Creating a Commercial Project!

Hello Everyone!

We have been talking a lot about media literacy, with a focus on how advertisers and those who produce media use specific strategies, gimmicks, or tools to get our attention and sell products to us.

Using these tricks, I would like you to create a product and sell it to us through an in-person commercial in front of the class.

What are you making?

With a partner or individually you will make a product and then figure out a way to sell it to us in a short, live commercial in front of the class.

The product needs to be an actual object, not a service you are trying to sell.

You need to use specific strategies we have discussed (found in your journal or binder) to create a compelling commercial that makes us want to buy your product.

What are the steps?

  1. Brainstorm in your journal what your product will be.
  2.  Using the applied design process, you will draw a picture of your planned product first, so you have a plan in mind. Decide what materials would be needed and make a list in your journal. I would like to see this as part of the project, so I can see your planning process.
  3. Discuss what you will do to package or present the product so it is appealing. Think back to our notes about the cereal box or to other advertisements and packaging you have seen.
  4. Decide who your audience is? How will you appeal to that specific audience? Will your audience really want the product?
  5.  Build a prototype of the product along with its packaging.
  6. Give the product a name, and then decide what the slogan or gimmick might be for selling it.
  7. Write a script for the commercial. If you are working with a partner, both of you need a speaking role. The commercial can be a direct sell to the audience, or it could be a skit. Think about other commercials you have seen for ideas. The script should be no more than 2 minutes long.
  8. What other things will you need to set the scene? Decide if you need a costume while you are doing the commercial. Do you need any props to help you create the setting where the product is used? Do you need anything in the background that can be hung up on the board?
  9. Practice presenting. You need to rehearse before doing it in front of the class. It would be helpful to memorize your lines, as reading a script for a commercial won’t be as effective.

What does Ms. D expect?

  • I can create a product by myself or with a partner using the applied design planning process.
  • I can work collaboratively with others if needed to produce a project.
  • I can present my ideas clearly to an audience using appropriate volume, enunciation, tone, expression, and pace.
  • I can create a commercial script that incorporates thinking about how advertisers sell things to their audience, including some specific wording from the resources Ms. D provided about how people sell products (see your binder.)
  • I can create a commercial and product that incorporates thinking about how advertisers use a brand name, slogan, packaging, and other gimmicks to sell a product.
  • I can explain who my audience was for the commercial, as well as how knowing my audience influenced my design choices for the product.

When is it due?  March 10th at the latest.

Have fun working on this project!

Science Experiment Project – Primary Research

Hello Everyone!

Part of having personal POWER as an educated citizen of the world means:

  1. Knowing how to do research,
  2. Becoming more knowledgeable so we can be the best critical thinkers,
  3. Learning how to ask questions and to analyze things, and
  4. Making decisions and conclusions based on evidence.

So, to that end, we are learning how to do our own research in science. To do this, we are focusing on:

  1. What is primary versus secondary research?  (Did I do it myself, or did I read about it somewhere?)
  2. What does primary research look like? (An interview, survey, experiment, observations, etc.)
  3. What is the scientific method?
  4. Why do scientists use the scientific method?
  5. Why do scientists do careful documentation of experiments?

Students have the scientific method steps in their binders, and we applied them to two labs so far, both about chemical reactions. We will continue doing a series of experiments in class to practice writing up labs, making careful observations, and analyzing our results.

Next step? Students will need to do their own science experiment. They can do it as an individual or with one partner in the class (someone they have not worked with previously.)

Here are the steps to take to do the project. They need to:

  1.  Pick one lab they think they can do. Pick something easy to do and that uses easy-to-find materials at home. You can make up your own experiment if you prefer, but again, keep it simple! I have provided websites with ideas. Please do not do one we are doing in class. Avoid making slime or things you already did before in previous grades.
  2. Get the lab approved by Ms. D, so I know what you are doing. Thanks!
  3.  Try the lab at home. Take notes, observations, and a few pictures. Email them to yourself so you have them to work with in class.
  4.  Document the steps in a lab write up using the scientific method.
  5. As you write your conclusion, you may want to do some additional research to make sure you use science vocabulary or ideas to explain the results.
  6.  Present their results in class. (We will do one day of a mini science fair, where people can bring in their experiments. They don’t need to do the experiment here, but they can bring in the results of it and explain what happened.)
  7.  The only thing required to turn in is: a typed lab write up AND a picture. The lab write up and picture can be on their e-port so we can all see it.
  8. You may choose to do an experiment that also can be used for your independent project, but it is not required.
  9. Primary research of some type will be required for IP, but it does not have to be a science experiment. If you do have a science experiment for IP, though, it will need a lab write up. Thank you!

