Division 1 Term Two Self-Assessment

Please click on the link below to complete your self-assessment for Term two:



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Geography Practice

The World:




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Fun Geography Practice

Challenge yourself and your friends to see who can get the best time and the highest score on these geography match games.





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Digital Escape Rooms

Here’s are a few challenges to test your critical thinking skills. Try one of these digital escape rooms. Read the clues and try to solve the puzzles.

You can click on the links below:

Harry Potter Digital Escape Room

Minecraft Digital Escape Room

Jumanji Digital Escape Room


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Tulips Have Risen

Thanks to Ms. West, who visited the school yesterday, I got a photo of the tulips we planted last November! If you are out walking with your family, you might be able to catch a glimpse of them.

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Proof Readers and Artists Wanted

We are just about ready to publish Terrifying Tales by Taylor Park, but before we do we need a few students to read through the stories and find spelling and grammar mistakes. We could also use a few illustrations to make our text more interesting. 

If you find a mistake while reading a story, please email it to me at TaylorParkadst@gmail.com. Include the page number in your email. You will be paid in expired Halloween candy. 🙂

If you would like to draw a black and white picture for one of the stories, please talk to the writer. Writers- please only approve one artist for your story.

Click on the photo to download the e-book to your phone or tablet.

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Student Self-Assessment

Towards the end of every term, students are asked to reflect on their progress. Celebrate their achievements and set goals for improvement. As part of that process, we are asking students to complete the following self assessment in a Google Forms.

Click on this link to access the form. Be sure to answer the first question (your name) so we know whose information it is.

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Halloween Writing Contest

Taylor Park’s Spooky Writing Contest is back! Get your spooky submissions into Ms. Zimmerchied by Friday, October 25th. Check out the Halloween stories in Division 3’s Ebook library for the Month of October.


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