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November 8, 2012

Read 20 miutes and record for Book Club Notice: Volunteer and handout flyers for Craft Fair Math 5 Handout Science Circulatory System Handout- Thursday HACE – “Food Groups” handout – Friday Spelling Test – Friday Scholastic Book Order – Thursday Pizza Day – Thursday Remembrance Day Assembly – 2 pm Friday (black attire) Math 5 … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on November 8, 2012

November 6, 2012

Read 20 miutes and record for Book Club Gym – Wednesday Notice: Volunteer and handout flyers for Craft Fair Music permission slip/driver – Wednesday Math 5 p. 25 questions 4-8 Science Speech – Wednesday Math 4 Handout “Adding 3 Digit Numbers” Spelling handout – Wednesday Scholastic Book Fair – Tuesday, Wednesday Scholastic Book Order – … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on November 6, 2012

November 5, 2012

Read 20 miutes and record for Book Club Gym – Tuesday Notice: Volunteer and handout flyers for Craft Fair Math 5 p. 22 questions 3-6 Math 4 Handout “Adding 3 Digit Numbers” Spelling handout – Wednesday Scholastic Book Fair – Tuesday, Wednesday Scholastic Book Order – Thursday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on November 5, 2012