Sports Day and Spirit Week

Spirit Week is coming soon! And so is Sports Day!

Spirit week will be the week of June 10-14, and Sports Day will be on the 14th.

Please wear the following colours on the following days:

  • Monday June 10th – Red Day
  • Tuesday June 11th – Blue Day
  • Wednesday June 12th – Green Day
  • Thursday June 13th – Yellow Day


  • Friday June 14th Sports DayWear your house team colour.

As a reminder of your house teams, see the image below.

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

Hello parents and students of division 1,

My name is Mr. Cheung, and I am excited to be teaching this group for the 2023-2024 school year. Please note that it is my goal this year to keep this class blog open, updated, and useful for you. Notes, and some assignments will be posted on the blog.

Please check the class blog regularly, especially if:

  • You were absent .
  • You have questions about an assignment – you can ask questions by leaving a comment at the bottom of each post and I will do my best to get back to you.
  • You forgot your assignment at school

Please note the banners on the top of the webpage. Here are the most important ones:

Notes and resources will bring you to a page where students can find the learning that happened in class. This will be useful for those who were absent.

Planner board link will lead you to our online planner board where it is updated almost daily. This link is especially useful for keeping track of projects and assignment deadlines.


Class Expectations: As a member of our class community, please ensure that you’ve read through the expectations and that you follow through with them daily.


House Teams for the Year:


Welcome Back!

Hello everybody!

I am happy to share that I am back at Suncrest this year! I have taken the break to safely recharge, and I hope that you have done the same. I am ready to see familiar faces from last year but I am also excited to get to know and welcome new students to division 4. Please visit this class blog frequently to find the most up-to-date information along with other resources, such as tools to support our learning, along with our planner board.

I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you more in the coming weeks! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

See you around!

Mr. Cheung


Have a wonderful and safe summer break!

Goodbye for now!

Thank you for your kind words and for all the hard work that you’ve put in throughout the year. As I said to many parents, you have all developed tech skills along with life skills. You have developed understanding of complicated applications such as Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and many more. With these platforms, you have all been so good at organizing all the different usernames and passwords. Many of you have also established your own routine that fits your learning and life needs!

I am so proud of you all, and please, feel free to contact me through email if you have some wonderful summer memories to share!

To parents, thank you for being in touch with me. I appreciate all that you have done before spring break and even more of the work that you’ve done after spring break. I wish you nothing but the best, and feel free to email me if you have any questions.

In the meantime, enjoy the summer break, and I hope to be in contact with you soon to let you know where I’ll be!

Mr. Cheung


Hello families of Division 4,

Thank for you checking in with me. It was great to hear and see how you are all doing. As we discussed in our check-ins, some things have changed. Content delivery, communication, and learning have changed. The goal of this blog is to let parents and students know our daily and weekly schedules along with any important news. I encourage students and parents to bookmark this website and check it at least once a day. I will be updating it on school days at 9AM.

My goal for this week (Week 0) is to check-in with all families to ensure that they know what to expect in the next coming weeks. No assignments will be provided until next Wednesday April 8. In the meantime, my goal for the rest of this week and for the first two days of next week is to have students set up two important tools that we will rely on this term.

They are:

  1. Their Burnabyschools based email – Instructions
  2. Microsoft Teams – Instructions (please ignore option 2 in the document)
  3. (Optional) Downloading the Office 365 Suite onto their computers – Instructions


Once set up, please do the following:

  1. Explore your email account and send me a joke!
  2. On Microsoft Teams, say something in our communication channel.

If you have any problems, please email me at This will help me determine what tools I need to fix! We are all learning these new tools together, so please don’t stress out if you are finding it difficult to navigate through!

See you soon,

Mr. Cheung