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October 4, 2022

Posted by on October 4, 2022

Hello Division 5 Families!

Welcome to our class blog.

I usually blog the students homework here on a daily basis, but the students are also responsible to write down their homework in their planner. Some students will have homework today. Tomorrow is an early dismissal at 2 p.m. for parent intake meetings.  Please  book your time if you haven’t already. Here is the link. 

I am looking forward to learning more about your child in the next couple of days.

Ms. Wong


Read 30 minutes

Math Grade 4 page 44 questions 1-3 if you are not done. The page has been photocopied for your child. There is also a Math Makes Sense 4 textbook link on this site. It is due tomorrow

Daily Language Quiz Week 1-2 – tomorrow

Spelling Unit 1 handout and test. Spelling words are also written down in their planner every week after Friday of the week. – Friday

Math Test has been moved to Monday.

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