Zoom Zoom

Hi everyone! Hopefully you will be able to join us for the Zoom meeting tomorrow. In preparation for that meeting please think about your experience so far. We have been learning from home now for about 4 weeks. It has been an interesting transition for all of us. Please take a moment and do your best to answer these questions:
1. Overall, how has this experience been for you? Explain. (in other words, use because…)
2. What have you been doing specifically to continue your learning?
3. Aside from going to school, what changes, if any, would you make to improve this experience?
Be thoughtful in your responses. This will be our conversation starter during our meeting.

April 29

Great work on yesterday’s post. I’m impressed with those of you who found the mystery word. If you haven’t yet, look again and see if you can figure it out.
For today, I have some more math activities but also a few others. Remember to try one of the choices and let me know which one you decided to do.
Click on the date to get started!

Tuesday, April 28

Hi everyone! I hope you had a restful Pro-D. I attended 2 online workshops that were long but worthwhile.
I’ve decided to stick with posting your work here because not all of us are on Teams yet. I will also put this work on Teams though in case you want to complete it there instead.
Click on the link below and find your work for today.


I know it’s hard to believe but we are actually having a Professional Development day on Monday, April 27th. Teachers will not be available on that day because they will be busy tuning in to a variety of virtual workshops. It won’t feel too different for you seeing as though you are already home that day but you won’t have any work to do! That’s good news isn’t it? Let me know how you plan on spending the day.


Well, happy Friday everyone! I hope you had a productive week. It was good to see all of the work you sent my way. Remember, there was a list of ‘can-do’ that I was hoping you would give a try. You still can!
Today I thought I would post another random math problem. It goes like this:

I have 453 blue Lego pieces and 357 red pieces of Lego.
1. How many do I have altogether?
2. How many more blue pieces do I have than red?
3. If I wanted to share all the pieces with a friend, could I divide them equally between us? If so, how many would we get each?

Clean Hands

So, I was at the school yesterday doing some work and I must of washed my hands a dozen times. I guess I could have used hand sanitizer but I didn’t have any with me and I would have had to go to the office each time. On my way home I was thinking about soap and water versus hand sanitizer. Then I found a video about hand sanitizer from, you guessed it, Mystery Doug. So, I thought I’d share it with you here

Happy Earth Day!

April 22 is Earth Day. One of my favourite things to do is to go outside and into nature. Earth Day is a reminder that we need to protect our Earth so we can continue to appreciate its value. I came across this video that looks at just how old our planetary home really is. Enjoy!
How old is the Earth?

April 20-24

Off to another week of working apart 🙁 I hope you were all able to rest and enjoy some time with family. This weekend we built a raised garden bed! We hope to grow carrots, tomatoes, snap peas, garlic, ginger, and potatoes to start. I say we hope because my thumbs aren’t exactly green.

I am going to give you some math to do. Some of it won’t seem like math because you need to read and write but when you think about math, you are still ‘doing’ math. The best way to practice math is through games. I encourage you to find games that require you to add/subtract/multiply/or divide. The easiest ones are games using cards or dice. Email me if you have a deck of cards and need some suggestions on what to play.

In the meantime, remember to do the activities Mr. Wu has set up for you. Yoga!? Yay! When you are finished your downward dog, you can click Work April20-24 and have some fun with math! I await your responses 🙂