Slow Down

Well, it’s only day 2 of what would be our return to class. Because of that, I want to remind everyone that we would be taking it slow in the classroom as well. Our focus would be on getting back into a routine and easing our way back to schedules.
So, please slow down. I know you are all eager to get started again but I want to assure you that there will be time for work very soon. Right now, think about creating a new schedule. Consider what your day might look like. Mine will look like this:

2.Work – checking emails and writing this post
3.Break – take dogs for a walk
4.Work – finding learning opportunities for you
6.Read – start Harry Potter book 1
7.Break – actually laundry – not much of a break 🙂
9.Maybe some TV or some more reading

See! Not too hard, not too strenuous. Find balance in your day. Stay interested and engaged.
Share your schedules with me if you want – either here or email me.

17 Replies to “Slow Down”

  1. Hi Mrs.Armstrong my mom told me to write a list of what I do during (school) heh anyway back to what I was saying so basically what I do every day is simple
    1.I wake up at 9:00 to 10:00
    2.Homework or work
    4.more work
    5.screen time!
    6.walk dog with Owen yay?(my brother)
    11.if you count blinking and breathing then there would be a lot of those in between
    12.oh I forgot reading

  2. 你好老师
    Nice to hear from you.
    This’s my schedule,
    Playing game
    Seabus otter ii(wish,but not allowed )
    Outdoor,trail Burnaby mountain,biking along Stanley park,
    Watching maleficent mistress of evil

  3. Hi Ms. Armstrong, this is my schedule. After lunch, it is not always the same.
    -Wake up-8:30am
    -get ready-9:00am
    -have breakfast-9:30am
    -do math-10:00am
    -check teachers blog-11:30am
    -book reading-2:30am
    -brain pop video watching-3:30am
    -free time!!!-4:00am
    -documentary watching-5:00am
    -code-a-thon start-9:00am
    -code-a-thon end-11:00am

  4. Hi Ms. Armstrong,
    this is my schedule. After lunch, it is not always the same.
    -Wake up-8:30am
    -get ready-9:00am
    -have breakfast-9:30am
    -do math-10:00am
    -check teachers blog-11:30am
    -book reading-2:30am
    -brain pop video watching-3:30am
    -free time!!!-4:00am
    -documentary watching-5:00am
    -code-a-thon start-9:00am
    -code-a-thon end-11:00am

    1. I did get it through the blog! Thanks! It’s good to see you are keeping busy and doing some very interesting things!

  5. My kids schedule is:
    9-9:45 am math
    9:45-10:15 reading
    10:15-10:45 recess (snack and play)
    10:45-11:30 curriculum books/school work
    11:30-12:00 arts/crafts or quiet play
    12-1 lunch and screen time
    1-1:45 curriculum books/school activity/writing activity
    1:45-2:15 curriculum books/school activity/writing activity Mon, Wed and Fri
    2:15-2:45 exercise/gym

  6. Hey Mrs. Armstrong I wanted to tell you about my schedule so this is what I do
    1. Wake up 8-9
    2. Eat breakfast and then get ready 9 to 9:30
    3. Reading and reading log 9:30 to 10:00
    4. After that we do math from 10:00 to 11:00
    5.recess yay play outside or play in the basement 11:00 to 12:00
    6.lunch 12:00 to 12:30
    7. Word work 12:30 to 1:30
    8. Science video and questions 1:30 to 2:30
    9. play outside again yay 2:30-3:30
    10. Art 3:30-4
    11 . Freedom haha free time 4-6
    12. Dinner 6-630
    13. Movie or I pads dessert 6:30-9:30
    14. Bedtime 9:30
    15 repeat

  7. HI Mrs.Armstrong this is my schedule for the day:


    do my English Kumon


    do Math Kumon

    class blog


    watch two episodes of wizards of Waverly place

    play video game



    listen to podcast called 6 minutes

  8. Hi Mrs Armstrong This Is my schedule for the day. _ Wake up at 8:30 -9:00.
    _ Breakfast
    _Do khan Academy for 20 minutes
    _Do Libby ( reading app)
    _Math workbook
    _Reading workbook
    _Readtheory 20 minutes
    _Lunch ( I usually am not hungry)
    _Watch social studies realated Tv
    _Watch Outrageous acts of Science
    _Bad Fights/Arguments with my brother
    _finish my day
    _Watch Movie

      1. Hi Mrs. Armstrong, I will definetly have fun on the weekend! Doing work at home Is so much like going to school but no friends just brother.

  9. Hi Mrs Armstrong here is my schedule sorry its super late
    3.take care of my baby sister
    4.break science experiments
    7.math book with my nintendo switch
    9.set the table for dinner
    11. bathtime a book

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