April 14-17

I hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend! I’m going to give you work to do over the week. Take pictures and email me at casey.armstrong@burnabyschools.ca or comment on this post. When you click on the link titled ‘weekahead’ you will be taken to a word document. Please let me know if it doesn’t work because then I will have to send it another way. Thanks and enjoy :

20 Replies to “April 14-17”

  1. 1. What is Probability?
    “ # Of possibilities that meet by conditions” divided by “#of equally likely possibilities”.
    The chance you get a head when you flip a quarter is 50% ,the more you throw the closer result you can get.

  2. Probability is a result of an outcome of a Mathematical equation or a event.
    When I hear the word Probability I first think of possible ways to do things. Mathematical wise, possible ways to answer math questions and If you do somethings there is a chance it will not happen. There is a possible way it will not happen.
    I would explain this to a friend by telling them that probability is a word that explains there are possibilities for anything to happen.

  3. 4. Certain means that someone is sure of something.
    Example: I am certain Easter eggs in the house.
    Likely means that something will happen
    Example: I am likely to finish chapter 7 of Charlotte’s Web tomorrow.
    Unlikely means that something will probably not happen.
    Impossible means that something you can’t do.

  4. 1.honestly when I hear the word probility or how ever you spell it I don’t think about much I literally just think it’s a complicated word so I cant really do number 1
    2.things I’m allowed to do
    3.play(lego cards Pokemon ex.)
    Eat candy
    Play video games
    Watch movies
    Play video games without asking
    Make my parents mad (I do that a lot)I don’t get number threecertain means positive sure like they promised likely means it might happen but it might not your not sure unlikely means that it probably will happen but it might not.impossible means that like no matter how hard you try you wont succeed
    Carl collected 45 sea shells.

    1. Hi Niko. So glad you did the math. For #1 you were to define probability. Do you have a dictionary? For #3 you were asked to write down things that are possible and things that are impossible. For #4 you were asked to provide examples for each of the vocabulary words.

  5. Somethings I’m aloud to do home would be eat whenever I want.And play on my iPad. And do stuff that I’m not aloud to do in school. But I do miss school and all my friends and classmates.

  6. 1: sorry Miss Armstrong I looked it up in my sisters Dictionary and I tried searching it on my iPad but I still didn’t get the meaning .
    2: Always: Stretch and exercise, set a goal, write the ABC every day to improve your writing. Sometimes: Watch a movie, try to cook or bake something good or go and watch YouTube. Never: be rude to your parents, make the house messy, or eat too many sweets
    3: For question three I didn’t really know what to do sorry
    4: Synonyms for unlikely are Unnessesary and doubtful. Synonyms for likely are often I think and necessary. Synonyms for certain are sure and definite. And finally, synonyms for impossible are impractical and unthinkable:
    5: Carl collected 45 seashells

  7. Hi Mrs. Armstrong,
    When I complete Khan academy How come it does not say completed? But I either watched The math video or did the assigments other than the ones that are lower than 100 like 75 percent. I do not know what happened It is a bit frustrating because I keep needing to do do it all again:(. But when I go to The assigment you assigned me It just shows the math videos that have already been watched but It says its not completed yet


    1. Did you see my email? Has it shown as completed yet? Please don’t re-do anything unless you want it to show up.

  8. Hi Mrs. Armstrong these are my definitions
    17th april – friday

    Certain- you are sure of something. Specific but not named or stated.
    I was certain they were coming.
    Unlikely- not likely to happen, be done or be true.
    I received support from an unlikely ally.
    Likely- might happen or be true. Presumably. To be expected.
    It was likely a deer trail.
    Impossible- not able to occur, exist, or be done. Very difficult to deal with.
    It was impossible to keep Helen quiet.

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