Music anyone?

Although we can’t go to music class right now, Mrs. Lui has added activities to her blog. You can get to her blog here

Missing all of you

Today was a strange day. For those of you who I was able to speak with today, I miss you. For those that I missed talking with, I miss you too. It was so good to hear your voices. I am proud of each of you. You are keeping busy and hopefully trying to enjoy this time at home with family. Keep checking the class blogs and staying safe.

Slow Down

Well, it’s only day 2 of what would be our return to class. Because of that, I want to remind everyone that we would be taking it slow in the classroom as well. Our focus would be on getting back into a routine and easing our way back to schedules.
So, please slow down. I know you are all eager to get started again but I want to assure you that there will be time for work very soon. Right now, think about creating a new schedule. Consider what your day might look like. Mine will look like this:

2.Work – checking emails and writing this post
3.Break – take dogs for a walk
4.Work – finding learning opportunities for you
6.Read – start Harry Potter book 1
7.Break – actually laundry – not much of a break 🙂
9.Maybe some TV or some more reading

See! Not too hard, not too strenuous. Find balance in your day. Stay interested and engaged.
Share your schedules with me if you want – either here or email me.

New territory

Well, this is not how I expected to be communicating with my students. I guess I will get very familiar with this blog 🙂
We are entering new territory right now but I am confident we will overcome adversity and succeed. My first priority is that you are all healthy and safe. Please be well and know that I am thinking of all of you and missing your smiles. I must admit, I miss how loud you get too!
Please take care of yourselves. I will be contacting you very soon. Stay tuned.


Well, I’m not the best at keeping this site updated but I have to start somewhere. So here goes. We are currently focusing on a variety of topics ranging from leadership to kindness and from telling time to understanding the moon phases. Also, we have been busy weaving and just started trying to weave a pouch. Although it is not the favourite activity of all of us, they sure have shown perseverance.
Valentine’s Day is on the horizon and we will be exchanging cards and doing some art around the theme of kindness and caring. Well, that wasn’t so bad. Perhaps I will teach myself to sit down and update you on a more regular basis. Please check the reminders page for…well…reminders!
Until next time…

Better late than never

Well, it’s been 2 months since we started back for a new school year. It has been an exciting and busy couple of months! With so much going on at our school, it is important to check the website and your child’s planner for the many events and activities happening every week.

Home Stretch

I cannot believe we are down to our last month of school already! So much is happening over the next while be sure to check your child’s planner regularly.

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a chance to rest, connect and recharge over the break. I’m looking forward to another great term! Please be sure to check your child’s planner for some upcoming events. We have tennis lessons, Literacy Week, student led conferences, a field trip, and Sports Day all happening very soon.