Happy Friday January 22nd!

Happy Friday Everyone!

Just a short update for today, as we had Young People’s Concert all morning and then music in the afternoon:

Leadership Camp/Conference for February 19th at Burnaby South — A notice was sent home today, with an application on the back, for a leadership camp for grades 4-7 on the District Professional Development Day Feb. 19th. Limited space available. $20 fee. Applications due Feb. 5th.

Biomes — If anyone did not finish the biomes map due today, please finish. Some students were over-thorough with responses, which made the assignment take too long. Instead of a definition, characteristics and some animals, some students were copying everything they read about the biome online. Make sure you are practicing good time management and listen to criteria so you aren’t spending too much time on one assignment. 

Art — On Monday, we will do the watercolour portion of our tree art, so fine lining is due Monday (please finish at home as we have had lots of time during the week to do this in class.)

End of Year Focus Topic — We talked today about our focus topic for unit #6, where you will have time to do independent research on a topic of your choice. We have brainstormed topics, and with one topic students are supposed to come up with eight questions based on our wonderings board in class.

Have a great weekend! What a lovely way to end the day — free choice time and sunshine outside!

Absent this week? Please check here! Thursday Blog Update

Hello everyone,

A number of people have been absent this week due to illness, so I wanted to take a moment to post some information should anyone have missed something or feel like catching up. I don’t usually post all of our worksheets this way, mostly because much of what I do is either in hard copy or is not a worksheet. Please do check in with me when you return to class after an absence, as I will provide copies of what you missed and give you time to finish it since you were away.


Continue with the Skyscrapers handouts through p. 28. In class, we have done a measurement sheet, which is hard copy. Those who have it can make sure it is finished. In class yesterday, I went over the conversion stairs for the metric system. On the Math is Fun website, you can get a full explanation of the prefixes and a version of the chart I made in class. Here is also a great website for doing conversions between the imperial and metric systems, whether you are doing length/width, volume, area, etc. See Science Made Simple.

Unit Work — Science:

Yesterday we completed watching the Planet Earth Video from BBC that refers to the migration of animals from pole to pole. You can see it online if you missed a part: Pole to Pole. 

While watching the video, please fill out the answers to this worksheet to follow along: Planet Earth Pole to Pole WKSHT

On the back of the sheet, please define what is a BIOME and which ones you saw within the video. We will be looking more closely at the following biomes: Aquatic, Rainforests, Tundra, Taiga, Desert, Temperate, and Grassland. We recognized that when we do research on biomes, there are other names used and some others that may be identified; therefore, we will focus on the list above just to be consistent. Today, we reviewed information on all of these biomes via the Missouri Botanical Garden website. Use this map Blank Map Nat Geo Migration and as you read the website information about each biome, colour the map to represent the general area you would find each one in the world. You will need to make a colour key to represent each biome. On the back of the map, please write all of the biomes down, define them (what are there characteristics), and tell me some plants and animals found there. Please make sure to reach through each section on the website for valuable information.

Want more information on biomes? You can look at: Fact Monster BiomesBlue Planet BiomesUCMP Berkeley Biomes websites.

Unit Work — Socials:

If you haven’t finished it already, please complete the Family Tree Sheet

Today, we will look closely at human migration patterns and begin to discuss push and pull factors for the movement of humans across the globe. One of my favourite sites for migration patterns is People Movin and we will review it today. We will also talk about the human journey of migration via this National Geographic migration graphic. Here is a simple map that shows migration patterns Patterns Human Migration and a chart that we will review in class Migration Data Table Nat GeoUsing the chart, please fill out this sheet Global Patterns Human Migration  We will get time to do the chart and human migration sheet tomorrow, as our discussion today ran over.

TOMORROW: We will be going to the Young People’s Concert. Please arrive on time as we will load buses directly at 8:50 AM.

I hope this helps!

Ms. D

Blog Access and Google Drive

Hello Everyone,

Today we spent some time organizing how we access electronic tools for use in the MACC program.

First, we practiced logging into the blog interface and making comments as subscribers to the website. As a reminder, if you want to leave a comment on a post, please use your user ID and password. If you were absent today, I am happy to show you when you return.