What is Ms. D Looking for?:

  • I can document my experiment using the scientific method.
  • I can communicate my ideas clearly, both in my lab documentation and in person during our mini science fair.
  • I can use critical-thinking skills to analyze the results of an experiment and make a conclusion using science vocabulary.
  • I can do some research if needed, to further explain my experiment.
  • I can write about my experiment in my e-port to share with the community.

Due Date for the Project:  March 12th, Friday

Websites to use for finding a sample experiment (or Google “Easy Science Fair Experiments”):

Science Fun for Kids

Easy Science Experiments

Steve Spangler Experiments

Fifth Grade Science Experiments,

Steam Powered Family Experiment Ideas

Science Fair Experiments by Topic

Repeat Science Experiments of Past Scientists


New Unit February – March 2021: “Communication is the Key!”

Hello Everyone!

This week we have started a new unit which will run from February –  March 2021.

Unit Title:
Communication is the KEY!

Concept:  POWER

Core Competency Focus:  Critical Thinking / Communication

Unit Focus Statement:
Being an educated citizen requires reflection and critical thinking about how we communication and receive information.

Areas of Inquiry:

  • The power of an educated citizen
  • Questioning and research skills
  • Forms of media and how they work (media literacy)
  • Fake news and social media safety (digital literacy)
  • Science Labs and communication results (primary vs secondary research)
  • Numbers in the News
  • Effective use of communication skills (presentations, writing, team activities, drama, visual arts)
  • The power of storytelling through oral traditions and visual arts
  • The power of walking and mindfulness
  • Communication with others using basic French

Curricular Activities:

  • Using Media Smarts BC online program for examining role of media in our lives.
  • Understanding how media resources are organized; analyzing news broadcasts.
  • Talking with a current CBC Journalist via Zoom on February 22nd
  • Creating our own broadcast news reports or newspaper articles.
  • Doing a variety of science experiments to practice the scientific method and primary research documentation.
  • Looking at wordless books and using visual imagery to create oral stories.
  • Exploring Indigenous oral storytelling traditions, and how stories are used to communicate important messages or to pass knowledge from one generation to the next.
  • Continuing our independent project research
  • Creating watercolour pictures of the ABCs of Life and wire sculptures
  • Continuing work on proportionate reasoning, including ordering of fractions and decimals.
  • Looking at how math is used in the news and in advertisements.
  • Documenting our Independent Project Research

Students will be investigating media, communications, and other topics above through some at-home explorations or questions in their planners.

Please support them with discussion about these questions, as well as encouragement to set aside time at home to do these explorations.

***As students work on independent project, they really do need to set aside time at home to be doing research, and not just relying on time at school.

Some students have recently said they don’t have any time to do any work at home, even when it is a simple thinking activity in their journals, because of their activities load.

As students get older and go into upper grades, they need to have dedicated time at home to catch up on work as needed. If a student is in a lot of extra-curricular activities, this may be something to talk about at home so students do not start to feel overwhelmed or come to class unprepared for inquiry discussions.

Thank you for your support!

Ms. D

Overview Term 1 & 2, September – February 2020-21

MACC Suncrest Division 5 Overview, September – February

In anticipation of our Optional Learning Conferences and Report Card Reflections, here is an overview of what we studied during the last five months! Please see each student’s e-portfolio for more specific information on their projects and learning.

Division 5 began the year building the foundation for a great working community!

Throughout many fun activities together we discussed and applied elements of the personal awareness core competency, and we made individual goals to improve our approach to learning. We made essential agreements for working together, and we did brainstorms about our interests for a new school year.

We created beautiful Life Islands to communicate our strengths and passions to one another; and we enjoyed playing games during Free Choice Fridays, which was a great opportunity to bond together as a class. We also learned how to run our own class meetings to plan events such as our Halloween party and the Winter Wonderland during December.

We also enjoyed doing psychology surveys from the book Who do you think you are?, which opened discussions about how everyone learns and experiences the world in different ways. In this way we could not only add to our own personal awareness, but also better understand our classmates and their needs.



Then we jumped right in to our conceptual units!

To tie the BIG IDEAS, content, and curricular competencies from our curriculum together into a larger, enduring understanding, we studied all subjects through the lens of universal, conceptual themes. See below to learn more about our two units from September – January!

