Divisions 11, 12, 13 & 16

Wed., May 13
Hi Kiddos,
Can you mirror the movements while listening to some J.S. Bach? Find out with the video below!
Ms. Chang


Music Activity To Do At Home

Hi Primary Students,

Even though we are not in music class, I hope you are still practicing music in some way at home. If you are having a hard time finding something musical to do, I have here an activity I hope you will enjoy, just click on the link below.

It is a sing-along challenge! The goal is to check off all the boxes and some may be a bit hard and some are pretty doable!

If you have questions I’m here to help. =) Just leave me a message and I’ll reply as soon as I can!

Music build bridges and helps us feel better and connects all of us at times like this.

Have fun and be creative!

Ms. Chang

Sing a song challenge

Hi Students from Divisions 11, 12, 13, and 16,

Happy Thursday! I hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine. If you are reading this, that means you have a computer and wifi at home. Can you please leave me a comment by saying “hi” so I know you are able to check out my blog? This is how we will be talking to each other for the next little while. I’m hoping to talk to you on Teams as well, hopefully soon.

I hope you are singing and making music at home. I will send out fun music activities you can do at home soon. In the mean time, check out these sites!



Have a great day,

Ms. Chang