21 Replies to “May already?”

  1. For the random problem of the day you spend 5 dollars and 5 cents you would have 4 dollars and 95 cents change. Number 2 my name is 49$.I also haven’t checked the choice (oops) so I will check that later.

  2. Mrs. Lui wants Div 10 to listen to “Mussorgsky”s Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks ”


  3. If you go on her blog she has a link to listen to it. You will see the word “Read More” Click that then it will say somewhere in the paragraph that This is Div 10 work.
    If you need anything else I am free. I do not mind to help out. 🙂

  4. My brothers name is 57$ My dads name is 85$ My Moms name is 89$ And my name
    ( Lauryn ) is 91$. Altogether 57+85+89+91=322

  5. The answer to the math question is 350 because I just found the number of gum,Licorice and chips and then I added the three numbers together then subtracted 6.50 from 10.00 and then it was 350.

    I sort of cannot explain how I did it. 🙁


  6. MATH problem of the day
    Spent on:
    LICORICE = $1.50
    CHIPS= $3.75
    GUM= $1.25
    total money spent = 1.50+3.75+1.25= $ 6.50
    You will get $3.50 as change

  7. Random problem of the day
    10.00$ to spend.
    He or she spent 6.50$.
    He or she gets 3.50$ for change.

  8. Wordwork:
    I had already sent the value of my name, now I’m sending my mother and father’s:
    A=1, M=13, B=2,I=9, K=11, A=1.TOTAL : $37
    S=19, H=6, A=1, R=18, A=1, T=20, H=8.TOTAL:$75

  9. One of Ms. Lui’s activity’s are watching a video and then telling her or drawing her a picture about how the video made you feel.

  10. For the random problem of the day. had spent 5 dollars and 5 cents you would have 4 dollars and 94 cents I think.

    1. Check your work Yasmeen. You need to do some multiplying and some adding for that question. Finally, subtract the total from the $10. Try again.

    1. You need to give a value to each letter in your name. I suggest writing out the alphabet so it is easier to find out what each letter is worth. For example, the ‘a’ in your name would be $1. The ‘e’ in your name is the fifth letter so it would be $5. Try again.

  11. gum in total=1.25$
    chips in total=3.75$
    liquor in total=1.50$
    You spend 6 and a half dollars and you will get 3 and a half dollars for change.

  12. Math Random problem
    To spend $10
    Licorice – .15
    Chips – 1.25 x 3
    Gum – .25 x 5
    I will spend 3.75
    My changed is 6.25

  13. Word work math
    My name L 12$ I 13$ A$9 M1$ = 35
    Most is 68 is my mom
    I am the least 35
    Total is 227

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