First, we focused on the concept of STRUCTURE
in our unit “It’s All in the Design”

Unit Focus Statement:

The structure of something is designed to serve the needs of the user.

Form Follows Function! – Building and Experimenting – Science

Through a variety of fun building activities, we discussed the scientific principles behind STRUCTURE. Many of our conversations revolved around the phrase “form follows function.” For example, we talked about how different sports balls have a specific design to serve a specific sport, and how our chairs were designed taking our ergonomic and daily work needs in mind.

Using critical and creative thinking, personal awareness and responsibility, and communication skills, we collaboratively designed and built marble roller coasters, popsicle stick towers, Lego creations, and paper honeycomb structures based off of bee hive explorations to learn how certain shapes provide the greatest strength, and how understanding the science of our materials can help with design.


Through lab experiments, students learned about physical and chemical properties, atoms, forces, energy transfer, potential and kinetic energy, homogenous and heterogenous mixtures, and states of matter to better understand the structure of our world and how designers use this information to make new things!


We also had discussions about how the human body has a certain form to serve specific functions related to our survival. We looked at the human skeleton, the eye, and cells, to better understand all of their structure. Then, we compared our skeleton to those of other animals to see how they are different. Our inquiry led us to looking at how different animals have structural adaptations that allow them to survive in specific habitats.

Each of us did research on an animal of our choice, to learn about their adaptations, and then presented the information in an online Book Creator e-book or an oral presentation in front of the class. We were also fortunate to have the Bamfield Marine Science Centre do a virtual field trip to talk about invertebrates in our local oceans and their adaptations.


Rumble Bots and Coding – Applied Design

We used a lot of thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity making Rumble Bots!
  After looking at energy transfer in guided science experiments, and learning about potential and kinetic energy while creating fast roller coasters, we applied our knowledge of energy to the creation of cardboard Rumble Bots that raced on a vibrating track!


We also participated in another virtual field trip with Science World, learning how to do coding online for mini ozobots! This was a great introduction for a later event in December, the Hour of Code, week-long event dedicated to learning code.


Structure of MATH Thinking and Our Number System

We talked about the STRUCTURE of our number system! We began by emphasizing the skills needed to be a successful mathematician, such as risk-taking, deep thinking, open-mindedness, questioning, and creative and critical thinking. We talked about how mathematicians work to prove and disprove conjectures, and we practiced being skeptics and convincers to question and to prove math understandings.

We also discussed the research of Prof. Jo Boaler and YouCubed at Stanford University, who talked about brain structure and the value of brain crossing, which involves doing two activities at the same time to better cement a concept in your head, such as drawing and math. We explored the question, “What does it mean to be a mathmatician?” This meant debunking the idea that math is all about the numbers (because you have to be able to explain your thinking, too), or that math is all about speed (because some of the best mathematicians have been some of the slowest, careful thinkers!)

To explore the structure of numbers, we completed a variety of independent math tasks to understand how we break down our number system, to discuss strategic thinking through games, and to explore new ways to apply brain crossing while practicing grade-level curriculum in multiplication, area/perimeter, and patterns.

Many of these tasks involved reading non-fiction resources for math history information, such as the history of zero or the biography of Archimedes, as well as answering critical-thinking questions about math games.

We looked carefully at a new game called Prime Climb by the mathematician/teacher Dan Finkel, discussing how to win through strategic use of the four operations and knowledge of prime and composite numbers. We had great discussions about the 4-colour theorem, Fibonacci patterns, and other fun, number curiosities, some proven, some not!

There was also the opportunity to apply our learning to the creation of a strategic math game! Working individually or with a partner, we created 3D, board, and card games, and shared them with other classmates.

Structure of a Healthy Community and World – Social Studies / PE & Health 

What kinds of structure are needed to support human life on Earth? We discussed the structure that allows our world to function, such as resource-delivery systems, government, city services, languages for communication, the nature of the land, and the Goldilocks Principle so our Earth is located in just the right place in the universe. Without all of this structure, we realized our lives would be pretty chaotic!

We were fortunate to have a virtual field trip to learn about the BC Parliament, live from the Legislative Assembly in Victoria. Everyone learned about the different levels of government, the roles of people who take part in the legislature, and about the different types of government in the world.

What is the structure of a healthy life?
We talked about the balance of work and play, as well as the importance of self-care — breathing, managing stress, mindfulness, taking breaks using our break board, staying healthy by washing hands, and getting enough sleep.

