Novel My Name is Seepeetza E-Port Questions

Hello Everyone,

By end of day tomorrow, Thursday February 9th, we will have finished the novel My Name is Seepeetza by Shirley Sterling through which we learned more about what it was like attending a residential school in British Columbia in the 1950s.

As we read, we looked carefully for new vocabulary, recording them in our journals. We also recorded the conditions of residential schools, focusing on how it is different from our own experiences with school.

E-Port:  My Name is Seepeetza Reading Comprehension


Please list 15 vocabulary words that were new to you in the novel, and please provide their definitions.

In what style does the author Shirley Sterling write? What is different about reading a book in this style?

What was Seepeetza’s life like on the ranch where she lived with her family?

What was life like in the residential schools and how was it different than what you currently experience in school? Write a paragraph with some specific details comparing your school to her residential school experience.