A place where curiosity is fostered, wonders are explored, connections are valued, and relationships are nurtured.

Author: allansond

Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026!

February 2025  is Kindergarten registration time at Brentwood Park for students who will turn 5 by December 2025! Click on the link below to find out more information on how to register for Kindergarten at Burnaby schools!

Kindergarten Registration

Upon receiving your child’s registration, you will receive a confirmation email after it has been processed. Processing may take a few days.

In late Spring, you will receive an email with more information about our Welcome to Brentwood Park event, and gradual entry schedules for our 2025/2026 school year.

We look forward to welcoming you into our Brentwood Park community!


Save the Date!

Kindergarten Families,

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Brentwood Park community in September!

We will be hosting a “Welcome to Brentwood Park School” event on September 6, 2023. We will be sending you an email in June with more details about the welcome event and the gradual entry schedule for the month of September. Please take time to look through this blog with your child as you prepare for Kindergarten together. If you have any questions, please send them to BPkindergarten@burnabyschools.ca

If you have not registered your child yet, you will need to start the registration process online. You can access the online registration portal through this link:

Registration Link


Your Brentwood Park Kindergarten Teachers



Kindergarten Registration at Brentwood Park!

February 2025  is Kindergarten registration time at Brentwood Park for students who will turn 5 by December 2025! Click on the link below to find out more information on how to register for Kindergarten at Burnaby schools!

Kindergarten Registration

Upon receiving your child’s registration, you will receive a confirmation email after it has been processed. Processing may take a few days.

In late Spring, you will receive an email with more information about our Welcome to Brentwood Park event, and gradual entry schedules for our 2025/2026 school year.

We look forward to welcoming you into our Brentwood Park community!


Happy Summer!

Dear Families,

We would like to wish you a safe and enjoyable summer. We have been busy getting ready to welcome you to Kindergarten in September. Please click on the link below to watch a story read by the BP Kindergarten Teachers.

Be You!