Literacy in Div. 12
We will be exploring literacy throughout our day during story workshop, guided reading, read alouds, explicit instruction, and through our inquiry learning.
Curricular Competencies we will be exploring:
Using oral, written, visual, and digital texts, students are expected individually and collaboratively to be able to:
Comprehend and connect (reading, listening, viewing)
- Use sources of information and prior knowledge to make meaning
- Use developmentally appropriate reading, listening, and viewing strategies to make meaning
- Recognize how different text structures reflect different purposes.
- Engage actively as listeners, viewers, and readers, as appropriate, to develop understanding of self, identity, and community
- Demonstrate awareness of the role that story plays in personal, family, and community identity
- Recognize the structure and elements of story
- Show awareness of how story in First Peoples cultures connects people to family and community
Create and communicate (writing, speaking, representing)
- Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding
- Plan and create a variety of communication forms for different purposes and audiences
- Communicate using sentences and most conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- Explore oral storytelling processes