We learned about the importance of taking healthy risks, to get out of our comfort zone to do real learning! And we explored some alternative ways to get exercise and improve our focus, such as playing with devil sticks, taking mindful walks, and practicing yoga stretches during the day.

To apply our learning, we did the Your World Project, creating our own planets! We had to think about the planet’s place in the universe, the topographical features of the planet, the nature of its inhabitants, their language and government, and other elements of structure in the communities of the planet that allow the inhabitants to thrive. Then, we displayed our creative thinking through models, posters, and Book Creator e-books.

Structure of Language – Language Arts and French

Throughout all of the subject areas, as we communicated our ideas, we talked about the structure of language. We evaluated the elements of a good paragraph, we used homophones to play with language and make puns and jokes, and we discussed tools that help us with quality writing structure such as transition words. We documented our learning daily in our journals, shared ideas with partners, and wrote speeches, raps, and poems to demonstrate our understandings of mathematical concepts. After practicing how to make our sentences more complex, and how to make a proper paragraph, we applied this knowledge to several projects.

To help with our research on projects, we learned about non-fiction features we can use to help find information, how to record resources, how to look for legitimate websites, and how to ask different levels of inquiry questions. We will continue to use this in term three as we work toward our independent projects!

In French, we explored beginning vocabulary and phrases through French songs and discussion. We enjoyed doing comparisons of the structures of our mother tongues and learned about the history of language development through videos on TEDEd.

Elements and Principles – Playing with Structure in Art

We explored the elements and principles that structure art! We experimented with new materials, line, colour, and form through a paper quilling project. Our boxes art allowed us to explore making something with mixed media, while focusing on warm and cool colours, texture, and line. We created amazing mixed-media art about poppies for the Remembrance Day Virtual Assembly, using a variety of materials and techniques, as well as line, colour, texture, shape, perspective, and emphasis.

Next, we focused on
the concepts of
in our unit

“Solving the Conundrum”

Unit Focus Statement:
Problem solving involves careful observation, critical thinking,
and consideration of multiple perspectives.

What are the skills you need to solve a problem?

We began our unit with cooperative games and challenges to explore the variety of curricular and core competencies required to solve a problem. Our main focus was critical thinking, but we also used communication, creative-thinking, and personal-awareness skills.

One of our favourites was playing the game Forbidden Island, which is unique because everyone has to work as a team, rather than against one another, to get the treasures and escape from the island before it sinks into the water! Everyone did a great job playing together, using communication and critical-thinking skills!

The Space Team card game was also fun, which involved quickly solving your spaceship’s problems as a team, in only 5 minutes! We also used the book Zoom and had to put a 30-page wordless book back in the correct order, as a whole class, without being able to talk or touch one another!

After finishing challenges, we reflected as a group on the skills needed to be successful in a problem or conflict, such as active listening with partners, careful consideration of instructions and perspectives, self-regulation, and the ability to stay calm when you don’t know the answer right away or something unexpected happens.

Finding Perspective – Social-Emotional Learning, PE and Health, Social Studies

Why do people act the way they do? We incorporated social-emotional learning frequently into our discussions, talking about how to apply problem-solving methods to situations at school, how to care for our community, how to see another person’s perspective, and the emotions and needs such as belonging, power, and fun that drive behaviour. In this way we can better understand why people do the things they do, which can make it easier to respond to a stressful situation.

Big problem or small problem? We explored the difference between small problems and big problems in our everyday lives. We discussed how to identify a problem and strategies for solving minor conflicts amongst peers. I appreciated how students contributed to our lesson on “Words that Hurt” as we categorized language we had heard on the playground or in our community as either playful talk between friends or very hurtful words. We made a commitment to become more aware of how words can hurt, even if the person who said them didn’t mean to hurt anyone. This was part of learning perspective.

We started taking walks as a class that were about perspective. During one of our PE walks we did a Scavenger Hunt which forced everyone to look carefully for items in the local neighbourhood. We will continue doing focused, mindful activities like these from the Walking Curriculum to improve our observation skills. Walking is a great solution to feeling healthier or just working through your feelings about a problem, too!


Identity and Understanding Others – Core Competencies, Social Studies, Language Arts

What is culture? How does it shape our perspective? In connection with the core competency of Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, we discussed how understanding our own culture and that of others can help us gain perspective. We interviewed one another to see how we do things at home and how our daily lives are different because of culture and family history.

