Ms. Carley's Classroom Blog

Sharing our Learning in Division 12

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How Can Understanding the River help us Understand Trading?


On Thursday, Feb. 13th, Div. 4 travelled to the Fraser River Discovery Centre and New Westminster Quayside to explore the role of the river in trading. Who traditionally gathered along the Fraser River? Who gathers here now? Who lives in and around the river banks? How does this area differ from the river’s path in other areas? How did trading change once contact was made between First Peoples and Europeans? Be sure to share our learning and wonders with your family!

How Does Water Influence Cultural Diversity?

We have been exploring how water, climate, and place influence culture, language, and story. On Friday, Feb. 7th, Emma gave an interactive presentation about the Fraser and Thompson rivers, biomes, and early Canadian explorers! Through games, images, and stories, she shared ideas and got us even more excited for our learning about the place we now call Canada. Div. 4 is excited to visit the Fraser River Discovery Centre this upcoming Thursday, Feb. 13th.


How Can We Encourage Kindness?

February is Kindness Month, and Diversity Club is excited to spread kindness throughout the school! Today was our first day of lolligram sales. Diversity club members organized this fundraiser to spread notes of kindness. They planned different roles and had the lunch hour run smoothly, helping younger students write their notes and make sure they are ready to be delivered. Monday will be the last day to buy your lolligram to tell someone how you appreciate them!

Be sure to visit our Kindness Mural in the community entrance! How can you be the “I” in kind? 

Happy Lunar New Year!

Div. 4 is full of incredible people who are willing to share their gifts and knowledge with the class. On Friday, Jan. 24th, Cynthia, Hana, Yannes taught the class about the Lunar New Year. With a powerpoint, video, and game, they helped us learn about the history and present of this wonderful cultural celebration. 


Exploring Grouse Mountain


On Jan. 16th Div. 4 & 5 had the opportunity to explore culture, place, adaptations, and transportation on Grouse Mountain! Tell your families about our trip and make sure to finish your eportfolio post! Be sure to explain why this was a meaningful experience for you and your learning!


Grouse Mountain Reminders and Snow Day Wishes

I hope everyone is staying safe and having fun in the snow today!
We are looking forward to our Grouse Mountain field experience tomorrow, January 16th. We will be meeting at the school at 8:15am and leaving on the bus at 8:30am. Please ensure your child is dressed for cold and snowy weather, has a lunch, plenty of snacks, and a water bottle. If school is cancelled tomorrow, or Grouse cancels the trip due to weather conditions, we will reschedule this trip. 

A Winter Wonderland at UHE!

The snow has turned University Highlands into a winter wonderland! What can we learn from snow? What is hiding beneath the snow? How do plants and animals survive such cold winter weather? Who are the birds we see still flying? What can we hear when we listen carefully? Who can build the biggest snow structure? Division 4 has all sorts of wonders. 


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