April 20-24

Off to another week of working apart πŸ™ I hope you were all able to rest and enjoy some time with family. This weekend we built a raised garden bed! We hope to grow carrots, tomatoes, snap peas, garlic, ginger, and potatoes to start. I say we hope because my thumbs aren’t exactly green.

I am going to give you some math to do. Some of it won’t seem like math because you need to read and write but when you think about math, you are still ‘doing’ math. The best way to practice math is through games. I encourage you to find games that require you to add/subtract/multiply/or divide. The easiest ones are games using cards or dice. Email me if you have a deck of cards and need some suggestions on what to play.

In the meantime, remember to do the activities Mr. Wu has set up for you. Yoga!? Yay! When you are finished your downward dog, you can click Work April20-24 and have some fun with math! I await your responses πŸ™‚

35 Replies to “April 20-24”

  1. Favorite Color bar Graph
    1. 10
    2. 6
    3. 5
    4. Orange and Yellow
    5. 6
    6. 5
    7. 0
    8. Green, Purple, Orange, Yellow, red, Pink and Blue.

  2. What are your odds of winning the lottery

    Quiz Results

    Great Job!
    You have answered 3 of 3 questions correctly and your score is:


    -Even if the odds of winning the lottery aren’t very good, we’ve all dreamed from time to time about what we would do with a million dollars (or more). What would you do?
    Spend some time today daydreaming about how you would spend a million dollars if you won the lottery.

    Where would you go? Hawaii.

    What would you see? The zoo.

    What kinds of things would you buy? Helicopter, lambo (sports car), super nice looking house, boat, dog, hamster, video game stuff, pokemon cards, lego.

    Would you give some money away? Yes, hospitals researching for cancer or coronavirus.

    How much would you save for the future? 1 million.

    Discuss your thoughts with your friends and family members. How would they counsel you to spend your winnings? Save it and invest.

  3. Hi mrs.armstrong,
    For the random question of the day my answer is 938 because it is a even number and if you add all the numbers it adds up to 20.It also is greater than 40*10 (400) and less than 1000*2 (2000)

  4. I think that the answer to the random question of the day is 488 because if its’s greater than 400 but smaller than 500 it must start with 4 than add 8 and another 8 to it now this makes 20.

  5. If i won a lottery i would give it to charity to help people in need,I would save half of my money for the future aducation. I would travel all around the world to see my loved ones my grandparents,aunts and uncles.I would buy a house for my family, a new car an Iphone 11Pro for me, some clothes and shose.I would go and see a festival.

  6. And i also i did Mrs.Armstrong the try it out and i scored a 100% on it and i also did the wonder word challenge and it said congratulation.

  7. The answer to the random question is 488 for the optional things I read a book on epic the graph I still have to do and could you explain the lotto thingy s question plez?

    1. Thanks Niko. How do you find Epic? Is it Ok? The lotto question was asking about what you would do if you won the lottery. There might have been a few other questions within to help you think of a response. Does that help?

  8. I would spend my money on books on my kindle for the lotto thing. I would also spend it on dinner as long as I get to choose what we haveyummy!

  9. The problem of the day # number is 488 case it must be a odd number like 0,2,4,6,8 like those number I try to do 264 204 884 but then I realised that if you switch 884 the # is 488

    1. The number definitely could be 488. It had to be between 400 and 500 and the digits needed to add up to 20. 8+8+4=20 so it works!

  10. Hi Mrs Armstrong,
    Can you let me know if you got my random question of the day answer because I just did and if not I will send it to you again.☺️

  11. Random question of the day is 497 because it all sums up to 20 and is greater than 400 and less than 500 πŸ™‚

  12. Hi Mrs. Armstrong,
    Well Winning the lottery is about luck so maybe if you are somewhere that their is a lottery and you will try it than wait for some people to go first and because it is about luck than you could have a higher chance but if you are to late than try next time. Different people sometimes have strategies to win but once again it is about LUCK. If I won the Lottery I would either donate it to the hospital for a need, the BC Spca to help the animals in need and maybe keep it to myself . πŸ™ ( I am not that selfish so that probably will not happen) Well maybe also for a pet or something. I also did the wonder word challenge. IT said 100%

    Lauryn πŸ™‚

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