Wednesday Tasks!


  • CSI Quiz Tomorrow: Please review your handouts from Crime Scene, Bones, Fingerprints, Burn Baby Burn, Handwriting, Glass Fracture, and Cake Caper. For Bones you do not need to know the formulas, but you do need to know how to change centimetres to inches.  (divide by 2.54, then divide by 12, make sure you do the remainder rather than a decimal)
  • Math Quiz: Get it signed or do the upgrade per Ms. D’s instructions in class. Those doing upgrade resubmit before Friday.
  • French Quiz: Tell Mom and Dad your mark, as it was all done online
  • Library Tomorrow: Bring YOUR books!
  • Movie Night on Friday February 24th.
  • PE Tomorrow: We have a special PE tomorrow, so switched with Friday, because of our Rocks and Rings Curling program. Please bring runners for being inside the gym.

Tuesday Tasks — February 7th

Hello Everyone!

  1. Give notices about PAC movie event to Mom and Dad
  2. Create a brainstorm (to show Ms. D tomorrow) about the CRIME for your mystery story.
  3. Comment on the playground ideas blog with an idea about a game or activity you think we should do during our outside time. This was due Monday but some people have not done it yet. It counts as a homework assignment.
  4. Think about ideas for the playground equipment you may be interested in.
  5. Sorry, French Quiz tomorrow. 🙂
  6. Applied Math Quiz #2 will not be until next week. CSI Quiz on Thursday Feb. 9th. We went over in class what items would be on the quiz. I will recap again tomorrow.

Have a good night!


Researching Discrimination

During our Social Studies discussions, we have focused on the meaning of discrimination. We have looked at the Komagata Maru incident, the Chinese Head Tax, and Japanese Internment.

In relating to our overall unit on PROBLEM SOLVING, please choose one of the incidents we have discussed and answer the following questions by doing some research with the links below:

  1. When did the incident happen and what were the basic details?
  2. Why did the incident happen to this particular group of people?
  3. Why was the incident negative and discriminatory?
  4. Have the people involved healed from the incident? Or is it something they still feel today?
  5. Did anyone apologize for the incident? Why do you think this was done? Did it help?
  6. Does discrimination still happen in BC or Canada? Can you give me an example?
  7. Has discrimination ever happened to you?
  8. Discrimination and racism are complicated problems in our society. What do you think Canadians are doing to solve it? What do you think we should do?

Answer the questions in Google Docs. Please include the question in your answer. Have a peer edit your responses. Due on Thursday, February 16th. Time will be given in class.

Websites about KOMAGATA MARU

Komagata Maru Grade 4 Video

You Tube Remembering Komagata Maru

History of Metropolitan Vancouver Komagata Maru

CBC Komagata Maru 100 Years Later

CBC Komagata Maru: Justin Trudeau to Apologize

CBC Komagata Maru: Descendants Surprised By Stories

CBC Komagata Maru Memorial Defaced in Vancouver

Canadian Encyclopedia on Komagata Maru

Komagata Maru Continuing the Journey

OHRC Komagata Maru as a Violation of Human Rights



CBC Learning A Canada’s History Japanese Internment

Virtual Museum Aya’s Story

Japanese Canadian History. NET

Canadian Encyclopedia Beyond the Tears: Japanese Internment

SEDAI Japanese Canadian Legacy Project

Pictures of Japanese Internment Sites in BC from book Vanishing British Columbia

National Post BC Government Apologizes for Japanese Internment

National Post UBC Awarding Japanese Canadians Degrees 70 Years After Internment


Websites about CHINESE HEAD TAX

Ties that Bind Website on Chinese Canadians

Canadian Encyclopedia on Chinese Head Tax

CBC Chinese Head Tax Reparations Called For

Globe and Mail PM Offers Apology and Symbolic Payments for Chinese Head Tax

TC2 Background History on Chinese Head Tax

and Response to Head Tax

Historica Canada Building of the CPR

CBC Archives The Personal Impact of Racism

CBC Digital Archives Chinese Immigration Not Welcome Anymore

Design a New Playground for Suncrest!

Our main project before Spring Break is to design a playground! 

Due on March 7th, Tuesday. Playground Rubric 2017

Recently, the Suncrest PAC has been discussing ways to improve the playground (in fact, some of your parents are on the committee to help figure out what new equipment to purchase.)

Your job will be to work with a group of designers to pitch ideas for how the PAC could use their money to provide more equipment in the extra space we have for the intermediate area.

You will:

1. Work with a group. Use the seven norms of collaboration and the ladder of inference as your guide.

2. Measure the area provided outside so you can accurately represent the space available.

3. Do some research on playground equipment individually.

4. Bring your ideas to the group. Each person must contribute one piece of equipment to the area, but you can come to the group discussion with multiple ideas.

