

University of Waterloo Minerals for Kids

TED ED  How North America Got Its Shape

PBS Digital Studios  How the Grand Canyon Was Formed

You Tube Animation of Plate Tectonic Movement Back in Time

Crash Course  GEOLOGY

Crash Course Kids Landforms

Sci Show Kids Be a Rock Detective

Caterpillar Video on Mining Around the World Ground Rules

Britannia Mines History in BC  Groundbreaking

Crash Course Making Diamonds

Geography for Kids How is Coal Formed?

The Most Amazing Pit Mines in the World

Extreme Mining Machines That Will Blow Your Mind

Clarendon Fossil Fuels for Kids

Clarendon Fossils for Kids

Clarendon Earthquakes

Clarendon Natural Resources for Kids

Natural Resources Canada Our Resources, Our Strength

Crash Course Specialization and Trade

Crash Course Series of Videos ECONOMICS

Crash Course on TAXES

Mineral Identification Websites:

BC Mining Mineral Identification

Mineralogy 4 Kids Mineral Identification Steps

Mindat Physical Characteristics Mineral Search

Mindat Mineral Library

Mineralpedia Common Minerals


Activities & Assignments Week of April 27th – May 1st

Activities Update for Week of April 27th – May 1st

  • This list is also available on MS Teams in the General Channel.
  • Turn in assignments in MS Teams. Deadlines are flexible.
  • Choose one activity from each category each day of the week.
  • Do the NEED to DO items first, then do optional choices.
  • Need help, please ask!
  • Pro-D April 27th. MS Teams chats closed.


MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)
Do something creative! 

Need to Do:

  • Art and Critical Thinking – Photo Challenge #3 and 4:   This time, let’s focus on colour and making a story with your photographs. Due May 4th
  • ADST Skills – Soundtrap:  Watch this tutorial on how to use the application Soundtrap. And this one on how to do Podcasts. Do not join Soundtrap as I will send a class account. Due May 1st.
  • Music: Go see Chrome Music Lab. Also visit Ms. Fletcher’s Music Blog for ideas about making music, including the Music Monday opportunity for May 4th.

Optional Choices:


Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

Need to Do:

  • Physical Health – Heart Workout: Pick one fitness activity each day, either of your own or from the optional choices list, that gets your heart rate up!
  • Personal Awareness – Be calm: Use the APP CALM.  Find a quiet space, put on nice music, look at a pleasant image, and do deep breathing to calm yourself.
  • Gratitude: Make a gratitude list of the things you are grateful for! When Ms. D asks you about it on MS Teams, add to our ongoing list of things that bring us joy.

Optional Choices:

INDIE READING (30 minutes) 
Read something fun and avoid news/current events.

Need to Do:

  • LA:  Read 30 minutes for fun, relaxation, or learning each day!
  • Join Daily Read Aloud: Ms. D will read Orphan Island each day 2:30-3:00 PM. Drop in, listen to the story! Look for the button to join in the General Channel of MS Teams. Afterwards ask questions or speak one-on-one with Ms. D if needed.

Optional Choices:

  • NEW  See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks
  • Contact a friend from class to get a book recommendation from EPIC
  • Listen to PODCASTS of your choice as suggested during past weeks!

SERVICE and CONNECTION (30 minutes) 

Clean and help others! Connect with classmates and family. Play! Be kind! 

Need to Do:

  • ZOOM Group Meeting Wednesday 10:00 AM: Be part of our class meeting on Wednesday. We did a scavenger hunt last week. Come for a fun group activity!
  • Contribute to our MS Teams channels.  Do the math and writing challenges, or participate in word games and riddles. Be part of your class community!
  • Connect with others!  Connect with a friend! Make sure you have contact with your class community and friends, which is important for your mental health!

Optional Choices:

  • NEW  See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks
  • Random Acts of Kindness could be a great way to help improve someone’s day during our isolation at home. Here are 19 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Kids, and maybe just find ways to send random positive messages to family, friends, and adults in your lives. We all need some positive words right now!