In December, we had a Culture Party, and each student brought in an artifact or display to share with other students, so we could celebrate our own identities and learn about important cultural traditions of others in our class community.

For French, in addition to learning basic vocabulary and phrases, we have discussed how language is related to culture, the history of French language, and how a person’s language is an important part of identity. This is why when residential school children were punished for speaking their own language it was such a serious infringement of their human rights.

We discussed how differences are sometimes celebrated, but sometimes also cause fear, which can lead to conflict and negative outcomes. We read passages from This Book is Antiracist, which helped us understand societal, long-held beliefs that lead to racism, prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination based on colour, gender identity, and ethnicity.

This led to a larger exploration of the history of discrimination in Canada. We discussed human rights, the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention of the Rights of a Child, and the UN Document on Indigenous rights about human rights and ethics. Then we looked closely at how human rights had been denied through Residential Schools, Japanese Internment in World War II, the Komagata Maru Incident, and the Chinese Head Tax. As a class, we read and analyzed My Name is Seepeetza, so we could better understand the conditions of residential schools from the perspective of someone our own age.

In groups, we wrote and performed teaching skits to help everyone learn about the history of discrimination in Canada, as well as some of the ways in which the government has tried to make amends or participate in reconciliation.

To help us understand reconciliation, we looked at the “City Beyond the City” exhibit through a virtual field trip to the Museum of Vancouver. The exhibit explains the history of the Musqueam and their village on what is now the Fraser River in South Vancouver. We learned their history and facts about how this exhibit was co-created between the Museum of Vancouver and the Musqueam peoples.

How do scientists solve mysteries? With problem-solving skills and scientific knowledge! — Science and Math

Oh no! A crime happened in Division 5! Ms. D’s metal statue and a class iPad were stolen! Well, not really, but we set up a pretty fantastic practice crime scene, practicing our observation, communication, thinking, and technology skills to carefully document a crime scene!

We also used our math skills, because accurate measurement is required to document where items are located within a crime scene space.

So, we gathered evidence, took notes, and carefully measured each of the marked evidence locations from two reference points in the room. Then we did a myriad of other lab experiments to practice being forensics investigators just like on CSI.

We learned about fingerprints, measuring bones to determine someone’s height, analyzing bullet holes in windows, reading a criminal for suspicious body language, forging of signatures, and watching for physical and chemical properties to identify substances left at the scene.   

We practiced our CSI Math skills in You Do the Math Solve a Crime
, using math knowledge about coordinates, graphing, area, adding and subtracting decimals, fractions, and word problems to do some of the same math a CSI agent would do!

Proportionate Reasoning and Problem Solving – Math

Through Carole Fullerton’s Proportional Reasoning and other math exercises, we did some serious work trying to understand fractions and ratios. Using manipulatives such as coloured chips, a clothesline, and tangrams, we explored both set and area models of fractions.

Then, we applied our knowledge to recipes from home, looking at how we could make a favourite dish for more people if we had a big party! We discussed how the relationship between ingredients is a ratio, and we also looked at the types of measurement used when finding volume of ingredients, such as cups, teaspoons, and gallons. We will continue working on these concepts as we move into term three.

We also discussed the strategies you need to solve complicated word problems, such as reading carefully, making visual diagrams, and identifying important information and steps for the problem. Using the book Word Problems in Literature by Denise Gaskins, we applied Singapore visual, bar diagram strategies to solve word problems from The Hobbit and The Chronicles of Narnia!

Writing a Mystery & Philosophy Through Picture Books – Language Arts and Socials

We put our CSI knowledge to work and wrote fantastic mystery stories! First, we analyzed mystery stories we already knew and watched Scooby Doo to identify typical mystery elements such as the suspects, victim, clues, red herring, and alibi. We read Chris Grabenstein’s book Super Puzzletastic Mysteries, and identified the mystery elements used by the writer to spin an interesting tale. We learned how to use punctuation in dialogue, because no story is complete without interesting characters and conversations. Now we need to share our stories with one another!

In connection with Social Studies, we analyzed picture books such as The Giving Tree, The Important Book, and Frederick, to look at big questions (or big problems to ponder) in ethics and philosophy. Which roles are valuable in a society? What makes you, you? Should you expect something in return if you give someone a gift? What is the meaning of work? See our e-portfolios for our thoughts on some of these questions!

Applied Design, Art, and Maker Problem Solving!

