12/06/2023 – ELA – Finding Evidence and Supporting It


This post will help you organize your information from the 3 texts that we’ve read/seen so far.

Due Tuesday are 3 of the 4 sheets about extracting evidence from text. Please see the links below to access the images/books/videos. Click here for the document. Keep in mind, you will need to print 4 copies in total, one for each resource below.

  • You Can(not) Replay: Image can be found here
  • The Piano: Short video can be found here
  • The Bear and the Piano: Picture book – shared through a video can be found here
  • Monkey Symphony: Short video can be found here


Remember, the common theme for your next writing assignment will be HOW IS MUSIC AND LIFE CONNECTED?


11/21/2023 – ELA Reading and Writing – You Can (Not) Replay

Use the following link to examine the picture.



  • Please fill out the see think wonder
  • Use this image to answer the questions in the black for the think column
  • Work through the second page (peel the fruit) and heavily focus on the 3rd and 6th box.


Your assignment: due next Tuesday November 28:

  • 2 paragraphs to be done on lined paper, please double space
  • Title = You Can (Not) Replay
  • Prompt = What is the connection between light and life in the image?


Please be sure to use your notes that you took on the pages. In our previous assignment, many students summarized instead of going deeper and dissecting the bigger, deeper ideas.




On November 28, we looked at this video.

  • Please make sure that you watch the video multiple times and use the See, Think, Wonder chart as an anchor to your thinking. Be mindful of the Peel the Fruit graphic organizers (boxes 3 and 6) as well.
  • There is a small booklet in the extra bin with 3 pages. Each page should be looked at with each viewing of the video. Again, you should try to watch the video 3 times to gain a better understanding of what’s happening.

Tomorrow (Thursday), we will be meeting in small groups to discuss your deep ideas.

11/14/2023 – Math – Percentages off

Hello folks. The picture below will provide you with some practice. I did ask you to try to find the total cost of the items in each row.

This means you are finding…

  • Cost of T-shirt and Uggs
  • Cost of pants and belt
  • Cost of hat and scarf

These types of questions will be on our quiz on Thursday, but this is closer to the Extending side of things on the proficiency scale.

This is NOT due, but it is very worthwhile to learn.

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