Second, we discovered our new google drive account, which has been set up by the Burnaby School District. We practiced logging in, using the “google docs” tool, and collaborating on a document with a partner. This tool will allow us to share documents with Ms. D more easily, use tools such as google docs to create work for class, and to collaborate with other students.

All students promised that when using either Google Drive or the Blog, they must:

  • Practice social media safety
  • Only write things that would be okay if viewed publicly
  • Not mention their last name, name of the school, last names of friends, and other identifiable information
  • Use respectful tones with one another at all times
  • Only post appropriate material
  • Only use these tools for school work, not personal conversation or chatting between friends
  • Protect the password provided to them for these sites

I can tell we are very excited about having these tools, and I look forward to using them with students more frequently. My hope is that students will begin to do some blog posting as I have been doing. Look for their contributions to come!

Ms. D


Tuesday Update

Hello All,

Sorry for the delay in getting this up here, but I had meetings today after school! Exciting things coming up in the months to come, so they were good meetings!

Today, we began our new unit. The focus statement is: Human migration is a response to challenges, risks, survival, and a natural need to explore. During the course of the unit, we will be talking about:

  • The reasons people move throughout the world
  • Human migration and its impact on Canada and the world
  • The nature of exploration
  • The similarities between humanity and other animals as related to migration

We began our discussion today by defining migration and seeing what we already know about the topic. Following this, we talked about how everyone has a story of movement in their lives, either within their core family (you, mom, dad, siblings) or through the extended family. Everyone was asked how many times they have had to move in their short lifetimes — the record was 11 times! Ms. D, at a different stage in her life, has moved 13 times. To further investigate this movement, everyone is filling out a basic family tree going back to great-grandparents. On the back of the paper, I have asked everyone to write down what they know about their family’s movement story — where have they lived, what countries did they come from, how many times did they have to move, whether between houses, cities, or continents. Tomorrow we will share this information and begin charting it on a map.

If anyone would like to try charting their family tree online (this is not required at all), then you could check out Family Echo You need to set up an account so the tree will be saved. It is not required to do this and paper is fine for tomorrow. If there is any information you can’t find out from your family, that is okay, too.

We also talked today about animal migration and began a discussion of the reasons animals move by watching Pole to Pole from the BBC Planet Earth Series. For Science related to our unit, we will be looking at animal migration and biomes. My hope is that we will be going on a special trip February 26th to talk about bird migration, but stay tuned and save the date! Will try to get it confirmed as soon as possible.

In math we continued working on our Skyscrapers math, marking a few pages and then assigning p. 26-27. We also talked about measurement with more depth, discussing the differences between the metric and imperial systems. Tomorrow’s “at the door first” challenge is to find out the history of why Canada changed to the metric system. Students went around the room using both systems to measure a variety of items.

On February 22nd, Friday we have the Young People’s Concert – please be on time. We have to leave right away. As soon as the bell rings at 8:50 AM, we will be going to load the bus. If you arrive late, please see if we are out front already at the buses loading if the classroom is locked, otherwise, check in at the office.

Have a great night!

Questions for You!

I am doing some planning for this week, and I need to know the following. Please respond to this post if you have an answer:

  1. Has anyone used the program Sketchup before (previously known as Google Sketchup) and did you like it? Why?
  2. How many of you may have a digital camera of your own you could bring on a special field trip / outdoors adventure?
  3. Does anyone have any engineering, architecture, or drafting iPad apps you would recommend?

Thank you,

Ms. D

Quick Friday Update

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone had a good Friday. Sorry for not being there today and earlier this week, but both my family and I are dealing with a flu like bug. Make sure you all get lots of sleep, eat well, take your vitamin C, and wash hands, as this is going around!

I look forward to seeing you next week as we start our new unit. More details on this in my next post! We have had great discussions about skyscrapers and the math thinking involved in making them, and next week we will do some building activities, work with protractors, create scale drawings, and practice measurement. By the way, if any of you have a ruler or measuring tape that you would be willing to bring to school and use, it will help us, as this will mean we could have individual measuring tools rather than sharing.

