Sharing our Learning in Division 12

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Friday, June 5th

Today is World Environment Day! Try to get outside and enjoy the places we live, learn, and love.

Next week, we are starting our H2Whoa Program! Please make sure you and your parents have signed up (an email was sent out Wednesday)! You have a pre-program assignment on teamsHow Do We Use Water in Metro Vancouver?. Please try to do it before Monday! 

We will also have a whole class meeting next Wednesday at 1:00 on Zoom! Take a look at our schedule:

June 8-12 Weekly Schedule Div. 4

Today’s art is all about Picasso! Find this activity on Teams! 

Hope you enjoy the sunshine today!

Thursday, June 4th

Good morning, Div. 4!

It was so nice seeing many of you at our class meeting yesterday!

I hope you are having a lovely start to the day. Today, make sure you keep up your daily reading! There is a new math lesson for you on teams – Keep working at your own pace! Thirdly, you have a new figurative language activity assignment.

Happy learning!

Wednesday, June 3rd

Good morning, Div. 4,

Today we have our Wishtree read aloud at 10am and our Class meeting at 11am!

Our weekly mystery science: Is Earth the Only Planet with Life? 

  • On teams, you will find your reflection activity and a creative planet project extension!

We have had a lot of time to reflect on what is important to us during the last few months, and examine the world around us. In this creative planet project, you will get to dream big and think of a new place entirely. As you are starting this project, there are some big ideas you might also be thinking of:

  • This year, we talked a lot about sustainability and climate – will your new planet have the climate utopia you dreamed of?
  • We have seen examples of inequality and injustice in our world this year – what are your hopes for this new place? What will rights and responsibilities look like for this new planet? Will everyone be welcome <3

Looking forward to our meeting all together at 11!

Tuesday, June 2nd

Happy Tuesday! 

Today please continue to work on your Country Inquiry Project. Keep exploring what you’re interested in and dive deeper into that topic. What else are you curious about? If you are finished please make sure you’ve checked the self-assessment. You can also go look through your assignments and complete any unfinished work.  

Today there is a new writing assignment posted! Make sure you read the instructions carefully!

Please remember that I might not be able to reply right away to your messages, as I am with some of our classmates in class as well. Continue to be patient and kind, try to problem self yourself, or ask your peers for support! 

Monday, June 1st!

Good morning, Div. 4,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your families. This week, some families will be coming back into our school building, and some families will be continuing their learning journeys at home. I wanted to share this video with you. Our connections might be harder to feel right now, but even though we can’t give each other hugs, or see everyone in person, we are still connected.

A few things to look forward to as a whole class:

  • Wishtree read aloud on Wednesday at 10-10:30
  • Class Meeting on Wednesday at 11-11:30

If you are learning from home today, you can check out your math channel!

You can also start our new Creative Planet Project! Inspired by our country inquiry project, you are going to start a creative extension of your learning! This assignment will be available on Teams as well!

Friday, May 29th

Good morning and happy Friday, Div. 4!

This morning we have our Wishtree read aloud at 10:00am on Teams! 

Our rainbow walk way is complete, I can’t wait for you to see it!

Post your art for the art contest! The contest closes on June 1st!

Yesterday your families received an email outlining what to expect for June 1st. For those of you returning you will be divided into two cohorts based on your last names.  

  • A-L last names will be in the Monday/Tuesday cohort 
  • M-Z last names will be in the Thursday/Friday cohort 

Please make sure you take a look at both of the letters! It has important information for your family to know and understand before you return in June. 

Next week will be the first week that some of us will have in-class learning and others will continue only with distance learning. Be patient and kind with yourself and your families. It’s going to be different for all of us. At this time I’m not sure when we will have zoom and team next week. I will send an updated schedule on Monday. 

Today, there is a new figurative language assignment all about personification.  Keep playing with language!

Check out your individual math team for a numeracy activity!  

Have a lovely weekend. 

Love, Ms. Carley


Thursday, May 28th

Good morning, Div. 4,

This morning we have our Book Club Meetings!

  • 11:00-11:20 A Boy Called Bat!
  • 11:20-11:40 Rise Up
  • Join us for one or both book club meetings! Bring a connection, question, inference, wonder, thought to share!

Our third term has been so different than we ever could have imagined. I am so glad we have been able to stay connected in many different ways.

We have many friends, classmates, and teachers that we haven’t been able to see for a long time. For today, we would like you to create a special message for your little buddy class! You might want to remind our little buddies that we miss them and hope they are feeling well and happy. You could:

  • record yourself reading a picture book (just like Ms. Carley has done)
  • create a poster/drawing/art
  • write a letter
  • create a card
  • take a special photo to send
  • share your best wishes in another way

Once you send your video, photo, or creation to me, I will send it to Ms. Cooper to share with her class. Thank you for sharing your leadership and care with our little friends in Division 10.

Keep on Reading! 

Spend at least 20 minutes reading today! Pick up a book and find a comfortable spot! Be on the look out for similes, metaphors and hyperboles! If you don’t have anything to read at home you can always check out Epic Reading!  

If you’re looking for a new book, one of our classmates has recommended a newer series called The Terrible Two! This is a great series about a pair of pranksters. You might recognize one of the authors Jory John, he also wrote some of Ms.Yee’s favourites, The Bad Seed and The Good Egg! 


Did you find any pollinators and pollinator plants yesterday?

Wednesday, May 27th

Good morning, Div. 4 Scientists!

This morning we have our read aloud of Wishtree at 10-10:30!

Start your morning with this stunning video: The story of Flowers (thank you, Bryony!!)

Today our mystery science is: How do bees make honey? 

  • At UHE, we have been busy bees trying to create a pollinator garden with pollinator hotels for our roof! Even though that project has been delayed, we can still start our learning about the importance of pollinators! There are so many different pollinators on Burnaby mountain! Can you see some today visiting flowers? What are their favourite flowers? What can you learn about pollinators today?
  • Check out your teams assignment for our reflection and extensions!

Check out your math channel for some numeracy activities!

One more exciting bit of news is our rainbow cross walk is starting!!!

Tuesday, May 26th

Good morning, Div. 4,

We have a class meeting at 11 am today.  I hope to see you there!

Today is Tuesday, so that means it’s inquiry time! How is your PowerPoint coming? Have you looked at the self-assessment rubric yet? It is posted in the assignment #4.  

There is another figurative language worksheet for today! This one is only one page and asks you to identify whether a phrase is a simile or metaphor.

Lastly, physical activity can help us feel well in so many ways. I can see from your letters that many of you have wonderful routines of yoga, walking, and judo, and more. If you are looking for inspiration, you can check out this link for a guided workout.

I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for posting your art and creations to share and inspire your class!

Nolan Amir Keiden Emma Yewon

Monday, May 25th

Good morning, Div. 4,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! 

There are two new assignments posted today in our classroom Team! The first is our second mindfulness journal. Today being Monday and a fresh start to our week, it is a perfect opportunity to start your day practicing being mindful. These entries combines a little writing and some art.

The second assignment is a digital version of classroom Guess Who! The more categories you can come up with the better! We can play during our class meeting tomorrow at 11am!

Lastly, please check out your grade specific math Team for your math assignment for today and Tuesday! 

Have a wonderful Monday Div. 4! 

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