Leading up to the holiday, we put our problem-solving skills to the test, finding ways to make creative decorations for our Winter Wonderland. Everyone learned how to do wool felt landscapes; created zentangle, watercolour winter trees; and made geometric, hanging ornaments with embroidery thread.


During our Burnaby Art Gallery virtual field trip, we learned about Coast Salish art shapes, and then we used those shapes to create our own spirit animal prints in red and black. One of the interesting things we discovered about Coast Salish spindle whorls is that they can form different pictures depending on how you view the negative/positive space and your own perspective.

We also looked at abstract art and discussed how problem-solving skills such as critical thinking can help us connect with the feeling of non-objective abstract paintings. After an in-depth discussion of the colour wheel, tints and shades, and the meaning of the word monochromatic, we made our own geometric, monochromatic abstract art that almost looks like modern stain glass windows!


FINALLY, we made efforts to solve our own problems – Language Arts, Socials, Science, Social Responsibility

There are many problems in the world, and even though some of them seem really big, we can all play a role in solving them! First, we looked at the United Nations’ Global Goals to end poverty, inequality, and environmental problems by 2030. The UN asks people all over the world to engage in these goals and to find ways to contribute to solving problems. You can INNOVATE, INVENT, or CAMPAIGN — three key ways to make change!

We were inspired by a long list of young people who have made change in the world, and we chose one to research further. After reading about their story, we came up with our own problems to solve and an action plan, which we presented to the class in PowerPoint format. Together, we can find creative ways to make a difference!

Stay tuned for our new units coming up in term three, as well as our Independent Project studies!

Changing the World / Problem Solving PowerPoint Project

Hello Everyone,

After you have chosen a person who has done something to change the world and solve problems, you will make a PowerPoint presentation about them, and about how you are inspired to make change or solve problems of your own because of what you learned!

Here are the steps for the project:

  • Choose a person using the previous blog post of articles, or the books posted in EPIC to help you decide.
  • Do research on the person, recording your notes in your journal.
  • Experiment with PowerPoint (we did this in class) to make sure you know how to open a new presentation, create new slides, select a theme, insert text boxes, and insert pictures.
  • Create the slideshow per the instructions below, then present it to the class.
  • You may want to make index card notes for your presentation, because you can’t read off of the slides.

Here are the slideshow requirements:

  • Slide One:  Title of your presentation, your name, the date, a picture of the person.
  • Slide Two-Three:  Introduction to your person. Where were they born, their education, their interests, job, birthdate, etc.
  • Slide Four:  What problem they solved and why?
  • Slide Five:  What did they do to solve it?
  • Slide Six:  How you feel about what they did and what problem are you inspired to solve.
  • Slide Seven:  What is your plan to solve this problem? (Your action plan)
  • Limit text on each slide and try to use pictures to illustrate your point. You will be talking to present it, so you do not need too much text.
  • Please do not use fonts that are smaller than size 12 font, and avoid scripty, cursive, capital letters (which indicate shouting), and microscopic, hard-to-read fonts.
  • Use one of the themes on PowerPoint for colours of backgrounds and format, rather than creating your own. You want to avoid using colours that make it hard to read what you have on the screen (such as white on black, yellow on red, etc.)
  • If you use a picture, do not put text directly on top of it, because it is hard to read. You can make a coloured box on top of a picture, such as a white, rectangle box, and then put text on top of that, if you want to create captions for your pictures.

This project will be due February 5th, and then we will do presentations February 8th and 9th, Monday/Tuesday.

Some Things to Do for French!

Hello Everyone,

I would like to post a series of learning videos and lessons about basic French on this blog entry for both grade 4 and 5. It will be updated as needed as we continue with our French learning.

As I explained to the class, the Core French curriculum provides basic exposure for grades 5-7 to French. Because we are a grade 4/5 class, everyone in grade 4 will also participate. The focus for us will be learning basic words, phrases, and interactions in French, as well as some French culture, such as where French is spoken in the world.

Ms. D will also go over the connections between French learning and other languages. For example, we have talked about cognates, idioms, colloquial phrases, and dialects, as well as the linguistics behind how humans make different sounds around the world. We will compare French with our own first languages as we go, because this makes us more globally aware of how language works and is attained. I enjoy our deeper conversations about language!

We have some students who were in French Immersion. While MACC does not have French Immersion support, the students who have past French experience will be asked to do alternative assignments. For example, they may be asked to read French newspapers and comment in French on current events, or they might read the French magazines I have in class and comment on articles. The purpose of any work done at the French Immersion level would be to maintain previously-learned French. It is a good idea to find a friend or family member to have daily discussions in French to maintain any fluency.