In the meantime, I hope you all had a chance to finish some presentations today, and I know Mr. Fraser will leave great notes for me about your presentation skills. For those who didn’t get to go this week, because of all our activities around hip hop and FSA testing, don’t worry, we will have you complete all presentations on Monday.

Have a good weekend!

Ms. D

Great Presentations, Beginning Debates, Tuesday Update

Hello Everyone,

Today, we continued our presentations on machines and started our debates about video games. Not only did students show some excellent thinking, they also did a good job presenting in front of the class. After each presentation, the group had an opportunity to give positive feedback and constructive criticism, thinking about what kind of feedback and words they would like to hear if someone commented on their own presentations. Overall, everyone was very generative and helpful with their comments.

Some students need to take greater care with time management and homework, as there were still some students who did not have their presentations, speeches, or math done today. I had them conference with me briefly, and I asked each of them to think about what would help. Is it the amount of activities at home? Is it the way they use their time in class? What words and questions could have been used to communicate that homework was too difficult or help was needed? I have left a brief note in agendas if there was something not quite done today so you can all have a discussion at home about what would work best.

We continued with our FSA Practice, and all grade four students have done a practice eFSA field test for both reading comprehension and numeracy. On Thursday morning, starting at 9AM, they will do the live test in the computer lab.

Students had time to practice the Caribou Test if they are participating, and we will do the live competition tomorrow morning in the computer lab from 9-10:30 AM. If anyone misses that time, then a make up can be arranged, but the test must be taken, without exception, at the school, before 3PM on Thursday. It has to be done at Suncrest, as the Caribou organization reads the IP address registered for our school.

We also worked on our zentangle tree project, which I hope will result in a quality piece of art in watercolour and fine liner, with an emphasis on line, shape/form, and watercolour wash.

Finally, we continued working on skyscrapers in math, marking homework through page 9 and then giving time in class to work on pages 10-13. We are working on how to evaluate and choose the best site for our skyscraper using math skills of area, perimeter, coordinates, and more. Anything from pp. 10-13 not completed is the homework for tonight.

Have a great night! PAC meeting on January 13th, and a white notice went home about this today. Pizza orders are due on January 15th, Friday.

Monday January 11th Update

Hello Everyone!

Great job, everyone, on your hip hop presentation! You all had some great energy and did well with the choreography. We have a lot of rhythm in our group!

Today, in between hip hop dress rehearsals, FSA practice, Caribou Test practice, and the actual performance, we began hearing student presentations about the machines and inventions that have made the greatest impact on mankind. Everyone practiced their listening skills as great audience members, as well as the ability to give and receive both positive feedback and constructive criticism from peers. Tomorrow we will continue the presentations. If anyone has not finished working on their PPT or Prezi, they have made arrangements with me to do so, as we will not have further class time.

We will be doing the Caribou Math Test on Wednesday morning 9-10:30 AM. Please don’t be late on that day so we can go immediately to the computer lab. Also, I recommend practicing ahead of the test. There is a specific interactive puzzle you may want to try ahead of time so you are familiar with it. The tests run January 13th and 14th, with results posted Thursday evening.

For Math, please have your Skyscrapers packet finished through page 9.

If you have completed your Prezi, please send me a link to it via email at andrea.deterra@sd41.bc.ca. If you have done a PPT, please either print the slides or turn it in via USB to me so I can download it to my computer. Your notes, commentary, and rubric (with highlighted parts by you to evaluate yourself) are due to the inbox after presenting.

Please practice your debate speeches aloud for tomorrow, as we will begin debating then.

Have a great night!

Happy Friday! Being Balanced, End of Year Project, and More

Happy Friday Everybody! (This first week back has felt long, I think!)

