This page is a resource page geared for parents and families during this difficult time.  I will continue adding more as I see fit. Please scroll down to see what resources may best benefit you.

All of you have readjusted your schedules, your daily routines, your expectations, your plans and are now your child’s parent, teacher, coach, playmate and so much more rolled into one being and all under one roof.   Whew! You are trying your very best, so please be gentle with yourself.

There are SO many resources out there that may help, but hopefully these can shed a different perspective, provide new coping strategies, or at the very least, provide a a good chuckle


COVID-19 Well-being Video Series

This video series provides families with practical tips and strategies for coping with the current COVID-19 crisis. There are tools for soothing emotional reactions, generating short and long-term wellbeing, staying focussed and hopeful, and keeping kids entertained. These videos were created by Dr. Hayley Watson, a leading clinical psychologist with 15 years’ experience working with children and families, and the founder of Open Parachute – an online mental health curriculum program that is being used in schools globally.

    1. COVID-19 Well-being Tips for Parents
    2. COVID-19 Well-being Tips for Teens (Ages 13-18)
    3. COVID-19 Well-being Tips for Tweens (Ages 8-12)
    4. COVID-19 Well-being Tips for Kids (Ages 4-7)