Our first full day was great! Update Sept. 7

Hello Everyone!

We had a great, full first day! Thank you to all the students for their enthusiasm and creative thinking. Things we did today:

  • We had our first Suncrest Assembly in the gym
  • We had a group discussion on Rules VS Agreements, and we worked together toward making a list of agreements we can use to make our MACC class the best learning environment for everyone. These agreements will continue to be discussed and then finalized by the end of next week.
  • We each made a leaf for the MACC 4/5 tree in our classroom, which is a tree representing all the many strengths and expert areas we each bring to Suncrest and our MACC community. We have an amazing group of people with diverse interests!
  • We had our first music class with Ms. Hetrick as she plans the community ceremony to open the year tomorrow.
  • We are having a door decorating contest in the school, and so we brainstormed ideas. We have decided to make a door full of mini doors, each that open to reveal something we did this summer. We’ll work more on those tomorrow!
  • We met with Div. 9 Buddies (a grade 2/3 class) to build mini-flyers out of straws and posterboard. Special thanks to Emily and Patricia who helped cut strips of paper so we could make these. Both classes had an amazing time building and flying these creations! The science behind them was briefly discussed and will link with our unit work coming up!
  • Finally, we made marble roller coasters out of foam tubes. The grade five group already did this last year, but no one was complaining as sounds of glee were coming from each of the groups creating marble tracks! We had a discussion about potential and kinetic energy, which again links with our unit work.


What a busy day! Please come tomorrow with some ideas of what might be inside your “door” that will be on our door — something that represents what you did during the summer. How could you present this in an interesting, 3D way?

Also, please make sure you received the yellow parent newsletter from Suncrest today with important dates for September.

See you tomorrow!