Monday April 6

Happy Monday everyone! For this week, I have a couple of things for you to do. Mr. Wu has a couple of things for you to do as well. Please do what you can and either respond to this blog or by email. I will be emailing families with this as well.
1.The first thing I want you try is:
Can you make 27 using these digits: 5 4 3 2 6 7
*try not using any digits twice
*try combining the digits using any function (+, -, x, /) – the slash is division 🙂
2.The next thing I want you to try is:
How many times does 9 appear in the first 100 numbers?
L.A. –
I want you to keep me up to date on your reading. I know you will have questions to complete for Mr. Wu, so I want you to summarize what you have read for me. When you complete the reading and have finished answering the questions, reply to me with a quick summary of what you read. You will need to be clear and to the point. Remember, I just want a summary. Please do not write out the whole book!

Stay tuned for another Math question tomorrow.

49 Replies to “Monday April 6”

  1. Question 1 – (5+4) + (3+2) + (6+7)=9+5+13= 27
    Question 2 – There are 11 nines in the first hundred numbers

    Story so far:
    So far I’m reading magic finger by Royal Dahl so there’s a girl that has a magic finger and her family loves to hunt and she hates them so she tapped her finger on them then they were all geese then people but they were geese with guns and they were going to shoot them but they took there house.
    I also read chapter 1 of charlotte web so there was a girl who loved peace so her dad went out to kill a runt she didn’t want hem to kill the runt so she tugged on his ax and refused hem to kill the runt then her dad said ok I won’t kill the runt so he’s going to bring it home then the runt was furns then her brother saw the runt and he didn’t know what it was at first then he knew what it was then they wad breakfast and charlotte wouldn’t eat it intel the runt would eat his.

  2. For #2 for the 9’s question is 20 and for

    #1 can be (5×4)+7=27
    ( 5 x 6 )-3=27
    2 7 put togther makes 27
    7×3+6 =27

    1. Oops…it’s 19. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking when I responded. You still were the first one to find them all though.

  3. Hi Mrs.Armstrong, I am just wondering if you can do 27 as you put 543267 if you can take the 2 and the seven and just push the 2 and the 7 together. If not I would totally understand.- Lauryn

  4. on the nine’s I thot it was 11 like all the other’s and then I counted and there were there were 7 9’s in the 90’s

  5. The title is Big Nate Game On – SWISH
    Nate loves to play basketball with his friends. At first he used to play a dirty game by talking smack while playing. He didn’t ListenTo his coach. And then realized he was wrongNeed to practice more and listen to his coach.

  6. 1. 27 24+3=27 2+7=27. 3+24=27

    2. 9,19,29,39,49,59,69,79,89,99, 11 times

    3. I am reading Charlottes Web. It is about a pig on a farm who was a lot weaker than the other pigs. The farmer decided to kill the pig but there was a girl who saw the farmer with an ax walking towards the pig. So the girl ran up to the farmer and grabbed the ax and said “you can’t kill that little pig” and he said “why not?”. The girl took the ax away and said “you can’t kill it”. Then the farmer said “what are we going to do with it then?”. Then the girl said I will take care of the pig and the farmer said okay.

      1. Hey Ms.Armstrong I can’t figure the 9’s question I counted 11 and I can’t see the answer as 20.

          1. I still don’t get it but you can turn the 6 upside down witch makes 12 but I can’t figure it out???

  7. Mrs.Armstrong, I could not send this in yesterday. So I’m doing it now.

    Q 1 – Digits to use: 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7





    I have used only addition.

    9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 99,
    Total number of nines are: 11

    1. No worries Ayra. I challenge you to look at question 2 again. Also, question 1 asked you to make 27. Do you want to try again?

  8. Dear Mrs.Armstrong

    Here are my answers for the questions that you sent.

    9 goes into 100 11 times with a remainder of 1.

