Just for Fun…

You have all been working so hard. These times seem strange but I sure hope you are finding a rhythm within your day. As we head into the weekend, I want you to remember to get outside if you can, play with your toys, enjoy your meals with family, and just be present in all that you do.
If you haven’t had a chance to draw or colour, I have included a link for you that gives you all kinds of things to practice drawing. Just click on the link and you should see the home page. Scroll down until you see a tab that says ‘how to draw’ and you will have lots of choices. Click on a choice – for example animals – birds. You will need to scroll down until you come across a video you would like to choose.

If you choose to one, email me your creation. I’d love to see your art!
click here

April 14-17

I hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend! I’m going to give you work to do over the week. Take pictures and email me at casey.armstrong@burnabyschools.ca or comment on this post. When you click on the link titled ‘weekahead’ you will be taken to a word document. Please let me know if it doesn’t work because then I will have to send it another way. Thanks and enjoy :

Something fun to try…

I found this fun activity for you to try. It is completely OPTIONAL…especially if you don’t have the materials. DO NOT go out to get anything! I’m sure you can improvise. For example, you don’t need a styrofoam plate 🙂
You can watch the video here

Long weekend ahead!

Hi everyone,

Can you believe it is almost Easter already. This is my favourite long weekend because it’s 4 days…and of course there’s usually chocolate 🙂

For today, I would like you to try these questions:

1. I am thinking of a 2-digit number. The sum of the digits is 11. The difference of the digits is 3. What could my number be?

2. I made 12 cookies. Some were chocolate chip and some were oatmeal. How many of each could I have made.

Good luck!

Another one…

Great work on yesterday’s challenges everyone. I hope you enjoy these:

1. Yesterday was April’s full moon. Were you lucky enough to see it? If you can, find out the name of this moon and tell me why it has that name.

2. And now…Math.

There are three baskets, a brown one, a red one and a pink one, holding a total of ten eggs.

The Brown basket has one more egg in it than the Red basket.

The Red basket has three fewer eggs than the Pink basket.

How many eggs are in each basket?

Good luck! I await your responses 🙂


Thanks to everyone who tried the Math from yesterday. I hope you can all practice on Khan Academy as well. Today’s challenges are:

1. W.O.D.B. (which one doesn’t belong) – remember to explain your choice and give me at least 2 choices

31 – 28 – 23 – 29

2. I’m thinking of a 4-digit number. All the digits are even. The number in the ones place is double the number in the 100’s place. The number in the 10’s place is a multiple of 3. What is my number?

Good luck. I await your response 🙂

Monday April 6

Happy Monday everyone! For this week, I have a couple of things for you to do. Mr. Wu has a couple of things for you to do as well. Please do what you can and either respond to this blog or by email. I will be emailing families with this as well.
1.The first thing I want you try is:
Can you make 27 using these digits: 5 4 3 2 6 7
*try not using any digits twice
*try combining the digits using any function (+, -, x, /) – the slash is division 🙂
2.The next thing I want you to try is:
How many times does 9 appear in the first 100 numbers?
L.A. –
I want you to keep me up to date on your reading. I know you will have questions to complete for Mr. Wu, so I want you to summarize what you have read for me. When you complete the reading and have finished answering the questions, reply to me with a quick summary of what you read. You will need to be clear and to the point. Remember, I just want a summary. Please do not write out the whole book!

Stay tuned for another Math question tomorrow.