
Thanks to everyone who tried the Math from yesterday. I hope you can all practice on Khan Academy as well. Today’s challenges are:

1. W.O.D.B. (which one doesn’t belong) – remember to explain your choice and give me at least 2 choices

31 – 28 – 23 – 29

2. I’m thinking of a 4-digit number. All the digits are even. The number in the ones place is double the number in the 100’s place. The number in the 10’s place is a multiple of 3. What is my number?

Good luck. I await your response 🙂

46 Replies to “W.O.D.B.?”

  1. Good morning Ms. Armstrong

    1. 28 28 is an odd number while 31, 23,29 are even numbers
    2. 31 31 is in thirty’s while 28,23,29 is in twenty’s

    1. Hey Liam! Double check your first answer. Do you remember how to tell if a number is odd or even? Great job for doing the question!

  2. 1. 28 28 is an even number while 31,23,29 are odd numbers
    2. 31 31 Is in thirty’s while 28,23,29 is in twenty’s

    1. Great job Lazar! I was hoping someone would come up with a number different than the one I had thought of. Maybe it needs to be harder. What do you think?

  3. W,O,B,D

    1. The W doesn’t belong because it is the only letter that you can turn up-side down and get another letter.

    What’s my number?

    2. You said you have a 4 digit number and also said the ones place is double the number in the hundred’s place and the tens place is a multiple of the three’s place. So if in the hundred’s place there was a 4 then the one’s place is double the number and a multiple of 3 would be a 6 and then you are left with a 2 so your number would be 2468.

  4. 1.I think 23 does not belong because it is the lowest number
    2.31 does not belong because it is the highest number

  5. Hi mrs. Armstrong this is my W.O.D.B.

    31 because it is the highest number.

    Also 29 is two numbers below 31 and 23 and 28 both have two as their first digit

  6. I think that 28 does not belong because 31,23,29 are all odd and also 31 because it is the greatest number of all.23 does not belong because it is the lowest number. I am thinking about question 2 so I will answer it later on.

  7. 31 because all the other numbers have a 2 in the 10s place
    That was number 1
    Number 2 28 because it is the only one that it’s 1s place is even
    Ps. I said that sorta weird

  8. 1.
    31 because it is the only number in the 30’s
    28 because it is the only number that is even
    28 because it is the only number that is not a prime

  9. 1.31 because all of them start with 2 and 31 is the only one that has 3.1.28 because all of the other numbers ones place are odd numbers and in 28’s ones place it’s even.2.for 2it is 2468 or 8264.

  10. 1.31 becauserhe other numbers start with 2 and 31 starts with 3.2.28 because in the other numbers in there ones place the number is odd but in 28 it’s even.2. for 2 it can be 2468 or 8264.

  11. If the last number is 4 then the second number is 2 and if the last number is 8 then the second number is 4.So the last three numbers could either be 264 or 468. And then either 2,4,6,8 as the beginning numbers.

  12. I feel like 31 doe sent belong because because the rest of the numbers all start with 2 and there in the same row but 31 is in a different row that’s why 31 belongs.

    1. I think 31 doesn’t belong because it the only odd number.

      For question 2 I think the number is 2468

      (Sorry for responding late)

  13. question #1 is 2468
    question #2 is 31 because its not in the twenties and 28 because its a even number

  14. W.O.D.B.

    31 doesn’t belong because it is the 30 and the others are 20’s

    28 also could not belong because it is even

    The two four digit numbers are 8,264 and 2,468 The tens column is 6 is a multiple of 3. All the numbers are even the number in in the 1’s place is double the number in the 100’ s

  15. Yes I saw the April moon last night.
    It is called the pink moon because of the pink flowers in April that bloom in the spring.

    5 in pink
    2 in red which is 3 less than pink
    3 in brown which is 1 more than red

  16. Y es I saw the April moon last night.
    It is called the pink moon because of the pink flowers in April that bloom in the spring.

    5 in pink
    2 in red which is 3 less than pink
    3 in brown which is 1 more than red

  17. Hi Ms. Armstrong,

    1. W.O.D.B. (which one doesn’t belong) – remember to explain your choice and give me at least 2 choices
    28 is WODB because 28 is even number and the rest are odd numbers;
    31 is WODB because it is greater than 30 and the rest are less than 30.

    2. I’m thinking of a 4-digit number. All the digits are even. The number in the ones place is double the number in the 100’s place. The number in the 10’s place is a multiple of 3. What is my number?
    It can be either 2468 or 8264.

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