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) 
Learn something new and document your learning in some way.

Need to Do:

  • IP:  Read Ms. DeTerra’s feedback on last week’s IP research when you receive it. Think of new questions. Decide on your primary research method. Turn in new questions, added research, and primary research idea by May 8th, Friday.
  • TYPING: Do All the Right Type when you have time after other assignments are all done. Ongoing assignment. We will finish all practice sections by June 10th.

Optional Choices:


Specific learning opportunities at grade level or connected to our unit.

Need to Do:

  • Unit Discussion, Small-Group Meeting: Check email for invite. Did you talk with your parents about how they budget? We will discuss financial literacy and resources. Bring your list of resources found in the home you did last week.
  • LA – Quick Write: Practice descriptive detail. Watch videos and choose either to Create a School for Ninjas or Invent an Underwater School. Due May 4th.
  • Unit Socials/Science – Earth School: Watch videos on TED Education’s Earth School program on the Nature of Stuff and Nature of Society. Contribute to discussions in MS Teams under the Unit Discussions Channel. Due May 1st.
  • Unit Socials-Science – Ms. D Videos:  Ms. D will post learning videos to “Guess the Rock” or on Economics during the week. Please watch and contribute to discussions under MS Teams Unit Discussions Channel. Due May 1st.
  • Unit Science: In EPIC, read Geology of the Pacific Northwest. Chapter 2 and 3, pp. 17-46. Do the QUIZ in MS Teams Assignments. Due May 4th.
  • Math – Financial Literacy: In EPIC, read The Secret Life of Money pages 19-45. Write an E-Port answering 3 thinking questions in MS Teams. Due May 4th.
  • Math – IXL Financial Literacy and Decimals: Use IXL to do math lessons and practice related to decimals and financial literacy. Goal is to complete ten lessons by May 1st. Ongoing through May, so do at your own pace and level.

Optional Choices:

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D

Activities and Assignments List, April 20th – April 24th

Here is an update of activities for week of April 20th.
Read this first!

Please choose one activity from each category each day.

Deadlines are flexible. Communicate if you need more time.

I just want to see you participating and doing your best to move forward with learning.

Check for missing assignments in MS Teams. My feedback is in MS Teams or on e-ports.

I have changed deadlines and not added many new things this week, so everyone has enough time. Thank you for your patience as I adjust based everyone’s needs.

Do NEED TO DO items first before going to optional choices.

Do at least one NEED TO DO assignment in MAKER, GENIUS, or UNIT HOUR per day.
Think 90 minutes per day as a guideline for work in Math, LA, Science and Socials.


MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)
Do something creative! Make something new! Take a picture to document work!

Need to Do:

  • ADST Skills – Podcasts: Finish PODCASTS assignment. Due April 24, Friday.
  • ART, Critical Thinking – Photography Challenge #1: From last week. Due April 20. See MS Teams.
  • ART and Critical Thinking – Photography Challenge #2: See new photo challenge for week. Due April 24th. Info in MS Teams.
  • ADST Skills – Soundtrap (only if done with all other assignments):  watch this tutorial on how to use the application Soundtrap. Do not join Soundtrap online as I need to set you up on a class account. Just watch and learn how to use it for making sound recordings. If YouTube is blocked for you, please talk to your parents about watching this. NO DEADLINE at this time.

Optional Choices:

FITNESS HOUR (60 Minutes) 
Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

Need to Do:

  • Physical Health — Shoe Workout: Due last week. Post in MS Teams. Do the workout once or twice this week to really get your heart rate up!
  • Personal Awareness – Be calm: Try the APP CALM. Ask your parents for help to get the app for free.
  • Personal Awareness – Be Mindful:  Find a quiet space, put on nice music, look at a pleasant image, and do deep breathing to calm yourself. Try it at the beginning and end of the day.