5. Come to consensus about the pieces of equipment and layout.

6. Make a draft drawing for the layout. Talk about the size of each item in relation the the real size of the playground area. Be able to justify your ideas and think about safety, area to move around the equipment, and overall size of each of the items in the space. 

7. Each person will construct a mini version of their equipment and then put them together into a full model. You will need to build it to scale, and we will talk about this together as I want everyone to use the same scale.

8. Each of you will write a paragraph for your proposal on the playground about your specific piece of equipment. Models should include colour and if equipment is movable, it could also move in the model, which would make a more effective presentation. The paragraphs you write will be put into one write-up for your playground model.

9. You will be marked on your individual piece of equipment, your individual paragraph, and your ability to work toward consensus successfully by solving problems independently. I will ask you to reflect on how this went on the rubric at the end.

10. We will then present our ideas to representatives from the PAC. They may not be able to use your ideas, because ultimately they have a budget they need to work with AND they are also making improvements to the main playground, replacing older items with new. BUT, they are interested in seeing what your ideas are, because it will definitely tell them what kind of equipment you are interested in for the future!


Happy Friday and SNOW!

Friday Homework:

  • Look on the blog at the Playground Post. Please make a comment and add another idea of a game or activity you can do while outside at recess or lunch.
  • Show your E-PORTFOLIO to Mom and Dad. Remember, this is only for posting while at school! Other posts may be deleted, as we want it to be about school. Do not share the passwords to get in to the page. If your password did not work today, I have sent tech services an email to get it updated so you should have it soon.
  • Work on your Debate Research. We are looking for other stories, books, and movies you have experienced that may have characters or a plot that supports the question from your team’s story. See the Debate Post and my previous posting with the story links. Remember that your debate will need to mention what happens in the story I gave you, whether Jack in the BeanstalkMaster Cator The Elephant PitI am looking for your THINKING here as you connect the ethical question with some specific examples.
  • Our FRENCH QUIZ has been postponed until Tuesday. It will be on the French verbs and pronouns, a matching quiz. French Immersion students were asked to do some writing using the verbs as an alternative activity. Those were due today, but if you haven’t turned it in, please do so soon!
  • Field Trip Forms: Due Monday. If you haven’t turned them in yet, here is the link to the Metro Vancouver Watershed Trip form, as well as the Watershed Parent Guardian Consent Form. Both forms are required to be able to go.


  • UBC MATH Workshop: Ms. Alvarez from UBC was unable to come during our previous session scheduled, so she will be coming in at 9AM on the 8th.
  • BUDDY ART: We will do Valentine’s Day buddy art with Division 9 on Tuesday afternoon!
  • APPLIED MATH: We will mark and go over Applied Math 2 next week. Check in quiz will be the week following.
  • DEBATE: Scheduled for February 21st
  • LA: Discussion of Mysteries and begin our own stories
  • ART: Painting our sculpture cards and designing pictures
  • SOCIALS: Komagata Maru Continued; Talking about multiculturalism in Canada
  • SCIENCE: Play with fingerprinting dust; CSI Quiz on Thursday, February 9th
  • PE: Rocks and Rings Program for all students at Suncrest Feb. 9/10
  • NO SCHOOL: Family Day Monday Feb. 13th & PRO-D Day Friday, February 17th
  • Five weeks until Spring Break!!

Playground Time

Hello Everyone,

One of the things we need to work on as a MACC group is how we choose to spend our playground time at recess and lunch. Ms. D has noticed that when we all have activities to do, we have less conflicts; however, when we aren’t occupied with something to do, issues can come up.

Our class had a discussion today about playground time. People indicated things come up when waiting for the zipline, which is one of our favourite playground equipment options, because there are just too many people waiting for a turn. Others said that conflicts come up during group games, because some people are being excluded. Again, we all could agree that more is needed TO DO on the playground, so that our time is organized and fun.

So, everyone brainstormed some ideas of things to do. Ms. D asked everyone to take ACTION on this CONUNDRUM by doing some research and finding games or activities that would be fun to do. If equipment is needed, we can look at that. If something is needed from the school, then maybe we can make a school proposal. So, here are some of the ideas presented (game names and/or activities):

  • Eagle Tag
  • Sausage
  • Mother May I
  • Blob Tag
  • Foosball Tournament
  • Thumb ball (using the thumb ball from Ms. D)
  • Skittles
  • YEET
  • Four Square
  • Continuity Ball
  • Shadow Tag It
  • Kick Ball
  • Spud
  • Kick the Can
  • Sidewalk Chalk
  • Skipping Ropes
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Red Rover
  • Nature Crafts

For your thinking this weekend, please add games we can play. Add a name of a game and explanation and/or an internet link that explains the game or activity to the discussion comments below.

Change to Independent Math!

