Zoom Zoom

Hi everyone! Hopefully you will be able to join us for the Zoom meeting tomorrow. In preparation for that meeting please think about your experience so far. We have been learning from home now for about 4 weeks. It has been an interesting transition for all of us. Please take a moment and do your best to answer these questions:
1. Overall, how has this experience been for you? Explain. (in other words, use because…)
2. What have you been doing specifically to continue your learning?
3. Aside from going to school, what changes, if any, would you make to improve this experience?
Be thoughtful in your responses. This will be our conversation starter during our meeting.

9 Replies to “Zoom Zoom”

  1. 1 I feel like I really like doing online stuff that you give us

    I have been writing a lot and ya

    I really miss school and all my friends

  2. Hi Mrs. Armstrong,
    Will you be emailing information on Thursday’s zoom meeting? Or do we use the same link as the last one and will it be at 11 again?

  3. My experience
    1. Sometimes I feel good sometimes I feel bad, because I don’t like staying home all the time.
    2. I made a model of Sydney opera house. I can show you shortly.
    3. I want more meetings and talk to teachers more.

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