The last three days, we have focused on an area of the Learner Profile called BALANCED. I have challenged everyone (we even put it in the agenda so we wouldn’t forget) to find a way to be balanced. What does that mean? It means finding a way to feel relaxed, calm, and happy by doing something you want to do, outside of work and school. It means having a balance between the things you HAVE to do and the things you WANT or NEED to do for your mental health. When we are balanced and take this time, research shows we are able to do better academically and feel better about ourselves, as well. Ms. D likes to read, and so I feel most balanced when I take personal time each night to dive into a fantasy world or lose myself in a novel of historical fiction. I do this as the reward for myself after a long day of work. How do you reward yourself? How do you use this to help motivate you to get through your work? I look forward to hearing from everyone how you tried to find balance this weekend.

Also of interest is the Technology Conference going on this weekend in Arizona called C.E.S. Check out their website for information on new tech gadgets for 2016!

If you have not completed your Power Point / Prezi, then please take some time to finish it up. If you have not finished your two debate speeches for positive and negative, please take time to finish these, as well. Some of us are ready to begin practicing saying the presentation on machines out loud. We will have time for a few people to present on Monday.

HIP HOP DETAILS FOR MONDAY: Monday is a busy day of a hip hop dress rehearsal as a whole school between recess and lunch. Then, after lunch, parents are welcome to join us in the gym for the presentation of all divisions’ dances. Please wear black and white clothing for Monday morning.

FSA TESTING: For grade fours, we will begin working on this Monday. Please read the notice provided.

PIZZA ORDERS: These are due Friday, January 15th

CARIBOU TEST:  The next test is on January 13th and 14th –we will be doing it in the computer lab on Wednesday, January 13th, 9-10:30 AM. This is optional, but for those participating, you may want to go online and practice.

NOTICE: Refugee Drive notice sent home, yellow. Thank you for your contributions.

MATH:  If you have any time, be browsing for ideas by looking at images online of buildings around the world. What will your skyscraper look like?

Have a great, BALANCED, fun, and restful weekend!

Ms. D

Thursday Update!

Today we had another session of hip hop, worked on our debates and presentations, had our first music class of 2016, and then worked on geometry related to measurement and skyscrapers.

As a reminder to everyone about homework and managing work time at home:

  • We often have bigger projects we are working on, and I give as much time as I can to work on these during class. It is important to use the class time well so you are not left with too much homework.
  • If you are working at home, be realistic about how much you can do in a night. If you have lots of activities on a night, then maybe you won’t be able to do as much on a project that night.
  • If you have lots of activities after school, make sure you talk together about being balanced and ensuring there is enough time for everything. Activities are fun! If you know you have them, though, plan ahead and use your down time, as well as the time in class, wisely.
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep so you can be well rested and then use the time in class well, when your brain is fresh.
  • And if it is too much, or you are having difficulty of any kind, please use your skills as a good communicator. Come and talk to Ms. D about what you could do to manage things better. Maybe you misunderstood the assignment. Maybe there are easier ways to do what you are doing. Maybe if you communicate about needing more time, Ms. D can adjust the schedule and work with you so the work can be completed.

It is always my intention that projects are fun. Some of us like to put A LOT of time into our projects! While typically I would say 60 minutes is enough for homework in a night, with MACC students this could be limiting, depending on how passionate you are about a topic. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, though, and are regularly spending more than 60 minutes a night (not including reading or homework from other activities), then let’s talk about it together.

Our goal for Monday: Be able to start debating (meaning positive and negative speeches would need to be done) and present our machines slideshows. No more class time on these items after our session tomorrow.

Math Homework: Many of you have done it already, but page 6 and 7 in the Skyscrapers booklet I gave you can be done on the same piece of lined paper. We had a great discussion today about shapes, edges, vertices, and more. Does a cone have a vertex? If it isn’t a vertex, then what is the part at the top called? How many faces does a cylinder actually have? As we continue working on our skyscraper math, I invite you to look at pictures of buildings around the world for ideas and/or share any wonderings and findings you make online about the math, architecture, and engineering involved.

Check out the 21 tallest buildings in the world according to Popular Science Magazine

FSA Notice went home for grade fours today. Parents, please read and let us know if you have any questions. We will be doing this testing in class over the next two weeks.

Hip Hop Clothing: Students need black and white clothing for their outfits during the performance on Monday.

Thank you and have a great night!

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