Hello Parents and Students,

At the beginning of this year, I explained to you that we would do two types of math this year — independent math and applied math. The students have been doing CSI Math for applied math this term, typically twice a week, and then for independent math, they receive time twice a week to work in the Math Makes Sense textbooks provided to us.

In MACC, I always try to be responsive to the students, and the feedback they have given me is that they are enjoying the Applied Math (me, too) and the Independent Math is not as engaging due to the repetition in the book. I have also noted that the progress in the book is going too slowly given their abilities, so it is time to make an adjustment.

For this reason, Independent Math now works like this (explained to students today):

  • For each unit, do the “Show What You Know” ending section first. It is at the end of the unit chapter.
  • Turn in the “Show What You Know” to Ms. D. It will serve as a pre-test for the unit. When I mark it, if you receive 90% and above, then you will not need to do any more homework for that unit, and you can go ahead and take the unit test for a mark.
  • If you receive less than 90% on the pre-test, then you will only do lessons in the unit that will help you do better on questions you missed.​ When that is complete, check your answers independently, ask me questions as needed, and then take the unit test for a mark.
  • When you turn in “Show What You Know” please mark it with your name, grade level of the book, and the unit number, so I can mark it more quickly.
  • Please be patient, as you can always work on Applied Math activities while waiting for your mark from Independent Math.
  • If you have done more homework for a unit, please turn it in — it was not wasted time, and I will take note of your efforts!
This seemed to motivate students today, and I hope it helps us move more quickly through areas that do not need as much review. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we transition to this method. I also look forward to their applied use of math in our upcoming project to end the unit. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Ms. D

Fairy Tale Debates!

Here is some more information about your debate on ethics and fairy tales. We will be working with our teams on the following steps and then presenting the debates around February 21st:

  • Step One:  Brainstorming Ideas (individually and with our team, using the PRO/CON worksheet I gave you)
  • Step Two:  Organize Ideas (which ones are important; give each argument a 3 word name)
  • Step Three:  Structure Our Speeches (Create a 1 minute speech that has an introduction, statement of your position, and arguments to support your position)
  • Step Four: Make Arguments REAL (Reason, Evidence, Analysis, Link)
  • Step Five: Present in front of the class

What will our debate format look like?

  • Team 1: One Minute Speech with arguments for person 1 (Captain)
  • Team 1: One Minute Speech with arguments for person 2
  • Team 2: One Minute Speech with arguments for person 1 (Captain)
  • Team 2: One Minute Speech with arguments for person 2
  • 10 minute break to prepare rebuttals/response
  • Team 1: One Minute Rebuttal for person 3
  • Team 2: One Minute Rebuttal for person 3
  • 3 minute break to prepare Conclusion
  • Team 1: Conclusion (one of three team members)
  • Team 2: Conclusion (one of three team members)
  • VOTE: Who won? Ms. D and the class will vote together

Where should you look for info to support your debate?

  • News Articles (facts versus opinions)
  • Personal Stories (of your own or of others – anecdotes)
  • Stories/Books (chapter, picture books and short stories)
  • Other fairy tales
  • Movies (especially non-fiction)

If you are looking online for evidence, where should you look? (Some examples)

  • News websites: Globe and Mail, Vancouver Sun, Province, NY Times, CBC, NPR, The National, Global TV, CTV News, CHEK News, or news collections on Google News
  • Education websites that end in .edu or Government websites that end in .gov — for other stories that support your question
  • News Magazines: Wired, Popular Science, Fortune, Economist, Forbes, Time
  • Human Rights Websites: Amnesty International, Unicef, United Nations
  • Sports Articles on: ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and other newspapers
  • Celebrity Stories may work: People, Time

What kinds of things should you avoid for evidence?

  • Blogs (wordpress, blogger) and opinion pieces/editorials in newspapers, which are opinions versus facts
  • Wikipedia – great for looking up quick facts, but not for research or deeper information generally
  • Lists of things — a list won’t be helpful
  • Sites ending in .com, which are businesses
  • News organizations which may be overly biased (for example, Fox News tends to be conservative, and Huffington Post tends to be liberal — they aren’t bad news sources and can be used, but be aware they have a specific point of view.)

We will continue working on this in class. More to come!

Mystery Stories!

Hello Everyone!

So, start thinking about your MYSTERIES you need to write. Today, we did a crazy writing exercise, using story cubes dice (which you can find at Granville Island Toys if you liked them), and a group-writing technique to construct short mysteries.

