Tuesday April 14

Here’s our schedule for the day! Based on the survey on Friday, most of us are feeling more comfortable working with Teams and the Office 365 suite. This is great as now we can begin focusing on new learning! There are 4 tasks today. All of these tasks (besides reading about expectations) are due by the end of tomorrow. Please me mindful of the schedule that you created. Though it is impossible to 100% follow the schedule, there is the expectation that you do a variety of activities throughout your day (and not just play video games all day!).

Again, here are the activities of the day but feel free to move them around in your schedule.

I would first like to remind you about the expectations on Teams. I have spoken to some of you individually on our chat channel and through email about online behaviours. Please do not use this area to spam. This means typing jibberish and then pressing enter, or purposely typing things that make no sense and do not contribute to our class community. This makes our chat very disorganized and it means that your classmates’ discussions are hidden and pushed to the top. Secondly, there will be 2 dedicated quiet times where our chat channels will be temporarily disabled. These times will be 10:30 to 12:00pm, and 2:00 to 3:30pm. These times will allow all of us to have some quiet work time as I recognize that hearing chat sounds and seeing chats pop up on our screens while working can be rather distracting.

You have some math work. Both grades are starting geometry. The assignment and its instructions can be found in the assignments tab on Teams.

You have some ELA work. We are starting our unit on poetry! Poetry is hidden within the songs that we listen to everyday and therefore, it is important for us to discover the links between songs and poetry. In this assignment, you will learn about some poetic devices. Afterwards, you will analyze a song that I like to listen to a lot!

For P.H.E, please use the Student Communication chat channel to share how you have kept active (or maybe sanity) while being at home. Do you go for daily walks? Jump on a trampoline? Do Just Dance? Share what you’ve done in hopes to inspire your classmates to be active as well!

Any questions! Please ask! I will be online with you. -Mr. Cheung


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