September 26, 2023

Welcome to Division 5’s Blog.  I look forward to meeting many of you today and tomorrow during the intake meeting. Please check the schedule below for your session. If you cannot find your child, please double check that you have chosen the correct teacher and division for your meeting.

Today the students will be dismissed at 2 p.m.


Read 20 or 30 minutes

Terry Fox Fundraiser

Spelling Unit 2 handout – due Thursday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on September 26, 2023

September 5, 2023

Welcome Back, Division 5 Families!

Today, we only had a short one hours session where we reconnected with each other. Tomorrow, we will have  regular school day (8:50. Please have your child bring the following items:

  1. Pencil box with their supplies (e.g., pencils, pencil crayons, scissors)
  2. One inch binder
  3. Recess snack and Lunch
  4. Book or novel to read (optional)


Categories: Homework | Comments Off on September 5, 2023

June 19

The Grouse Mountain field-trip is on Monday, June 19. It is really important that your child is here on time at 8:15 a.m. . I will be at the school at 8 and will have the door open. We must leave by 8:30 a.m.  We cannot wait for any late students.  

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather on the mountain (e.g., proper foot wear, hat, sunscreen, dress in layers and/or waterproof outerwear if it’s drizzling/rain). Students must bring a recess snack, packed lunch and water bottle.

There is rain in the forecast. Please make sure your child has layers and a waterproof jacket and/or umbrella.

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