Optional Choices:

INDIE READING (30 minutes) 
Preferably offline. If online, read something fun and avoid news/current events.

Need to Do:

  • LA:  Read 30 minutes for fun, relaxation, or learning each day!

Optional Choices:

  • Go on to EPIC and read books from the class assignments list.
  • As you read, make a list of words you don’t know and look them up later.
  • Write a short story/poem of your own using these new words!
  • Read in another language
  • Build a fort with a blanket over a table or chairs and do some reading under it
  • On, if you have the Kindle App, there are lots of free books to read
  • With a library card, use online resources for Burnaby/Vancouver Public Libraries
  • Use Audible for free right now to listen to tons of online audible stories.
  • Use the Burnaby School District’s Tumblebooks Account to access books online. Press the ebooks tab at the top. I sent you an Outlook email about how to access this, as you need a user ID and password.
  • Higher Level Reading — Project Gutenberg free ebooks
  • Open Library — has non-fiction and fiction options, some great for IP!
  • Need a break from reading, but love words? Complete a word search or a crossword puzzle.

SERVICE (30 minutes) 
Clean and help others! Connect with your classmates and family. Play! Be kind! 

Need to Do:

  • Art – Essential Service Artwork for the Window: Finish from last week. Explanation on the blog. Post pictures in MS Teams. Due April 24th, Friday.
  • Social Responsibility and Personal Awareness – Make connection: Finish assigned pen pal responses. Be part of our meetings and/or optional read-aloud time to connect with classmates. Respond to MS Teams questions to let us know what you are thinking and feeling.

Optional Choices:

  • Play a pen and paper game with a family member (ex. dots and boxes, sprouts, 24, battleships, Go-Maku, Boggle, etc.)
  • Play a card game with a family member (or as a whole family!)
  • Look through old photo albums together and share memories
  • Play Charades or use the Heads Up app
  • Have an untimed Iron Chef contest with the whole family. Choose an ingredient, and everyone makes a different dish.
  • Prepare a mini lesson and teach someone something you’ve recently learned
  • Participate in the 7PM NOISE outside, done by the community to say thank you to our first responders and healthcare workers!
  • Make a homemade gift for members of your family, and learn how to wrap them using Furoshiki, the art of Japanese gift wrapping
  • Prepare a musical performance to share with your family after dinner.
  • Organize a family game activity.
  • Play a round of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Stretch with a family member
  • Create a dinner night, with fancy napkins, table, outfits, menus, decorations, etc. so when you can’t go out, there is something fun to do at home.
  • Make a shopping list for the family
  • Unload or load the dishwasher
  • Sweep or vacuum the house
  • Call a grandparent, family member, or friend to help them feel connected during this time of isolation
  • Help with the laundry — loading, folding, putting things away
  • Dust the house or blinds
  • Clean windows
  • Help with the garbage, recycling, or compost runs
  • Clean off counters
  • Wipe doorknobs and high-touch spaces with cleaner
  • Take care of a pet
  • Clean the toilet
  • Organize recycling
  • Watch your younger sibling so your parents can have a break
  • Make a dinner for your family so they have a break from it!

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) 
Learn something new and document your learning in some way.

Need to Do:
(all related to inquiry and critical thinking skills)

  • IP:  Assigned last Tuesday. Review websites. Post update of research in MS Teams. Due April 24th.
  • Digital Citizenship Module:  Finish module online. Reading of module is required; written assignments are optional. See MS Teams. Was due April 17th.
  • Questions to Ask When Reading Scientific Claims:  Finish. List the questions from the article you had to read. See MS Teams. Was due April 17th.
  • TYPING: Do All the Right Type when you have time after other assignments are all done. Ongoing assignment. We will finish all practice sections by June 10th. Tell me in MS Teams when you have finished so I can check online for completion.

Optional Choices:

Specific learning opportunities at grade level or connected to our unit.

