Monday April 6


Students, you will be exploring Teams today. Please read the following instructions!

  1. If you look near the top of this class blog, you will see a button called MS Teams Login. Clicking that will bring you to a page where you can enter your email and password. Remember, your email is
  2. Click on the box in the middle that says “O365-53_Cheung_Div4
  3. Near the top where it says “General”, you will see a tab that says Files. Click it.
  4. Click Class Materials. This will be where all important files can be found.
  5. Click on the first folder: 1 – TUTORIALS.
  6. Click on the folder: Week 1
  7. Click on the document: 1 – Monday.docx
  8. Read through the document carefully.
  9. Complete the QUIZ. The link is at the bottom of the document.


If you are unable to find the link within Teams, close your browser and try the steps all over again! This is important for you to master!

But if you’re really struggling…or if you are a parent who wants to see the document, then click here.

If you have completed all of this, congratulations! This is the big assignment today. Please consider how you will spend the rest of your day. You can practice some typing, on All The Right Type, read on Epic Books (Class Code: cvw6313), practice some math on Khan Academy, do some jumping jacks and many other things! It is important to balance between learning, staying active, and having fun. We will more about the importance of having a schedule on Wednesday.

Email me ASAP if you are unable to access something! Thank you for helping me learn Teams as well!

See you on Teams!

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