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June 22, 2012

Read 60 minutes NO MATH HOMEWORK but study your math drills Gym Strip- Monday Recorders – Monday Plastic Bag for supplies and Diorama – Monday Sketch – Tuesday Picnic Snack – Tuesday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on June 22, 2012

June 21, 2012

Read 20 minutes Spelling Test Math 4 p. 231 questions 1-4 (BRING TEXTBOOK) Math 5 p. 313 question 3 all Gym – Friday Picnic Notice – Tuesday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on June 21, 2012

June 19, 2012

Read 20 minutes SHOE BOX and craft supplies for Diorama – Wednesday Presentation – Wednesday Math 5 – test signed and corrections Math 4 – test signed and corrections Spelling – Wednesday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on June 19, 2012