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November 2, 2012

Read 60 minutes and Record for Book Club Gym – wash strip and be prepared for Km Club Math 5 handout – Monday Math 4 get your quiz signed Scholastic Book Fair Monday – Wednesday Sketch Halloween – Monday Bookmark for Scholastic Book Fair contest – Monday Speech Criteria and Speech – Tues French handout … Continue reading »

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November 1

Read 20 minutes Loose Change or Bills $$ for Unicef Fundraiser (Unicef Link) Gym – Friday French handout – Friday Math 5 take notes on page 14 Table and defintions Spelling Unit 6 and DOL Quiz- Friday Scholastic Book Fair Monday – Wednesday Scholastic Book Order – November 9 Sketch – Monday Speech Criteria and … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on November 1

October 31, 2012

Read 20 minutes Loose Change or Bills $$ for Unicef Fundraiser (Unicef Link) C’est Halloween card – Thursday Spelling Unit 6 and DOL Quiz- Friday Scholastic Book Order Students meet with Mrs. Dumont for choir – Friday regarding November 19 performance Happy Halloween and Be Safe

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 31, 2012