Thursday June 11

Hello everybody! Thank you for constantly checking the class blog. I appreciate your organization and your dedication to e-Learning! Here are your learning opportunities of the day.

We have our regular class meeting at 2:00pm today! Hope to see all of you there!

We will continue working on our core competency PowerPoint. We have 2 more “lessons” of this and will be finished likely by this Friday. Thank you for your patience and for pouring your genuine thoughts into this assignment. I appreciate reading all that you have said. I haven’t made comments, but I have certainly read many of your slides. We will be looking into personal responsibilities today. I will have not updated the YouTube playlist because by now, you should have a good enough grasp of what to do. Click here to directly go to the core competency page about personal responsibility. Remember to click on profiles once you’ve clicked the link.

For math, we will continue on Math IXL.

  • Both grades will be working on rotational symmetry. Remember to click on recommendations and look for the yellow star on the right to find lessons that I’ve recommended.
  • Both grades have the same video tutorial:  

Continue using Duolingo to practice your French!

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