Need to Do:

  • LA/Creative Thinking – Invent a Sport:  Assigned last Tuesday. Practice using advanced vocabulary and adding descriptive detail. Write about an invented sport during time of social distancing. Watch video prompt. Post writing on e-port with picture of you playing a part of the game. Write what you can in 60 minutes, or up to 5 paragraphs. See MS Teams. Due April 24th, Friday.
  • LA/Creative Thinking -Tell the Story of Lost Shoes:  Assigned last Tuesday. Watch this video prompt and write untold story of your lost shoes. Write 60 minutes, up to 5 paragraphs. See MS Teams. Due April 27th, Monday.
  • Math – Financial Literacy, Making a Budget: Finish from last week. Make a Budget for the Library. See MS Teams for handouts. Due Friday, April 24th
  • Math – Critical Thinking Window Data:  Finish Outside Your Window activity on You Cubed. See MS Teams. Due Friday, April 24th
  • Socials/Science/Critical Thinking — Resources:  Finish from last week. Look for resources in your house. Handout in MS Teams. Due Friday, April 24th.
  • Socials/Science/LA — Geology:  Finish. Read pages in Geology book on EPIC and answer questions. See MS Teams. Due Friday, April 24th
  • MATH ONGOING WORK: Use IXL to do specific math lessons related to decimals and financial literacy. User ID and password were sent in email. See the blog and MS Teams. Ten lesson sections of your choice due on May 1st. The work on this is ongoing through April and May, so you can work at your own pace.

Optional Choices:

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D

PLEASE READ: Your Schedule and Work Tips April 20th

Hello! Notes for Everyone moving forward

Weekly Schedule:

  • Check the blog beginning of week for the list of updated learning activities.
  • Check MS Teams & Email at least 1-2 times a day. Don’t spend all day on there!
  • Post comments about unit questions Ms. D has in MS Teams.
  • Use a schedule with the categories — one activity from each category, each day.
  • Try focusing on one NEED TO DO assignment each day to meet deadlines.
  • Ms. D will have small-group meetings 2 times daily. Check your email for an invite. Meetings will be a half hour  (10:30-11:00, 1:30-2:00, 2:00-2:30)
  • Wednesday is whole-group meeting on ZOOM 10:00 – 10:30 AM. OPTIONAL
  • Every day read aloud 2:30 – 3:00. OPTIONAL
  • Ms. D is available every day for questions 9AM to 3PM.
  • MS Teams is open daily 8:30 – 4:00 for comments, closed night & weekends.

Helpful Tips:

  • Try not to work on one task for longer than 60 minutes. That’s why the categories I provided are not longer than one hour.
  • Stop and take regular breaks. Think about how we use the Break Board in class. Take SHORT breaks. Get up, get moving, get away from the screen!
  • Find out your assignments, but work on some of them offline. You don’t always need to be on the computer.
  • Work on one “need to do” assignment each day so deadlines are met.
  • If you are having trouble, communicate with Ms. D and I will help!
  • Remember, we are working in a weird time. I am flexible. Just show me you are making an effort and participating in our learning. That is what is important right now. 
  • The District has provided guidelines for technology use, specifically with video conferencing and MS Team Tools. Please follow the Digital Code of Conduct and  see this website for more details.

Questions? Please let me know! See the list of activities for the week on the next entry.

Math on IXL April 15th, Post #3 of 3

Math on IXL!

Hello Everyone,

Over the next month, in connection with the math portion of our unit, I will be asking you to specifically do skills on IXL related to decimals, money, word problems, and multiplication/division review.

You may still do Prodigy, Mathigon, Pickle Math, and the other optional choices listed on the blog. But IXL is required.

There are varying levels. I have chosen skills that fall under grade 5, unless you are working at a different grade level officially from previous work in class.

When you log in, you will see your name, along with 53 recommendations by your teacher Ms. DeTerra.

You need to do the  problems in the 53 recommendations before moving on to other areas of math.

Some of you are definitely ready to do the challenging areas first, but each lesson doesn’t take that much time. Please show me that you know how to do the 53 areas, and then we will move on!

