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October 23, 2023

Read 20 or 30 minutes. Social Studies mapping quiz signed. The grade 4s will be writing one online FSA quiz this week. Practice tests are locatedĀ  here.   Division 5 and 6 started working together on their Capoeira performance today. Capoeira combines dance, martial arts and gymnastics. They all had a wonderful time and started … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 23, 2023

Hello Division 5 Families! The grade 4s started the FSA testing today. Tomorrow they will continue on in the booklet where they will complete the Numeracy portion. Next week, they will start the online portion of the FSA. Just a reminder, the Canada mapping (e.g., provinces, capital cities, oceans) quiz will be on Thursday for … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on

October 13, 2023

Read 60 or 90 minutes. Math 3 worksheet due on Monday The students will have a Social Studies map test next week on Thursday. Our main focus is on the provinces, territories and capital cities of Canada. The students can study from the work we have done in class and there is a Canada map … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 13, 2023