Module One Post Three (The Mathematics of Ballet)

This website talks about how different concepts in ballet are related to math. Counting is very important and useful in ballet. In order for a dancer to stay in time with the music, they must count their steps. If they miss a beat they won’t be in sync with the other dancers. Symmetry is very important because it helps dancers balance. It also explains that for several different movements the legs move equally although they do not appear the same. Dancers must also understand the concept of clockwise and counterclockwise because there are 2 different kinds of pirouettes, en dedans, and en dehors. The four different walls and four different corners in the studio are referred to as the eight corners.

dance dancing GIF

The dancers all look identical because they are counting in time with the music.

Although this website did not have a lot of information, it was still useful because, for the most part, it had different information from the other websites I read. It was also helpful because it had a lot of pictures and images to help me better understand what the website was trying to explain.


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