For some students who are just now learning more about decimals, don’t worry, take it slow, and start with the basics before moving in to more complicated lessons.

Your user ID and password are in your Outlook mail.

This assignment is ongoing. Work on it a bit each day, or for 3 times a week. Sitting down to do this for more than 30 minutes may not be productive, so monitor how long you are at a computer.

I will keep checking your progress. At least 10 of the lessons are due by May 1st, Friday. I will post this in MS Teams Assignments, too.

The other MACC class at grade 4/5 is doing the same. I can see your progress online.

Please let me know if you have questions!   GO to IXL Math Online 

SERVICE HOUR, Saying Thanks April 15th Post #1 of 3

Hello Everyone,

You may have noticed in your neighbourhood that people are saying thank you to essential-service workers through clapping at 7:00 PM, or by putting messages of hope in their windows. This is a great way to show support, while still protecting everyone by staying home.

Here is an article from CTV about the Hearts in the Window movement.

As one of our SERVICE HOUR assignments, please make art for your window that somehow thanks the people in your community who do amazing things for us while we are in self-isolation.

You could thank your parents, essential-service workers, grocery store workers, nurses, doctors, fire fighters, police officers, electricians, water and waste management workers, and more. Be specific about who you are thanking and for what.

You can make hearts (which is what many people are doing), rainbows, or other positive images. You can also include words of support and gratitude. Put the thank yous facing outwards on your window and then take a picture of them in the window to put on your e-port, as well as a link in MS Teams assignments to show me you are done.

Ms. D is going to do this, too, and I will post a picture by end of week!

What is a PODCAST Assignment, April 14th, #3 of 3

Hello Everyone,

One of the things I am excited to try with all of you is creating a PODCAST. To do this, we will be learning the design process of making a podcast, following specific steps.

  1. What is a Podcast?
  2. How do I plan a Podcast of my own?
  3. How do I record myself through an online application?
  4. How do I make a screen icon for my recording, so people can find my Podcast?
  5. How will I upload my Podcast for others in the class to hear?

So, STEP ONE for this week. We need to better understand what a PODCAST is. I want you to listen to as many podcasts as you can. There are some listed in the category options this week.

Specifically, I want you to listen to all of these examples of Podcasts and answer the question, “What is a podcast?” There is a list on the web link of podcasts to listen to, and it also talks about how podcasts are made. I also want you to watch 3 videos from Story Corps online.

In an MS Word Document, I want you to answer these questions, using detailed observations. Then, please upload the document to MS Teams assignments.

  1. If you had to define a PODCAST, what words would you use to describe it?
  2. What are the features of a PODCAST? If you had to create one, what would you include?
  3. How is a PODCAST structured? What is the beginning, middle, and end like?
  4. What makes a good audio story? What makes it engaging so that you listen?
  5. What kind of voice helps tell a story?
  6. What do you think people would have to do to make a PODCAST? What steps would they follow?

In our small group meetings, I might ask you to talk about something you learned in a podcast. Those meetings are coming up, so please make sure you listen to at least a few podcasts during Wednesday or Thursday.

Questions? Please ask!

Ms. D

Activities & Assignments Week of April 14th, Post #2 of 3

Hello Everyone,

Here is an update of activities for the week of April 14th.

I would like you to do something from EACH category, EACH day. Having a structure to your day is important for your health. Take a deep breath, find a comfortable spot, and find an activity you like to do.

You don’t have to do activities in this order, you don’t have to do all activities marked “OPTIONAL”, and your schedule can be designed to suit your family. Please just choose something from each category list (or use activities from your own family’s choices) and commit to a chunk of time to do each category during your day.

NEED TO DO assignments are required, and they will be explained more on the blog or in MS Teams on the assignments tab. The due dates in MS Teams help provide structure and so you stay on track with the rest of the class, but you can turn in things beyond the deadline because we all have different schedules going on at home.

