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March 9, 2012

Read 60 minutes and Record for Book Club Wash Gym Strip – Monday Library – Monday Music/Recorder – Monday Start memorizing lines for Reader’s Theatre – Monday Flashlight – Monday Math 5 handout on Decimal Benchmarks – Monday Math 4 – review drills to practise for speed and accuracy and parents sigh work Pizza and … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on March 9, 2012

March 8, 2012

Read 20 minutes and Book Club Sign Science and Reading Quiz Gym Math 4 test signed and corrected Grade 5 p. 181 #1-3 Pizza Order – Tuesday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on March 8, 2012

March 2, 2012

Read 20 minutes per evening and Book Club No School on Monday, Tuesday and Wedenesday but check the news for updates or Buckingham website Math 5 handout p. 179 #6-10 Art Folder – when you come back Gym Strip – wash and clean Reading handout – when you return

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on March 2, 2012