Thursday April 16

It was nice to chat with some of you yesterday. If you haven’t gotten a call from me yet, I will try again today and tomorrow! I hope to have small group check-ins at least once a week where you all get to see each other’s faces! But for now, here is a summary of the tasks that we will be doing. Make sure to check the due dates on Teams so you don’t fall too behind!

For math, you will be doing two brief quizzes just for you to self-assess how you are doing. Take some time to review our previous lessons and to check-in with me for some help if you felt like you could’ve done better. Afterwards, you will learn about NETS in our geometric shapes. You will be using PowerPoint (or paper + tape) to make some nets on your own!

For ELA, you will continue learning about poetic devices. Please know that I have included some resources on Teams that help what certain poetic devices are.

For Social Studies, you will look at renewable and non-renewable resources. Afterwards, you will be investigating around your home, objects that are made from renewable and non-renewable resources. I have also included a brief snippet of what your project for this unit will be.

Many of you know that there’s a call function within Teams. Please use it maturely. Use it to speak with me if you have a question. Make sure that an adult knows who you are speaking with.

See you on Teams! – Mr.Cheung

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