Ms. Carley's Classroom Blog

Sharing our Learning in Division 12

Page 18 of 24

Welcome to Week 3

Good morning, Division 4, 

I hope you had a lovely weekend with your families. 

We are already in our third week back from spring break. Thank you for your bravery, patience, kindness, and love. Already, you have connected with your classroom, school, and neighbourhood communities in so many ways. Some days this is easy, but some days it is hard…but please know that we are in this together, and remember that your teachers, classmates and communities care about you very much. 

Today, we are starting a new inquiry project. We will be extending our cultural inquiry project to explore places around the world! Over the coming weeks, we will be exploring culture and place through stories, art, languages, history, architecture, landscapes, animals, biomes, and much more! 

Our first activity to start exploring is a National Geographic scavenger hunt of different countries around the world. Please go to your Microsoft Teams assignments to find the activity and links. 

Check out the math channel for an intro activity!

If you have any trouble finding these, or completing the activities, please let me know! 


The One Million Cranes Project shared by Tayvian


People are making paper cranes all over the world!

If each one of us in div. 4 made a few it would be super cool. We could hang them in our windows, because it symbolizes happiness, hope and healing. – Tayvian

Earlier this year, Tayvian taught our class how to make origami paper cranes. This week, Tayvian and his family found this beautiful project idea to connect our community with positive messages. Click here for more information about this project. Thank you for sharing this inspiration, Tayvian!

Thankful Thursday!

Good morning, Division 4, 

I hope you are having a wonderful start to your day. I am so thankful that I got to start my day with yoga. What morning activity helps you feel ready to learn?

Today, you will be either starting or continuing your Microsoft Teams scavenger hunt and first assignment! Please let me know if you need any support with this. 

As we approach the long weekend, I want to thank you for all the images and messages of hope that you have shared with your class. I hope your family has a restful, relaxing time. These last few weeks have been a big adjustment and we will continue to figure this out together.  I hope you can connect with your family, friends and community in a safe way. I hope that you will have a chance to get outside together, and maybe even spot an “egg” or two on your travels. Happy long weekend!

Ms. Carley

A few ideas for today and the long weekend:

  • You could do this Covid Time Capsule activity with your family – thank you, Emma and Tamara for sending this great idea!
  • Check out these music sites (thank you, Mr. Douglas!):
  • Today’s Mystery Science lesson is: Why do snakes shed their skin? 
  • A weekly or daily gratitude journal
  • Continue our kindness activities throughout the weekend to connect with family and community
  • Multiplication Game
    • Split a deck of cards between two players (use cards A-10, but for a challenge you can use J [11], Q [12], and/or K [13 or some other value]).
    • Players do not look at their cards.
    • Each player draws their top card and slaps it down at the same time.
    • The player who says the product first wins that round and collects the cards – ex, Player A draws 5, and Player B draws 6. Player A says, “30,” first and collects both cards.
    • Whomever has the most cards at the end of the game, wins!

Check out these featured architects and designers from the week:



Teams Scavenger Hunt!

Good afternoon, Div. 4!

Now that your accounts have been activated, your first activity on Teams will be the Exploratory Teams Scavenger Hunt!

  1. Find the General Channel
    • Post a comment in that channel, answering the question – If you could have any superpower what would it be?
    • Try directing your comment to your teacher, by first writing @ then typing your teacher’s name, Christine Yee or Kristina Carley, then continuing with your answer. That way we’ll get a direct notification saying you have messaged us.
    • Example:
      • @KristinaCarley I would want to be able to fly. That way I could go wherever I want, when I want!

2. Find the Communication Channel

    • Post a comment on the Communication Channel answering the question– If you could turn into any animal which would you turn in to?
    • In the communication channel you’re able to chat with your teacher and peers. Make sure that what you’re posting is appropriate and kind!

3. Find the Music Channel

    • Mr. Douglas would like to know if you have your recorder at home, if you left it at school, or if it is currently lost and you need to replace it or borrow from the school. (He will be arranging times for families to come in and pick up if left at school or if you need to borrow one)
    • Post your answer on the music channel
    • Example: Ms. Yee: I left my recorder at school, I will need to come and pick it up.

