Independent Project Update: Preparing for Presentation
Hello Everyone!
To complete Independent Project, students need to do the following by end of day June 16th, Thursday:
- BIBLIOGRAPHY: Type bibliography of resources, in alphabetical order, following the instructions Ms. D sent in email. Ask for help if needed. Send to Ms. D for printing. Display this bibliography on your table during presentation.
- NOTES: Present your notes to Ms. D either by sending it to me electronically (sharing via One Drive) or showing it to Ms. D if it is in your journal.
- PRIMARY RESEARCH: Complete some form of primary research. Some students are still waiting for interviewees to respond. Please talk to Ms. D if you still need help.
- PRESENTATION DAY: Present something to the public using writing, visual presentation, and oral language skills. See below for options. Check with Ms. D for approval about how you will present.
- SELF-EVALUATE on E-PORT: After Independent Project, do a reflection about how it went. Include a picture. What were the key things you learned that were new? How did you manage your time? What would you do differently to manage your project next time? What did you like about your presentation? How did people respond to your topic and information you presented? How did you use the core competencies during the Independent Project process?
- BLOG POSTING: If you have anything to share electronically with the public, please send to Ms. D before June 15th for posting on the blog, on the Independent Project page. Send items via One Drive, sharing with Ms. D digitally.
Presentation Options for June 15th, 12-2 PM, Wednesday:
Get idea for presentation approved by Ms. D. Any handouts need to be delivered to Ms. D no later than June 13th, Monday, so I can photocopy enough for you to distribute. Students need to sign up ahead of time for computers and space they need for presentation day.
- Poster, trifold, paper (I have paper and poster paper to offer, but no trifolds)
- Speech, Puppet Show, Skit
- Model, Diorama, Sculpture
- Interactive Game (example: Trivia Game with prizes — no candy/food please)
- Cartoon
- PowerPoint or Other Type of Slideshow (keep it short and on repeat at your station; use lots of pictures!)
- Handouts – Zines, Crossword Puzzles, WordFinds, Key Points
- Website or Online Game
- Primary Research Experiments
- Index Card with key points you want to share on it, so you can talk to visitors
- Other ideas — I am open to your ideas as long as we can fit it in the room!
From Independent Project Students Will Be Able To:
- Identify a topic of passion, demonstrating personal awareness about their interests, identity, and the subjects that engage them best.
- Use critical-thinking and inquiry skills to ask a deeper set of questions about their topic to guide research.
- Demonstrate critical-thinking, reading comprehension, research, and digital literacy skills to find, to choose, and to evaluate appropriate resources, including online websites and books.
- Apply critical and creative thinking skills to choose a way to conduct primary research, such as an experiment, interview, or live observation of a place or experience.
- Document their research using the two-column note-taking system.
- Communicate their findings clearly through visual, oral, and written presentation skills.
- Engage a public audience by using creative thinking about how their presentations can be interactive and interesting for visitors.
The Independent Project includes curricular competency skills found across the grade 4/5 curriculum, and connects with the goals of the MACC program.
We look forward to seeing you June 15th!