May 27, 2022

Read 90 minutes

Friday Movie Night – Today at 6 p.m. in the gym

Field Trip Notice – May 31

Handwriting – Monday

Track Practice – Monday 3;30 p.m.

Parent Appreciation Monday Morning by the gym doors at 8:30 a.m.

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on May 27, 2022

May 26, 2022

Read 30 minutes

Spelling Unit 31 assignment and Test – Friday

Library Books – Friday

Field Trip notice for Fort Langley – May 31 or ASAP

Movie Night at Buckingham – Friday night at 6 p.m.

Today the students participated in the Bartering Activity with Division 6 to gain a greater understanding of how the European Explorers and Indigenous People exchanged goods in the past. Discuss with your child what they learned from the experience.

Some questions you may ask are as follows:

How did you communicate during bartering? Why did your teachers ask you to do it that way?

What do you think happened when some items weren’t as popular as others?  Why was it important to remain respectful during bartering?




Categories: Homework | Comments Off on May 26, 2022

May 25, 2022

Read 30 minutes

Parents need to sign off on Bartering activity. Students need to write their items in pen before a parent can sign off the permission notice. – Thursday

Gym – Thursday

Fieldtrip Notice for Fort Langley – May 31


Categories: Homework | Comments Off on May 25, 2022