4. Find the “Assignments” tab on Teams

    • Complete Assignment 1 and submit by Tuesday April 14th
      • While in Teams, go to assignments tab
      • Click assigned to find new assignment
      • Read instructions
      • Complete task
      • Click + Add work to upload documents from OneDrive or your computer (Wherever you saved your work)
      • Once uploaded and double checked, click turn in.

Let us know if you need any support logging in or completing the scavenger hunt!

International Day of Pink and Teams Launch

Good morning, Div. 4, 

Today is International Day of Pink! Who is wearing pink today (or your favourite colour)? Thanks for taking part in so many celebration activities! Can you choose another activity from yesterday’s list for this morning? 

Did anyone else see the full moon last night? It was also a Super Moon! It is pretty cool to think about how we can all look at the moon from all the different places we live. It reminds me of the stories and science experiment we did to understand how the moon phases change. 

As you keep creating and exploring, here is another Mystery Science: How are Toys Invented?  Like the inventor in this mystery, what is a time you thought, “what is a new thing I could do from what I learned”?

This afternoon…

This afternoon, you will be receiving access to your Microsoft Teams account. It is very important to remember the expectations of being a digital citizen. Please make sure that what you are posting is appropriate and kind. You have already been showing this in all your blog post comments. Thank you for being your kind, thoughtful selves online.

Before exploring Teams please watch this video that explains how to log on to Teams and use some of its features. 

Your first challenge will be an scavenger hunt of the Teams program! You can start the scavenger hunt this afternoon or tomorrow! Stay tuned for an email coming this afternoon with more details. 



Burnaby Mountain Lego Contest by Carson & Blaize

Wow! Another innovative idea by our classmates! Carson and Blaize and their dad, Dean, are hosting a lego building contest for UHE students. I know that many of our Div. 4 students love to build. I can’t wait to see your creations! There are so many ways we can stay connected and celebrate our community, while staying apart. 

Please see the details below:

Burnaby Mountain Lego Building Contest!

We’ve been inspired to hold a lego building contest for any UHE students to spark some fun & creativity during these challenging times.

What: Lego pieces only. Original creations please.

Who: Any students currently enrolled in University Highlands Elementary on Burnaby Mountain can participate.

How: Entries can be emailed to

When: Picture must submitted on or before April 30th 12pm. Only one submission per student please and include the classroom teacher for reference.

Judges: Lego Jr masters Carson & Blaize Wegman (ages 7 & 9 years old) will be judging based on creativity and “wow” factor


1st place: $50 Nesters Gift Card
2nd place: $30 Nesters Gift Card
3rd place: $20 Nesters Gift Card

Gift cards to be distributed May 1st to the lucky winners in a safe appropriate manner.

Spreading Kindness

Good morning, Division 4 and 5, 

This is certainly an interesting time in our world. Although it can sometimes feel like we are far away from our family and friends, in some ways it can also bring us closer together. We might be making more time to call or send letters to loved ones. We have been spending time with our immediate families, creating, sharing, and learning together. Everyone is working together to keep our community safe and healthy. 

With perfect timing, tomorrow is International Day of Pink. This day is about celebrating the diversity in our community and standing up against discrimination. Kindness and support are exactly what we all need right now. Usually, Div. 4 and 5 students come together to create and collaborate, but this year will be a little different. 

Today, we want you to think about how you can spread kindness and appreciation in your community in this unique situation. We would like everyone to share a message with their community to show we are all connected, even from afar.

Choose one or more activities for celebrating our community:

  • Create a window sign of encouragement, support, or gratitude for our essential services workers and/or our community. 
  • Take part in the 7pm cheer for health care workers
  • Create a sign of support for a local business and email it to Ms. Carley, Ms. Yee, and/or Mr. Harding to print and deliver – how can we stay connected to our local businesses?
  • Write a letter to a family member 
  • Call a loved one
  • Create a message to share on the blog
  • Can you play an online game with a friend?
  • Wear pink on Wednesday (or wear your favourite colour)
  • Come up with another way to encourage your community. How can we celebrate diversity from a far?

Best of luck spreading kindness today and tomorrow as we celebrate International Day of Pink from home. Send me photos of your signs and messages so I can post them on the blog to encourage our community!