Here are the documents you need to do the MYSTERY WRITING project: Mystery WordsMystery Elements Writing GuideMystery Graphic OrganizerSuper Sleuth Peer Editing Sheet, and Mystery Writing Rubric

Your stories should be approximately 4 pages (12pt font (Comic Sans/Times New Roman or Arial), typed, double spaced using 1.5 spacing option) and need to have (a):

  • Beginning: Start with a HOOK, introduce interesting characters and setting. Try to come up with a name for your characters that would appeal to everyone, not just you. Remember this story is a mystery. It can have funny elements, but the story needs to make sense and not be silly.
  • Middle: Talk about the CRIME, the SUSPECTS, the CLUES, and key ACTION as the characters try to solve the mystery. You will need a DISTRACTION, some WITNESSES, and a RED HERRING.
  • End: Solve the crime. Who did it? What was their motive (why did they do it)? What is the reward for solving the crime OR how do the characters end their story?
  • CSI Details: Use the labs we have done so far during the unit. How will fingerprints, a crime scene, dental records, fibres, bones, etc. be used as clues and evidence?
  • DESCRIPTIVE Language: Use our brainstorm lists in the classroom to add adjectives to your stories to make them more interesting. Describe the character, setting, and clues with exciting words. How will you set the mood? This is a mystery, not a funny story, so what kinds of words would you hear? Use a thesaurus actively to look for synonyms.
  • DIALOGUE: Your story must have some dialogue. I would like to see 10 sentences in quotes in the story. Remember how to indicate dialogue.
  • INDENTS: Remember to indent paragraphs (except for the first one) and to start a new line when a new speaker starts speaking!
  • EDITING: Make sure you edit your work. Use a dictionary for spelling and/or spell check. Have a peer look over your work using the mystery peer checker worksheet from Ms. D.

Stories will be due Friday, February 24th. Time will be given for planning and writing in class, so not much will need to be done at home. For those who need the extra time, though, if you do take it home (which means Ms. D has written story writing for agenda on the board), then please do not receive help from Mom and Dad beyond spelling and/or editing questions. The ideas need to be your own, and I should visually see you doing the majority of the work at school, so I can help you with your writing process. Thank you.

Hello Monday! Getting right to work…. January 30th

Hello Everyone!

Some updates on the things we did today AND some websites to check out for tonight!

MATH: We marked the work from Applied Math 1, which meant going over some sample problems on the board about decimals, percentages, and multiplying fractions. If you had any trouble with the problems we did on the board, please let me know! Our applied math dealt with learning BMI, looking at investigator’s data about crime statistics, and using grid coordinates to mark a crime scene. I would recommend using 15 minutes to make up some fraction/decimal/percentage questions for yourself, just like we were doing in class. QUIZ ON PACKET ONE FRIDAY!

DEBATE: Today, everyone received their debate teams and stories. Team captains were chosen. If you were absent, Ms. D placed you on a team so you have a place when you return. Start looking for current events, stories, and evidence that would support the question for your story. We will have time in class to do this.

CSI: You all had some interesting questions about DNA and crime scene investigation for our Wonderings Question Board, and so I thought it may be fun to investigate these further. This is optional and only if you are interested. Rice University has a CSI Forensics unit online and we tried Case #1 for Rookies today, which allowed us to learn more about DNA and the tools used to collect and analyze it. There are more activities under that case to explore. Case #1 is what I am recommending, but if you would like to look at the other ones, please be aware they are made for all ages but do have talk about different kinds of crimes. If you are a mature reader (meaning your parents gave you permission to read mature books at the library), then you are probably okay to view them. All of the cases were designed for education and a wide range of ages. None are particularly graphic, but forensics does involve serious crimes.

LADDER OF INFERENCE/DRAGON’S DEN: Today we watched the TED Talk on the Ladder of Inference, and I recommend viewing the video again. We will be using the ladder to talk about our own experiences. To start the conversation, I asked everyone to do a thinking exercise. Brainstorm the characteristics of a restaurant you thought was particularly terrible. Afterwards, use one of the characteristics and turn it on its head! Look at it from another perspective. How would this characteristic make the restaurant the best, most innovative experience ever? Pitch an idea for your restaurant to Dragon’s Den. Everyone needs to have a list of what their restaurant would be like so they can pitch their idea tomorrow.

FRENCH: We went over infinitives, conjugation and ER verbs today. Please have packet 2 done by Friday if you haven’t done so already. Quiz Monday the 6th as a quick checking in on the verbs and basic use of pronouns. Quizzes from last Friday were passed back today.

ART: Please finish your draft drawings for NATURE and GAMES, our themes for our cards sculpture. We paint cardboard on Thursday, then we will draw and paint on top of it.

WORDS COMPETITION: If you are interested in submitting an entry to the WORDS competition for the District, they are due by February 9th. If you would like Ms. D to edit an entry, please let me know!

FIELD TRIP: I passed out forms for the GVRD Watershed Field Trip on April 18th, which are due back on February 6th. Please fill out both forms. Here is the main field trip form: Metro Vancouver Watershed Trip and then also the Watershed Parent Guardian Consent Form 

Have a good night!

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