If you want to do independent learning of French, there are so many ways online. You could do Duolingo or use the website which has quizzes, vocab lists, and games for practice. You could also try to find a friend who studies French Immersion and get them to have basic conversations with you. Finally, you could try to find items that have writing in both French and English, such as the sides of cereal boxes, instructions for a toy, and brochures, and do comparisons between the two explanations and languages.

Any exposure you can get at this age is helpful for later, and it is not necessary to try and gain fluency now. You will be taking French in Grade 8, and you can continue with those studies in high school. Many students who start French in high school and continue in university also gain fluency and can use it for work or travel in the future. Plus there are other languages out there, such as Chinese, Spanish, Russian, or Japanese. So many options to increase your ability to communicate with others!

Okay, so here are some ways to get started. Please practice videos and lists we go over in class, and we will have Kahoot quizzes and in-class interaction to practice and to test our knowledge.

The Numbers 1-10 – Write and Practice

The Numbers 11-20 – Write and Practice

French Alphabet – Write and Practice

Song About the Months – Write and Practice

Days of the Week with Alexa – Write and Practice

Practice Greetings and How to Say Your Name – Write and Practice

How to Introduce Yourself in French – Practice Aloud

French Greetings with Alexa – Practice Aloud

Feelings in French – Write and Practice

Weather in French – Write and Practice

French Weather and Seasons – Listen and Practice

Why French in Canada – Name Explain, Listen and Take Notes


Young People Making a Difference – Problem Solving in Your World!

Hello Everyone,

As we come to the end of our unit on problem solving, we are looking at two things. Number one, we are going to explore the Global Goals of the United Nations that were made to help solve some big world problems by the year 2030. Number two, we are going to talk about what YOU, as young people, can do to help with these goals!

To help us with this, we will watch the first two links in class and discuss. Then, you will take some time to read over some stories of how young people chose to make a difference, when they encountered a problem in the world.

You will be choosing one person to research further and to create a PowerPoint presentation about them and how they inspire you to make a change in your world, too. More details to come in my next post. Here are some websites to look over to get you started. Please choose someone by end of day Wednesday, January 27th. There are also some books on EPIC that you can access in class and at home.

