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May 31, 2022

Posted by on May 31, 2022

UBC Field Trip – June 1, 2022

8:45 a.m. – attendance check tomorrow

9:00 a.m. – Bus boarding and departure. We will not wait for latecomers.

Students need to bring their back pack and have the following:

  • water bottle with water
  • recess snack
  • lunch
  • appropriate dress for the weather since we will be outside in the garden in the afternoon
  • cap or baseball cap and/or sunscreen (optional)

Students will not be allowed to bring any money or be given permission to visit the gift shop or buy any food or drinks.

Pizza orders will be given to the students upon their arrival back to the school.



Read 30 minutes

Spelling Unit 28 assignment – Thursday

Track practice tomorrow morning has been cancelled.



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