I hope this helps structure your time this week! Please let me know if you have questions.


MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)
Do something creative! Make something new! Take a picture to document work!

Need to Do:

  • Last Week: Finish photography and e-port assignments from last week.
  • Podcasts: We will be working on PODCASTS together. But, before we do, I want you to listen to all of these examples of Podcasts and answer the question, “What is a podcast?” There is a list on the web link of podcasts to listen to, and it also talks about how podcasts are made. I also want you to watch 3 videos from Story Corps online. What do you notice about these online stories? I will put more detailed questions for you to answer and submit in MS Teams Assignments.
  • Photography Challenge #1: We will be doing a series of photography challenges to learn about being a super-awesome photographer. The first challenge is Pretend You Are a Dog. More on this in a blog post and in MS Teams Assignments.

Optional Choices:

FITNESS HOUR (60 Minutes) 
Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

Need to Do:

  • Listen to this news story on BBC about a football player in Africa and finish your shoe workout that was assigned last week. Try to get a video of it and post a link to the video in an e-port entry.
  • Part of fitness is also monitoring your MENTAL HEALTH. What are you doing to help keep your spirits up? I use the app CALM. Ask your parents for help to get the app for free. If you can’t, then find a quiet space, put on some nice music, look at a pleasant image, and do some deep breathing to calm yourself. It is good to do this at the beginning and the end of your day.

Optional Choices:

INDIE READING (30 minutes) 
Reading, preferably offline but if you are out of books and need to go online, at least not news or current events articles.

Need to Do:

  • Read 30 minutes each day!

Optional Choices:

  • Go on to EPIC and read books from the class assignments list.
  • As you read, make a list of words you don’t know in a notebook and look them up later. Practice them by writing a short story/poem of your own which uses theses new words!
  • Read in another language
  • Build a fort with a blanket over a table or chairs and do some reading under it
  • On, if you have the Kindle App, there are lots of free books to read
  • With a library card, use online resources for Burnaby/Vancouver Public Libraries
  • Use Audible for free right now to listen to tons of online audible stories.
  • Use the Burnaby School District’s Tumblebooks Account to access books online. Press the ebooks tab at the top. I sent you an email about how to access this, as you need a user ID and password.
  • Higher Level Reading — Project Gutenberg free ebooks
  • Open Library — has non-fiction and fiction options, some great for IP!
  • Need a break from reading, but love words? Complete a word search or a crossword puzzle.

SERVICE (30 minutes) 
Clean and help! Be social and connect with others and keep them company. Help the people in your family feel good. Play! Be kind! Find ways to help everyone in your family and community feel better during this stressful time!

Need to Do:

  • Make art for your window that somehow thanks the people in your community who do amazing things for us while we are in self-isolation. You could thank your parents, essential-service workers, grocery store workers, nurses, doctors, fire fighters, police officers, electricians, water and waste management workers, and more. Be specific about who you are thanking and for what. You can make hearts (which is what many people are doing), rainbows, or other positive images. Put the thank yous facing outwards on your window and then take a picture of them in the window to put on your e-port. Ms. D is going to do this, too, and I will post a picture by end of week.
  • Make connection with someone from the class. Have a ZOOM meeting if your parents are okay with it, talk to one another on Facetime, if your parents are okay with it, or use any other way to get in touch. Play a game together — for example, one person can have a chess board, and the other person can tell them where to move the pieces. Or, play a board game that way. Find a way to connect!

