October 26

Read 30 minutes

Spelling Unit 4 handout – Thursday

Pumpkin Patch at school tomorrow. Dress for the weather and bring a bag for your pumpkin.

Spelling Test – Friday

Grade 4 FSA next week Tuesday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 26

Read 30 minutes. Use Home Reading Book.

Grade 4 page 60. Complete questions 1-3 and if you have you time questions 4 and 5.

Gym Shoes – Wednesday

Spelling Unit 4 handout – Thursday   Test: Friday

Grade 4 FSA test has been moved to next week Nov. 1

Grade fours may want to try the FSA practice tests here.

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on

Read 30 minutes

Music at 8:50 a.m. on Tuesday

Library books due tomorrow.

Grade 3 p. 76-77 questions 7-9 at least, 10

Math 3 pages 60 – 77 link here.

Grade 4 FSA starts tomorrow. Grade fours may want to try the practice  tests here.



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