Thursday. Just Thursday.

Hey everyone! Thank you to those of you who are continuing your participation with all this remote stuff. I know I have been giving you less and less but we are down to the last few days. You have been working so hard from home and deserve some time to slow down…not stop just yet, but slow down.

I will be setting a Zoom meeting for Friday (tomorrow). We will split the group up again for this one and then we will have the whole class together in Zoom next week for one last hello and good-bye (well…see you later actually)

For today:

1) Time capsule – Believe it or not, you are part of a history making event right now. This pandemic will be talked about for years to come. You will most likely tell your kids about it! So, I want you to put together a small ‘time capsule’ to remember what these days were like.

Ideas of things to include…plus whatever else you want to put in there:
– newspaper clipping with COVID19 as the title or as the topic
– a current picture of you to remember what you looked like in 2020
– a list of all the things you did to keep yourself entertained
– a list of the ‘rules’ or guidelines everyone was asked to follow (eg. 2 meters apart)
– a letter to yourself or someone else explaining how you felt making all these changes
– make a pro and con list – a list that has the good and bad things about this event
– interview your mom or dad asking them how they felt about all the changes
– samples of the work you completed at home
– a letter to someone giving advice for how to deal with a pandemic
– a list of new skills you developed while learning at home
– etc, etc *check out the video assigned on Epic about making a time capsule 🙂

You could store this in a box, a binder, a notebook, a desk drawer, or anywhere that you could keep it all together as a collection. You could even make, and decorate a box specifically for this.

It would be great if you would be willing to share your time capsules at our Zoom meeting either tomorrow (if you work fast!) or next week.

2) A-Z end of year reflection – Write the letters of the alphabet. Beside each, think of something that happened, or something you learned, this year that starts with that letter.
(for example: F = fractions). I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

3) Father’s Day is coming this weekend so I thought you might like the drawing I found. Click here

4) W.O.D.B.?
– sock, T-shirt, belt, sweater
– pencil, eraser, highlighter, stapler
– Harry Potter, Star Wars, Big Nate, Charlotte’s Web
– 12, 34, 56, 95

5) Check out Epic for new reads!

Have fun and get outside 🙂

14 Replies to “Thursday. Just Thursday.”

    1. No worries Logan. I’ll double check Wednesday and re-assign but don’t worry if you don’t get to it.

  1. #1 Belt because it’s the only one with a B
    #2 highlighter because it’s the only one with 2 words in it
    #3 big Nate because it’s the only one that doesn’t have a movie version of it
    #4 95 because it’s the only one that’s a odd number

  2. W.O.D.B.
    1. belt because a sock, t-shirt and sweater are made of cloth
    2. highlighter because pencil, eraser and stapler are school supplies
    3. Big Nate because it is a book while Harry Potter, Star Wars and Charlotte’s Web have books and movies
    4. 95 because it is a odd number

  3. W.O.D.B.?.
    The sock doesn’t belong because all the other pieces of clothes go on the top part of your body unlike the sock.
    The highlighter doesn’t belong because the highlighter is probably the brightest out of all the other objects are just a regular color.
    Big Nate doesn’t belong because that is the only comic book.
    95 Doesn’t belong because it is the only number with a five.

  4. I like going on zoom meeting tomorrow. Tomorrow I should come early before everyone except Ms. Armstrongc. And Mr. Wuj

  5. W.O.D.B.
    socks because it is for the lower body and the other items are for the upper body
    stapler because he other items you could write and erase and this item is for putting papers together.
    Charlotte’s Web because the other ones use imagination and this one is real
    95 because in all the numbers in the tens place it goes in the odds pattern but instead of 7 its 9 and in the ones place it goes in the evens pattern but instead of 8 it is 5.
    A activities,B basketball,C coloring,D drawing,E ELL,F friendship,G gym time,H helped each other,I ideas,J jokes,K kicking a soccer ball,L learning with friends,M making math fun,N numbers,O organizing,P picking our spots,Q (asking)question,R routine,S soccer,T time learning,U unique teachers,V voice practicing,W wondering, X xylophone playing,Y keeping yourself safe,Z zones.

  6. A-Z
    A = Art
    B= book
    C= computer
    D= division
    E= epic
    F= fraction
    G = gym
    H =homework
    I = instrument
    J = journal
    K = khan academy
    L = language arts
    M= Multiplication
    N = note
    O = online school
    P = painting
    Q = quiz
    R = reading
    S = social studies
    T = time
    U = unit
    V = vocabulary
    W = work outs
    X = xylophone
    Y = yarn
    Z= Zoom meeting

  7. the belt because it is an accessory.
    the highlighter because it is the only one with ink.
    Star Wars because it take place in space.
    number 12 because it is the lowest one.

  8. 2.
    A- Art
    C-Class Meeting
    D- Dictionary
    E- Epic Books
    F- Fraction
    G- Gym
    H- History
    I- Instant
    J- Journal Writing
    K- Kilogram
    L- listening
    M- Math
    N- News
    O- Online Learning
    P- Perimeter
    Q- Question
    R- Reading Online
    S- Social Studies
    T- Total
    U- Unable
    V- Vowel
    W- Washing Hands
    X- X-Mas
    Y- Year
    Z- Zoom Meeting

  9. A. Algebra
    B. Behave
    C. Cooking
    D. Drawing better
    F. Fractions
    G. Guiding
    H. Home school
    M. More math
    P. Playing
    Q. Question
    R. Respect
    S. Science
    T. Three square
    W. Writing

  10. W.O.D.B
    The numbers because it is the only one that is in equations.
    The first one because it is the only one that you can ware.
    The books because it is the only one that has pages.
    The second one because it is the only one that you use to write.

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