Optional Choices:

  • Play a pen and paper game with a family member (ex. dots and boxes, sprouts, 24, battleships, Go-Maku, Boggle, etc.)
  • Play a card game with a family member (or as a whole family!)
  • Look through old photo albums together and share memories
  • Play Charades or use the Heads Up app
  • Have an untimed Iron Chef contest with the whole family. Choose an ingredient, and everyone makes a different dish.
  • Prepare a mini lesson and teach someone something you’ve recently learned
  • Participate in the 7PM NOISE outside, done by the community to say thank you to our first responders and healthcare workers!
  • Make a homemade gift for members of your family, and learn how to wrap them using Furoshiki, the art of Japanese gift wrapping
  • Prepare a musical performance to share with your family after dinner.
  • Organize a family game activity.
  • Play a round of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Stretch with a family member
  • Create a dinner night, with fancy napkins, table, outfits, menus, decorations, etc. so when you can’t go out, there is something fun to do at home.
  • Make a shopping list for the family
  • Unload or load the dishwasher
  • Sweep or vacuum the house
  • Call a grandparent, family member, or friend to help them feel connected during this time of isolation
  • Help with the laundry — loading, folding, putting things away
  • Dust the house or blinds
  • Clean windows
  • Help with the garbage, recycling, or compost runs
  • Clean off counters
  • Wipe doorknobs and high-touch spaces with cleaner
  • Take care of a pet
  • Clean the toilet
  • Organize recycling
  • Watch your younger sibling so your parents can have a break
  • Make a dinner for your family so they have a break from it!

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) 
Learn something new and document your learning in some way.

Need to Do:

  • IP:  Review websites provided by Ms. Ho on the blog and take notes in Class Notebook or a shared One Drive document with Ms. D so I can see your notes. If you have already seen the websites, I still would like to see your notes so far for IP either in Class Notebook or a document.
  • IP:  Look at this document and make sure you understand how to cite your sources for your project bibliography. Do the practice examples they give you. If you are using Easy Bib, you still need to ensure your bibliography has correct format and lists resources correctly. Each type of resources (book, website, etc.) is cited in a different way.
  • DIGITAL CITIZENS!:  The Burnaby School District has provided a Digital Web Quest to talk about digital citizenship. Finish this, and there will be a digital citizenship quiz posted in MS Teams for you to do by the end of the week.
  • CRITICAL THINKING/INQUIRY:  From last week, finish Can You Believe It on the Exploratorium’s website and find seven questions you should ask yourself when reading scientific claims (such as those about COVID-19 in the news.) Post the questions in MS Teams in a new MS Word document.
  • TYPING: If you don’t have access to All the Right Type or need your user ID and password, please contact Ms. D. We will work toward finishing all the typing levels by June 10th. Given how much work we are doing on the computer, typing is a great skill to have!

Optional Choices:

Specific learning opportunities at grade level or connected to our unit.

Need to Do:

  • RSVP for a small-group meeting with classmates to discuss topics related to our unit. Look for the email to come from Ms. D this week.
  • LITERACY – Pen Pal:  Respond to the pen pal letter you received by answering questions and responding to stories. Copy Ms. D on your email response.
  • LITERACY – Invent a Sport:  To practice more of our creative writing, use of higher vocabulary, and descriptive detail, write about an invented sport during the time of social distancing. Watch this video prompt. You can collaborate with others, or do it on your own. Post your writing on your e-port with a picture showing you playing a part of the game. See assignment on the blog/MS Teams.
  • LITERACY-Tell the Story of Lost Shoes:  To practice creative writing, watch this video prompt and write about the untold story of your lost shoes.
  • SCIENCE – Microscopic Things: Finish Science Snacks on the San Francisco Exploratorium’s website and do the activity called Life Size to understand the size of microscopic things. If you can’t print out the handout, just make a list of your own of the items on the handout using scrap pieces of paper.
  • MATH – Financial Literacy, Making a Budget:  Do the assignment on MS Teams about the Class Library Budget.
  • MATH – Critical Thinking Window Data:  Do the Outside Your Window activity on You Cubed, and post a picture in an e-port of your window observations and visual representations.
  • UNIT – Socials/Science, Resources:  Look for resources in your house, which will be explained on the blog and in MS Teams assignments.
  • UNIT – Socials/Science/LA:  Read assigned pages in the Geology book on EPIC and answer questions, which can be found in MS Teams under Assignments.

Optional Choices:

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D

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