Another one…

Great work on yesterday’s challenges everyone. I hope you enjoy these:

1. Yesterday was April’s full moon. Were you lucky enough to see it? If you can, find out the name of this moon and tell me why it has that name.

2. And now…Math.

There are three baskets, a brown one, a red one and a pink one, holding a total of ten eggs.

The Brown basket has one more egg in it than the Red basket.

The Red basket has three fewer eggs than the Pink basket.

How many eggs are in each basket?

Good luck! I await your responses 🙂

30 Replies to “Another one…”

  1. Hi Mrs.Armstrong,
    I found out that yesterday’s full moon is called a Pink Moon. The Pink Moon is called a Pink Moon because It’s the first full moon of spring in the Northern hemisphere. The name derives from a pink flower known as the phlox subulata that blooms in spring in North America. It looked AMAZING last night and it was so big.

  2. I think that the brown basket has 3 eggs the red basket has 2 eggs and the pink basket has 5 eggs. I did this by first giving each basket two eggs then I read your questions. The brown basket has one more egg then the red basket. The red basket has three fewer eggs then the pink basket. Then that’s when I started the work. I put one more egg in the brown basket then I went to the pink basket. You said that the red basket has three fewer eggs then the pink basket so I needed to add three more to the pink or It would not be red has three fewer than the pink basket. But most important is the total of eggs so now the brown basket has three eggs the red basket has two eggs and the pink basket has five eggs. That all adds up to a total of 10.

  3. Hi Mrs.Armstrong.In the red basket there is 2 eggs.In the brown basket there is 3 eggs.In the pink basket there is 5 eggs.

    The full moon in April is called Pink moon,it’s called Pink moon from the pink flowers that bloom in the early spring

  4. Hello mrs.armstrong I didn’t see the full moonbut it’s called full moon because it’s full and it’s big.

    1. It is full and big that’s for sure. It does have a special name though. I was hoping you could find that out.

  5. I did not see the full moon. My mom helped me find this on Google “April’s full Moon is called the Full Pink Moon, heralding the appearance of the “moss pink,” or wild creeping phlox—one of the early spring flowers. Other April full Moon names include the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon.

    1-B = 3 eggs
    1-R = 2 eggs
    1-P = 5 eggs

    My mom helped me with the math too….

    1. It’s ok to have your mom help you! You should be so lucky 🙂 Thanks for working through these today!

  6. 2. The pink basket has 5 eggs, the brown basket has 3 eggs, and the red basket has 2 eggs.
    So: 5+3+2=10
    1. The name of the full moon is Super pink moon it is the biggest moon in 2020. But the color isn’t pink.

    1. Great Sams! Thanks for working through these today. The moon definitely wasn’t pink but very full!

  7. My dad helped me and tried to explain algebra 🙂

    So brown is r+1 and red is just red and pink is r+3 so then it will = 10.

    brown =r+1 brown =2+1 = 3
    p r+3 =2-3 = 5
    10-brown + r =p 10 =r+1 +=r =r +3 10 = 3r +4 10 = 4 = 3r= 4
    6 =3r
    r=2 so brown has 3 eggs and red has 2 eggs and pink has 5 eggs

  8. i think the brown basket has two eggs and the red basket has thee eggs and the pink basket has five eggs.
    and its called the super pink moon because its the first full moon in spring.

  9. Answer #1: April’s full monies called the pink super moon it’s named after the wild ground phlox one of the first flowers to bloom in spring.

    Answer #2: I started by placing 1 egg into each basket. Then I looked at the hint that said The brown basket has 1 more egg than the red basket. So then I put 1 more egg BROWN basket. So then I looked at the 2nd hint that said The red basket has 3 fewer eggs than the pink basket . So then I put 3 more eggs into the pink basket . Then I checked that everything was right and I also noticed that I had 3 more eggs so I put 1 more egg into each colour basket. All 10 eggs were in the baskets. 5 in the pink one, 3 in the brown one and 2 in the red. I made sure that once again and everything was right!!!

  10. April full moon is called pink moon from pink flowers.

    My parents helped me to solve the math question by using algebra; they don’t know other ways to solve it.

    If red has x eggs, then brown has x+1 and pink has x+3. All together we have 10 eggs; so x+x+1+x+3 = 10; so x =2. This means brown has 3 eggs, red had 2, and pink has 5.

  11. The moon outside was called the pink Moon.

    If the pink basket had five eggs in it than 5-3=2 and 3+1=4 add them all together it is equall to 10.

  12. April’s full moon is called the pink supermoon. It is called pink because it is named after the moss pink flower. It is a supermoon because it appears as the biggest full moon of all the full moons in the year.

    1.The name pink moon comes from a pink flower called Phlox sublata. That blooms in spring.
    Brown basket has 3 eggs
    red basket has 2 eggs
    pink basket has 5 eggs

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