A few other notes:

  • Reminder: At 10am today, Doug will be doing a live stream of his Mystery Science show. Feel free to tune in with your families and friends!
  • Can you please let me know if you have lost or left your recorder at school? 

A Quarantine Easter Egg Hunt by Annika

One of our classmates, Annika has come up with an innovative idea for a “Quarantine Easter egg hunt”.

This year there is no Easter egg hunt because of social distancing, so I came up with the idea that we paint rocks instead of eggs and hide them around the trails, which I think is a good idea because A) It gives me something to do other than homeschooling and lying around like a spare dishtowel. B) It is like an Easter egg hunt but it still encourages social distancing. C) It gets everyone to get outside and hike, including the person who hides the rocks. And D) It’s really fun to look for potential rocks and then paint them to make them beautiful. Me and my family have pearlescent and iridescent paint, along with glitter paint, to make all the rocks shiny! We have a strawberry, a ladybug, a pickle, a couple galaxy themed ones, and some that are just plain opalescent, and that can stand out on the trails! – Annika

Connect with Annika to find out more! Do you have an innovative idea to share with your class?

* Taking a photo of Easter “eggs” you find, instead of collecting them lets the game continue in a safe and fun way! *


The Beginning of a New Week

Good Morning, Division 4, 

I hope you and your families had a lovely weekend together. It was so wonderful connecting with all of your families last week. I loved hearing about all the things you are doing with your families – going for walks, playing with your siblings, reading together, writing stories, building, sharing gratitude, calling your grandparents, creating science experiments, designing math challenges, and so much more. 

Later this week, you will be receiving your Div. 4 Microsoft Teams account. In the meantime, don’t forget that you can also use your Microsoft 365 One Drive account and Eportfolio to be expressing your learning.

See if you can start your new “school” week routines today! What will be your shape of the day?

Here are some ideas for today:

  • Try a mystery science: How does your heart pump blood? Have you explored the circulatory system of your AIP animal? Does its body system work the same way? 
  • You can practice your typing using All the Right Type (check your planner for your account information, but let me know if you want me to re-send it!)
  • Go for a walk with your family and take some photos of things that inspire you! Check on your spring bud!
  • Will you continue your gratitude journal this week? 
  • Check out  Tumble Books
    • You can read books, do quizzes, and even a simple “book report”. If you finish a quiz or book report, please press “print” but then put your settings to “print to PDF” so you can save a copy of your work on your computer!
  • Math: Close to 100: (from YouCubed: ) You can either download the handout OR create your own grid by drawing the lines with a ruler. Use a 10×10 grid (or less as an adaptation) 
    • Goal is to fill the grid paper with math arrays. 
    • Roll 2 dice (or 1 if you only have one). 
    • Each die is a number. On the grid, colour in the squares. It can be anywhere on the grid. 
    • Record the number sentence (Eg. 2 x 3 = 6) at the bottom of the grid or on another piece of paper. 
    • Keep going until you have filled the grid as much as possible. How many squares are left? 
    • NOTE: this activity can be one person or two people. If two people, each person can use a different coloured pencil. 
  • Continue a project from last week!

Here are a few more featured artists, scientists, mathematicians, and engineers from Division 4 to start your week!


Keep sharing your awesome photos! And be sure to let me know which photos are shareable for the blog!

Fabulous Friday!

Good Morning, Division 4! 

I hope you have enjoyed learning and exploring with me this week. If we haven’t already spoke on the phone, I will be calling your family today. 

Here are some more activities for you to explore today and this weekend. Feel welcome to send me some photos of what you do!

  • Explore Mystery Science: How do magicians trick people?
    • (You don’t need to print the activity, you can draw your own!)
  • Write your Gratitude Journal #3
  • Daily physical activity challenge: Try a Just Dance workout!
  • Create a Duolingo account to practice your French
  • Find a topic that interests you at True Flix
  • Go on a virtual field trip
  • Surprise Art: You can try one of these videos to create a folding surprise art piece. Click here for a folding surprise puppy stack, click here for folding surprise shark, click here for surprise poke ball
  • Continue a project you already started!

Check out some of our featured artists and scientists for this week! 

How does spring inspire us? 

How can we use shadows to create art? 

How can we use our understanding to create germ models? 


How can we learn through experimentation?



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