    You can make 27 by adding up all of the numbers. You can also make 27 by combining the 2 and the7 together. Another way you can do it is by doing 5 times 6 to = 30 and then -3 to get 27. To make 27 you can also do 5 times 4 to = 20 and then add 7. You can also make 27 by doing 6 times 7 to= 42 then divid it by 2 to = 21 then you just have to add 7.

    1. Great work Sarah! I challenge you to look at the question of 9 one more time…just to be sure you have all of them 😉

    1. Great Meyri! I’ll give you the same hint I gave Russell. The 9 does not only appear in the ones place.

  9. Mrs. Armstrong: In chapter 1 of Charlotte’s Web, it starts off with Fern (the main character) asking her mother what her dad is doing with an ax. Her mother says there is a pig that was born and it is very small and is a runt. Fern didn’t like the idea of killing it so she put on her sneakers and ran out the door. When she caught up to her dad she grabbed onto the ax and said don’t kill it. Fern’s dad said that Fern needs to learn to control herself. Fern said, “control myself!” Then she said if I was born small then you would have kill me? Fern’s dad said no because people are different than pies. Fern said no they are not. Eventually, Fern won the fight and her dad said that he would bring the pig to her. So her dad did that and Fern gave it some milk and then the school bus came and Fern grabbed a doughnut and ran. Fern’s brother also went and he asked his dad if he could have a pig too. Fern’s dad (Mr. Arable) said pigs are only for early risers. But he still took a doughnut and ran for the bud like his sister did. Fern didn’t concentrate on the other students instead she looked out the window and thought about her pig. She decided to name the pig Wilbur. She kept thinking about Wilbur that when her teacher asked her what the capital of Pennsylvania was, she answered Wilbur.

  10. Charlotte’s Web is a book about a girl named Ferm raising a small pig named Wilbur. Then the pig gets to big for Ferm to take care of the pig so she had to give him Mr.Zuckerman. Mr.Zuckerman put him in a pig pen so he can’t get out but Ferm came to visit every afternoon. Then Ferm stopped coming to visit so Wilbur got lonely. There was a goose outside of his pen and he told him that there was a loose plank so Wilbur squeezes throw the plank. Then he ran away from the farm then a whole bunch of people ran behind him. The goose ran with him then all the animals in the farm new that Wilbur has escaped. The goose shouted to Wilbur to the woods to the woods but Mr Zuckerman attracted Wilbur with food. The goose tried to stopping him from walking to the food but he couldn’t stop him then the Mr.Zuckerman put Wilbur and the food in his pen. Wilbur felt lonely so he asked the goose to play with him but the goose had to sit on he or her eggs so he asked a lamb he said no then Wilbur asked Tempolten the rat but he said no. Wilbur felt lonely and he lyed down and cryed.

  11. Charlotte’s web Summary
    Fern Arable’s dad, Mr. Arable was going to kill one of the pigs in the Arable’s farm because it was a runt, but Fern Arable didn’t want her dad to kill the pig so she stopped him. Mr. Arable said that because it was a baby it would be too hard to take care of it. So Fern said that she would take care of it and then her father didn’t kill the piglet. Fern, later on, loved the pig she was taking care of and named it Wilbur. Later on, the pig was two months old and Fern’s dad made Fern sell it to her uncle because they didn’t have enough food to feed the pig. Fern’s uncle took the deal and Wilbur got a new home. Fern always went to visit Wilbur. One time when Fern was at school Wilbur felt bored. Then a goose told Wilbur that one of the boards on his part of the barn was loose and that he could escape captivity. When Wilbur went out of the barn Fern’s uncle chased him. Fern’s uncle couldn’t catch Wilbur but he put food in Wilbur’s part of the barn so Wilbur ran in to get the food. It was a trick but Wilbur fell for it. Later on the same day, it started to rain and Wilbur was bored. He asked some animals if they wanted to play with him but they gave some excuses. They just didn’t want to play with him because he fell for the trick with the food.

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