Wednesday June 10

Hello everybody, here are your learning opportunities for the day.

For math, we will continue with Math IXL along with a short activity.

  • Grade 4: P20: Lines of symmetry
  • Grade 5: X1: Lines of symmetry
  • Both grades have the same video tutorial:  

Look around your home to identify some items with lines of symmetry. What item has the most lines of symmetry? You don’t have to do any work on Teams for math, but feel free to share your observations with the class.

For science, continue working on your science PowerPoint. My suggestion is to work on the plant life and adaptations slide. Ideally, if you’re on the plant life + adaptations or the animal life + adaptations slide, you are on a very good pace!

As always, continue practicing the life skill of typing! You can use ATRT or any program that your parents are okay with.



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