UN Malala Introducing the World’s Largest Lesson and Global Goals 2016

UN World’s Largest Lesson Changing the World 2016

Ten Young People Who Changed the World

UN Young People Making a Difference

Six Young Activists Changing the World

40 Incredible Kids Who Changed the World

Merit Leighton and Marlowe Peyton, Plastic Patrol

Genesis Palacio  Vegetarianism

Mia Hansen Jamba Juice Petition

Katy Butler Bullying Film Petition

Jonas Corona Love in the Mirror Helping Kids Who Are Homeless

Miguel Billings Homes for People in Haiti After Hurricane

Mikaila Ulmer Me & the Bees Nutrition and Pesticide Concerns

Alex Myteberi Helping a Syrian Boy During Syrian Civil War

Zianna Oliphant Speaking Up Against Violence Against Black People

Tokata Iron Eyes Indigenous Voices About Climate Change

Robby Novak  YouTube Star Kid President Inspires Positivity

Lalita Prasida Sripada Srisai  Invention to Clean Water

Ann Makosinski Hand-Powered Flashlight

Leah Nelson Becuz I Care Campaign for Kindness

Marley Dias  Activist to Author 

Levi Draheim Fight Against Global Warming

Ruby Bridges Civil Rights Trailblazer

Yash Gupta Helping Others See

Anne Frank  Power of Her Diary

Stevie Wonder Blind Musician Makes a Difference

Aisholpan Nurgaiv  Eagle Huntress

Louis Braille  Inventor

Sacagawea Explorer

Dylan Mahalingam  Philanthropist in the Digital Age

Wolfgang Mozart  A Musician at a Young Age

Helen Keller  Biography

Ryan Hreljac  Philanthropist Ryan’s Well

Adele Ann Taylor Advocate for Literacy

Akrit Jaswal  Young Surgeon

Thandiwe Chama Children’s Rights Activist

Margaret Knight Inventor

Jack Andraka Scientist, Pancreatic Cancer

Katie Stagliano Philanthropist, Katie’s Krops

Malala Yousafzai Activist for Girls’ Rights

Greta Thunberg Swedish Environmental Activist

Sylvia Mendez Activist for Racial Equality

Rene Silva Journalist to Change Lives

Nicholas Lowinger Philanthropist, Gotta Have Sole

Samantha Smith  US Ambassador

Nkosi Johnson Activist for Kids with HIV/AIDS

Praveen Kumar Gorakavi  Engineer Helping Others

Emma Watson  Actor and Activist

Cassandra Lin  Environmental Activist

Om Prakash Gurjar Children’s Rights Activist

Clara Schumann Musician

Easton Lachappelle Robotics Engineer

Claudette Colvin Advocate for Equality

Muzoon Almellehan  Activist for Girls’ Rights and Education


Museum of Vancouver Virtual Field Trip Resources

Hello Everyone:

Please use the following resources for our activities related to the Museum of Vancouver Virtual Field Trip on January 25th, Monday.

Virtual Vancouver History Gallery (to use before program)

Virtual Cesna?em Gallery (to use during program)

These websites are for the POST FIELD TRIP ACTIVITY on Reconciliation

Case Study #1

Prehistoric Sculpture Returned to Sechelt Band

Stone Statue Return Stirs Sechelt Hearts

Museum of Vancouver Sechelt Repatriation News Release

Case Study #2

Haida to Bring Home Ancestors Bones

Haida Repatriation Committee Official Website

Relationship Between Museums and Aboriginal Peoples

Case Study #3

UBC Indigenous Foundations Totem Poles

Museum of Anthropology UBC Conservation of Totem Poles

Changing Approaches to the Preservation of Totem Poles (academic article)

Case Study #4

Anger over Sculpture Resembling Burial Scaffolds

First Nation Wants Controversial Sculpture by New York Artist Taken Down

Perspectives of Artist Del Geist


Learning and Practicing Dialogue in Stories

Hello Everyone!

Here are some websites you can use to practice dialogue! Today as I circulated during our mystery-writing time, I noted we need some more practice with the use of commas and quotation marks in dialogue. So, here you go:

Adding Dialogue to Your Writing Vimeo Video

How to Write Dialogue  YouTube Video

Dialogue Punctuation Quiz Online

Grammar for Kids Punctuating for Dialogue

Rags to Riches Game Quotation Marks

I will add more as I find them!

Ms. D

Mystery Stories

Hello Everyone!

As part of our unit on problem solving, and in connection with language arts curriculum, we have been looking closely at mystery stories!

We went over together the elements of a mystery story, including characters, setting, clues, red herrings and distractions, and the conclusion.

We also reviewed together how to write dialogue between characters, working on examples of how to use quotation marks and commas correctly. We went over in class how to use the tag line (or who says the quote) at the beginning, end, or in the middle of a sentence, and how the punctuation changes when we do this. Ms. D also encouraged everyone to use other synonyms for “said” to  make our stories more interesting, and there is a handout in the binder on interesting words that everyone can use to help with this!

We watched Scooby Doo Aloha and then broke down the elements of a good mystery afterwards. We read a variety of mystery stories, some from Chris Grabenstein’s book Super Puzzletastic Mysteries, which is a collection of short story mysteries by a variety of popular authors at this grade level. All of this was to help us see how mystery stories are structured, so that we could write our own!

Now, we are writing mystery stories of our own, mainly during class time. Here are some guidelines, which we already went over earlier last week:

  • Minimum 4 pages long, maximum 6 pages.
  • Typed on the computer. Use size 12 font, and one of two styles: Arial or Comic Sans.
  • Make sure your story has a title and author at the top of the first page.
  • Double Space your story using 1.0 or 1.5 spacing. If you need help with this, let Ms. D know.
  • Use your planning handout in your binder to structure your mystery AND to make sure your mystery has all of the elements we have talked about. Use the handout as a checklist!
  • Your story needs to include dialogue between characters so I can see that you know how to use quotation marks and commas correctly. Make sure you start a new paragraph for each new speaker.
  • Use descriptive language so we can really imagine the characters and setting.
  • Use transition words and conjunctions to make your sentences more complex, just like we did during term one.
  • Do not indent the first paragraph of a chapter or of your story, but every other paragraph needs to be indented using the tab button on your computer.
  • If you find your story is too short, you likely need more description and not just plot! Tell me more about the characters and location. Add dialogue so I can hear the characters talking.
  • Edit your story carefully using the editing handout in your binder. You will also need one peer to read over the story carefully and also do a peer editing handout for you, so you know what to improve.

I look forward to reading your mysteries! Due Date: January 30th.

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