Module One Post One (mathematical devices used in art)

I found this essay overflowing with information like an erupting volcanoit tolde me abut mathematical devices what those devices are and artist that used these techniques


Mathematical tools have been used in the creation of art . Artists would use mathematical devices to make their art have more dimension such as in perspective drawing you would need a ruler to make the perspective look good. many artists also use the golden ratio like Leonardo Da Vinci used the golden ratio in his paintings for example the Mona Lisa         

Image result for golden ratio mona lisa

(Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci painted in 1503. Its currently hanging in”The Louvre”

in Paris, France)

The golden Ratio also known as the  Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical sequence that many artists used usually in the from of a rectangle in which the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio. They used this proportion because they fond it aesthetically pleasing, this pattern is sometimes found in nature

Image result for golden ratio in nature

(some examples of the golden ratio found in nature)


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